WTB Aerobars (1)

Want to buy aerobars (base bar, extensions, pads, armrests etc) . Either 3T, Hed, Zipp (will consider others).


I have a Bontrager XXX Lite Carbon or Easton Attack TT aerobars for sale here:

I have a set of Hed for sale. I upgraded to the Cee Gee pads as well for added comfort (much better than stock Hed armrest pads).

Comes with integrated brake levers. PM if interested. Exact specification here:


I can send pics as well, just PM your email so its easier. I’ll have to take pics later today since I just decided to sell them. $225 shipped.

will be posting new-in-box Zipp bars with ski bend extensions later… PM me if you’re interested

If you are still looking, I just reposted these:


Probably not exactly what your looking for, but worth a shot…

I have some Easton Aeroforce Carbon bars (large) 26mm listed in the ST classifieds.

Dean Wilson
Bicycle Protection Indoors & Out