Wove saddles

As self proclaimed tri newbie, I don’t know what makes one better than the other.

When we designed our V8 TT + Tri saddle, we paid special attention to 3 areas of the saddle’s design to relieve soft tissue pressure, support the pelvic bones, and prevent thigh rubbing.

1. Channel Width: The V8’s channel width provides ample soft tissue relief, whether riding on the nose or upright towards the rear.

2. Nose Width: The V8’s nose width supports the pelvic bones - it’s not so narrow that the nose sits between these bones and increases soft tissue pressure & discomfort, and not so wide as to rub & chafe the inner thighs.

3. Transition: The V8’s transition from rear to nose quickly tapers to get the saddle out of the way to maximize thigh clearance and reduce the likelihood of thigh rub and chafing.

Take a look at our side by side comparison here to other TT + Tri saddles to visually inspect how we paid attention to these 3 key areas. (nose widths measured at the furthest point forward that the rider can sit on the saddle - saddles with rounded noses are measured further back for this reason)