Wrong seat showed up, should I keep?

I ordered a Selle Italia SLR earlier in the week and a Selle Italia SLR XC Gel Flow showed up. The Gel Flow is designed for “Offroad, Freeride”. I don’t want to try it out and find out it isn’t going to work. Should I just send this back or could this possibly be more comfortable than an SLR for road/tri riding?



why dont you toss it on the bike and see if you like it real quick before you decide what to do…

seems like the most logical thing to do… who are we to tell you what your butt is going to like…

I don’t want to scratch the rails and not be able to return it.

So send it back… Or toss some electrical tape on the rails and bolt it on, then you wont scatch em, and u can try it out!

Go with what you originally wanted. I assume you did resarch before your purchase. Stick with your instincts.

Communicate with the seller that the shipment you received is incorrect. If you are curious to try it out, ask the seller if you can give it a go on your bike and send it back if you don’t like it. Either way, sounds like you still need the seat you originally ordered.