Would you ride a bike with team colours?

Just want to check the general consensus re: buying a bike with team colours ie radio shack SC

Is this a no no for a middle of the pack age grouper?

i’ve got nothing against it, especially if the colours look cool and the team logos aren’t too huge. the saeco cannondales, phonak BMCs, and CSC cervelos were all good looking bikes that i’d be happy to ride. that said, i have no real investment in supporting the business interests of a coffee machine company, a hearing aid company, or an international consultancy too much, so less is more on the logos!


If it looked as good as this, who cares :slight_smile:


Regardless of what everyone says on here, you will look like a tool riding a team bike unless you have some connection to that team. No question about it.

Regardless of what everyone says on here, you will look like a tool riding a team bike unless you have some connection to that team. No question about it.

It’s comments like this that make me wonder about being associated with triathletes sometimes :wink:

Why not? Isn’t it similar to wearing the jersey of your favorite soccer team (or some other sport if you’re American). Nobody is going to think you really play for Real Madrid if you’re wearing that shirt - just as nobody is going to confuse you with Vino on an Astana-SHIV…

The only thing that would make me think twice is the inherent expiration date of the bike, because team names and sponsors change quickly.

Regardless of what everyone says on here, you will look like a tool riding a team bike unless you have some connection to that team. No question about it.

Strongly disagree.

Does the same go for wearing your favorite soccer/football/baseball players jersey?

If you are wearing a team kit and riding the team bike it might be a bit excessive, but who cares?

Just want to check the general consensus re: buying a bike with team colours ie radio shack SC

Is this a no no for a middle of the pack age grouper?

yes. but only if if it was free.

if they want me to wear a matching kit, they’d have to pay me, too.

i’d also ride/wear stuff with the logos of some long-defunct company and not worry about it. i actually don’t mind the looking-like-a-tool part (though i agree that’s accurate). i often look like a tool. it’s the actual being a tool - paying just to be some company’s ad - that gets me.

paying just to be some company’s ad - that gets me.

Do you only wear white tshirts?

Who cares what people wear. Let them express themselves however they want.

paying just to be some company’s ad - that gets me.

Do you only wear white tshirts?

Maybe he’s a pro, or at least gets his gear for free.

I always say that if you are riding, then that is what really matters. People that go out and spend 10k on a bike that never ride or just show up to local group rides to show off the bike are the ones that look silly. I wouldn’t have a problem riding team colors, they are usually just more expensive so I would opt to go without them.

Why Radio Shack? C’mon…

When BMC quit sponsoring Astana, you could find some “team colour” frames in BS’s in France at half price… I would have got one had I had the finances.

I do not understand why you would give a crap who thought what about your bike. If you like it and you can afford it, buy it.

Yeah, if it fits you, if you like it like a 6 year old like Ferrari’s, and if your banker/wife won’t shoot you in the knee in a dark alley for getting it, go ahead.

And don’t listen to the wanabees who critic and will coment that there was a better offer in Cabo Verde blablabla.


hell yeah I would

you know why? cuz I do what I want!


Just want to check the general consensus re: buying a bike with team colours ie radio shack SC

Is this a no no for a middle of the pack age grouper?

I don’t really believe the “isn’t it just like wearing your favorite team jersey?” argument really applies here. Sure, buying a team kit and wearing it on training rides is no problem, but I wouldn’t wear it to a race. If you are buying a bike, I’m assuming you will race it. When I was playing soccer, 3-on-3 tournaments and whatnot, no one ever had professional jerseys on. They might when they were at home watching the games or out buying groceries, but they wouldn’t wear them to a tournament without getting flack.

As a fan of pro cycling, I’d not only ride it, I acknowledge the need to pay extra for it.

mostly because in a tournament you’d want to wear the same jersey as your teammates…

I’m pretty sure most governing bodies won’t allow you to wear a team kit (that you’re not part of) in a race - at least in the higher categories.

I wear a SlowTwitch Tri Kit to many local races…

I don’t think anything is wrong with it, but as another poster pointed out: teams change bike companies fairly regularly.