Wove saddles

Our V8 TT saddle is for sale: wovebike.com/v8saddle

Feel free to ask me questions.


Nice looking saddle. The holes at the back I assume are for mounting a cage? Do you have a photo of how you propose to do it or have done as it looks close to the rails? As someone that has ridden the Dash TT for some time now can I suggest making an angled carbon adaptor for BTS mounting a bottle on an angle as an extra? I have ejected many bottles until adding extra angle my own wedges and finding the right cage. People always ask what the hollow in my Dash saddle is for…

Nice looking saddle. The holes at the back I assume are for mounting a cage? Do you have a photo of how you Propose to do it or have done it? As someone that has ridden the Dash TT for some time now can I suggest making an angled carbon adaptor for BTS mounting a bottle on an angle as an extra? People always ask what the hollow in my Dash saddle is for…

Hi there - we actually built an angle directly into the carbon and the saddle comes with hardware for mounting a cage. We’re going to manufacture the hardware in the coming weeks - for folks who’ve already received their saddles, we’ll ship the hardware separately when it’s ready. I’ll post a pic below of the prototype hardware (yes, that’s a waterbottle cage we’re testing specifically made for the bts position to be released in 3-4 months. So far, I can’t launch a full 33oz bottle even when bunny hopping… and I can get the bottle out with ease.)


Screenshot 2022-07-20 214226.png

Orders shipping and a test saddle sent to Dan today…

I got my wove saddle this week and have two rides on it so far. I know Nick and I have been following this project with interest. I know that he meticulously iterated the design for the shape of the saddle and foam padding with testing from Sam Long and Rudy von Berg.

Saddles have always been a thing that I considered good if I could tolerate it for 5 hours in aero. Toleration was about as much as I have ever expected. I had been using a Dash saddle and before that I had been riding Adamo.


For several years I have used an XLab BTS single bottle mount. Below are some photos of the Wove saddle installed on my IA Advanced Frame Set.


Starting with a visual inspection of the saddle, it’s hard to believe that this thing is literally hand made by a single guy. The fit and finish are superb. The round carbon rails and their attachment points look engineered and professionally manufactured. I compare this with the Dash saddle which is handmade and looks like it. In fact, the carbon rails on my Dash look particularly janky and both of them have cracks after a couple years of use.

The BTS bottle mount includes a black-anodized bar with threaded holes that fits in the groove on the top of the saddle and a bottle cage mounts directly to the bottom of the saddle. This system is far cleaner, lighter and easier to put on and remove than the XLab system I have been using. 10x better at least!

The padding on the saddle is thicker and softer than pretty much any top end road or TT saddle that I am aware of. The semi-grippy covering of the padding is actually molded directly onto the saddle and it looks super precise and clean.

As I hopped on for my first ride and headed up my driveway, I immediately said out lout to myself, “I think I like this saddle!” It was totally spontaneous and genuine, I swear. The reason is that the shape and padding of the saddle was dramatically more comfortable to what I had been riding and it was immediately noticeable. I found the nose of the saddle to be just right for my TT position and the texture of the saddle was just right to make me feel stable in my position, but not so grippy that I could not re-adjust if necessary. The back of the saddle is in just the right place to give support when I sit up on the base bars, which was a big complaint I had about the Dash. It was pretty good in aero position, but terrible when sitting up.

As you can see from the photos and the tape on my seat post, I had to raise the post 5mm or so to match the saddle height of the Dash. On recommendations from Wove, I have the saddle installed a few degrees nose down and I think that is the way to go. I’m actually thinking about pointing the nose even a little further down.

I am more than happy with this saddle. I have not yet done a long ride on it, but if it continues to feel as great as it has so far when I’m 3-4 hours in the saddle, then I will have to declare this the best saddle I’ve ever been on.

As someone who is riding a Arione Tri saddle with reasonable comfort, I am always looking for the next best saddle. Any chance you have ridden an Arione Tri in the past and could compare? Would love to find a new comfortable, light saddle with BTS included in.

I haven’t ridden any of the Fizik saddles. I’ve been a fan of split nose saddles for a long time now…

Thanks for the reply. I have not tried an Adamo or other split nose. So, that is such a change for me. Maybe it would work great, but it is not a cheap option to try for.

Being the cheap-ass that I am, and having spare time for it, I learned how to re-cover my Selle Italia Flite saddle when the leather inevitably wears out. Costs me about $10 in leather, or less. What do you do about a $600 saddle that will, inevitably, wear out? Or is it just me? The sides of the nose of my saddles wear through in about a year (7,000-8,000 miles).

Being the cheap-ass that I am, and having spare time for it, I learned how to re-cover my Selle Italia Flite saddle when the leather inevitably wears out. Costs me about $10 in leather, or less. What do you do about a $600 saddle that will, inevitably, wear out? Or is it just me? The sides of the nose of my saddles wear through in about a year (7,000-8,000 miles).

Hi there, we offer a reupholstering when the foam and cover are worn out. Our shell/rails are going to last for many years, so this is definitely a service we are offering. More info: https://wovebike.com/guarantee

I support the angle for the BTS cage. Nicely done!

This looks pretty amazing!

I have finally found a saddle that I am mostly happy with, so I am not in the market currently, but this would be on a short list of saddles that I am interested in .

Fit question about the saddle!

I know (or think…) with the typical split ISM saddles, your sit bones sit on the prongs, and you privates are kind of off the front, as is possibly your prostate (or sitting in between the prongs)…

With yours, is the idea that the sit bones will rest back on the wide section of the saddle? I get the narrow nose will help with thigh rubbing, but how does the nose not dig into the privates and prostate?


Fit question about the saddle!

I know (or think…) with the typical split ISM saddles, your sit bones sit on the prongs, and you privates are kind of off the front, as is possibly your prostate (or sitting in between the prongs)…

With yours, is the idea that the sit bones will rest back on the wide section of the saddle? I get the narrow nose will help with thigh rubbing, but how does the nose not dig into the privates and prostate?


Like with ISM’s and other split nose saddles, most of us riding the Wove V8 are sitting on the nose when in the aerobars. Here’s a quick instagram video of Rudy demonstrating this: https://www.instagram.com/…?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

The arms along the nose do support the pubic bones when in the aerobars and the rear of the saddle supports the sit bones/ischial tuberosity when sitting up. The nose is 53.8mm wide at the front of the nose.

We really labored over getting the width of those arms just right to provide support while not being too wide or narrow, and our channel between the arms is wide, putting zero pressure onto the prostate or other soft tissue. We tested hundreds of people, but on our team, I’m the person most sensitive to soft tissue pressure and so the width of the channel was so important to me, pro athletes needed no thigh rubbing, and Craig of eecycleworks, our engineer, has very sensitive nerves along the pelvic bones and so he was our go-to tester for ensuring the padding was just right (note: that pelvic bone nerve sensitivity is not a male or female issue, and neither is saddle nose width or the need for soft tissue relief; those preferences/sensitivities are spread pretty equally throughout genders).

any chance of a BF sale?

Wondered the same.

I’ve used the Arione after the worst saddle experience of my life…the Tritone…first edition. Switched to the Joff 55 after Arione and it was a game changer. Then I bought a DASH and I love it. Best saddle yet—but have not experienced any cracked rails yet like Ed/ Row To Tri——Ed, where along the rail did your Dash crack? They will fix it for you if you contact them.

Question, is Sam Long still using the Wove?

nice feature over on cyclingtips this morning: https://cyclingtips.com/...or-breaking-records/


I’ve used the Arione after the worst saddle experience of my life…the Tritone…first edition. Switched to the Joff 55 after Arione and it was a game changer. Then I bought a DASH and I love it. Best saddle yet—but have not experienced any cracked rails yet like Ed/ Row To Tri——Ed, where along the rail did your Dash crack? They will fix it for you if you contact them.

Question, is Sam Long still using the Wove?

Which Dash saddle were you using that worked for you after using the Arione?

The Dash Strike. It has a bit of flare half way back for some more support while climbing for sitting up in the saddle–which I do. But is narrow/48mm up front for a great aero position comfort.