Looking for a 50 CM tri bike for myself. Preferably a used Felt S22, Trek Equinox, or something in that caliber.
I’m 5’5" and I ride 50 cm Cannondales. I’m tired of borrowing my friend’s bike for tri’s and would like to purchase one for myself to race in. Plus I just got my tax refund. Yay!!!
I have my Blue T-12 TT bike up for sale-see it on this classified site. It is a 50. Great bike. Love it, just getting a new one, same bike.
I have a 51cm Cervelo P2K frameset in hot yellow. Only raced, in pristine condition. Let me know if U R interested.
I have a almost new 2008 Javelin Arcole with 105 front/rear derailuers and SLK crankset. $1200. Email me at fujio001@yahoo.com and I can send some pictures.
2007 Cannondale Six13 Slice–framset or built to your specs. Slice fork, Si Carbon crankset and SI BB, your choice on the rest.