Would I be stupid to buy a Stages Dash L200?

I know, I know – Stages laid off their entire workforce and has been sued. So maybe it’s no surprise I’m seeing brand new Dash L200 units on sale for as low as $125. Still, would I be stupid to pick one up?

A bit more context – I have an older Dash M50 and I love it. In particular, I love the nearly unlimited layout options and way they use color (especially their color wheels). The only things I don’t love are the buttons, which suck, and I’m “menh” on the mounts. The newer L200 solves both those issues. So to me, $125 for the bigger, improved unit would be a good deal… though I’ll be SOL if I get a lemon or ever need customer service. Granted, my M50 has been solid for about 5 years.

Alternatively, I’ve been looking at the Hammerhead Karoo 3. It looks like an awesome unit and I’m already a Suunto user, but it’s nearly four times the price at $475.

So, worth it to take a chance on an unsupported, closeout Dash L200 or wait until my M50 dies and then buy a Karoo?

Honestly, both are great units for all the reasons you cite. The Stages is the value king. And what is the risk it will be non-functional because of the company’s lack of support. I think low.

+1 on this.

Figure, if a Karoo is $475 and the Dash is $125 and you get seven years of life from a typical head unit; then if you use the Dash for even two years it’s a deal. That’s not even factoring that two years down the road the head unit options will have improved.

The biggest risk is probably that the Stages servers will be taken offline. My assumption is that they continue to serve existing customers until they are able to sell the bike computer activities to another manufacturer (like Giant) at a reasonable price. But maybe that’s just wishful thinking.

My assumption is that the device will continue to work properly without Stages support, it will only be a bit more difficult to load gpx files and export activities.

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I would not be happy to go back 10 years to uploading workouts and download rides manually to a PC, then manually uploading to online platform. Its hard to go back when you get used to quality of life. Its like Amazon two days delivery…