WTB: 3T Ventus (1)

Looking for a 3T Ventus. I know there were at least two iterations and differing levels of rise/drop with each. I’m not too worried about that, if you have one you are willing to sell please message.

I’m looking to get the front of my 2011 P4 Evo back to OE spec.

Looking for 3T Ventus base bar with extensions.

I have a pair. - the ones with the brake levers attached. Very aero!

I planned to put it on ebay this week. If you want, I can send you pics and if you’re interested we can discuss price and I’ll give you first crack at it. Probably the easiest thing is to send me your email address.

Feel free to PM me.

Bumping this…anyone have a pair of 3T Ventus LTD in -17 drop - either silver/black or white/gold cancellara edition?

Pm me with pics/condition/price.

I have a new Ventus 2 with the carbon comfort cradles and uncut straight carbon extensions. This is the model that allows use of regular aero brake levers rather than the built in tiny ones on the Ventus one (critical if you run Di2).

It’s never been installed.

Thank you. I already own a Ventus 2 LTD. I’m after the Ventus mk1 LTD in -17

Hi, this might be a long shot but do you still have these available?

I have a Ventus 1 LTD setup. Shoot me a message!

Hi! Thanks for the reply, so I’m assuming that you are prepared to sell these? What condition are they in? And this may be a deal breaker, but would you be prepared to ship to Australia? Are you able to send a few pictures? And how much are you asking for them?

Sent ya a PM

I have one for sale. Brand new carbon cradles and pads, straight and profile S-bend extensions as well as AeroCoach 15* risers. Msg me for a pic. I can’t upload it. It’s too big a file.