Worst doping excuse ever actually works

Jannick Sinner , ranked world number 1 at tennis for busted twice for clostebol, an anabolic steroid, but was not sanctioned. He only lost the points and price money he got by winning at Indian Wells… But he has already made over 4 million in price money since then…

The excuse is much better than the tainted burrito. His physiotherapist used a spray that has this substance, but unfortunately he had an injury and went into his blood stream. He then massaged Sinner without gloves, as he usually does, and transferred some of it to him.

Apparently the fact that the top executive of the ATP is also Italian has nothing to do with it…

And not showing at the Olympics is also not related…

The tennis world world is on fire right now.

This one actually went to the International Hearing Panel (the folks who are going to hear Tomas Rodriguez Hernandez’s case).

You can find the decision here: https://www.sportresolutions.com/decisions/view/international-tennis-integrity-agency-v-jannik-sinner

Double double-letters, so there ya go

Sounds just the same as poor Shayna Jack who just happened to receive PEDs via kissing. Anti-doping remains a joke.

I didn’t know, now I know and this is crazy. Doctors should know that accidental topical application of a spray wouldn’t be noticeable…

This one actually went to the International Hearing Panel (the folks who are going to hear Tomas Rodriguez Hernandez’s case).
You can find the decision here: https://www.sportresolutions.com/...ency-v-jannik-sinnerHas the reason that the adverse (or both) were not disclosed (temporary supension)? Why has TRH been temporarily suspended pending the hearing at the IHP? Which protocol is ‘normal’ or does it depend on the governing body of the sport?

And someone recently got away with the contaminated meat defense.

Alberto Contador called. Along with all other stripped results, he especially wants his Giro and Tour victories restored.

Harumph! Harumph!

Speaking generally, anti-doping violations are only publicized following the conclusion of the hearing process. It’s why you typically see in the announcement of bans that they are retroactive to the date of the test where the athlete failed, as they had been provisionally suspended through the hearing.

There are clauses in various signatory’s individual anti-doping rules that permit them to disclose provisional suspensions if they so choose to.

The TRH case is an outlier in normal procedure, especially that which we’ve typically seen in triathlon anti-doping cases.

Any truth to the stories that doping agencies use informants/snitches who themselves have tested positive for PEDs and are still allowed to compete?

You mean the USADA thing?

It’s true. https://www.usada.org/statement/tygart-wada-informants/

A page from Lance for chamois cream cortisone. Over 1000 drug tests with this 1 positive shows how much of a joke the testing is. You have to be a complete moron to get caught lol.

“Worst doping excuse ever actually works”
Tbf this excuse was not one you would find by googling once you’ve been popped.
I wonder how they discovered this route for the presence of this steroid.
Who has touched me in the previous month (before the failed test)?
Have I kissed anyone? Or shaken their hand.
Cummon, team, think of something. The concentration is nano small: we just need a cunning/plausible idea.
What medications or other stuff contain this - google - oh something you put on cuts. Anyone had a cut?
Now if they’d had it on their skin, how could it have transferred to me?
Of course it’s entirely possible (and judged to be so, beyond reasonable doubt) that the explanation is actually true.

You mean the USADA thing?

It’s true. https://www.usada.org/...art-wada-informants/

Thank you

Pretty sure dayana yastremska said her positive was from hooking up with a dude and other consequential activities

The other activities were redacted but you get the picture

There were WAY more than 1 positive! But the test samples “disappeared”, and other things occured that blurred the picture enough, that he could get away with this for so long. A whole organization of people has been paid A LOT to get LA through these loop holes over the years.

You can say a lot about LA, but (IMO) he never snitched on all these people getting fat while helping him …

A page from Lance for chamois cream cortisone. Over 1000 drug tests with this 1 positive shows how much of a joke the testing is. You have to be a complete moron to get caught lol.

Now that I read more, I found amazing that it was found irrelevant that the receipt for the spray that contained the steroid has a different date than the proof of payment. How difficult is it to get a back dated receipt?

I also find amazing that the lawyers where able to present the recourse on the same day the athlete was communicated the adverse findings twice! This was crucial but to make it public. And not to mention that the traces remained in his body for more than a week…

This whole anti doping thing is a farce.

Jannick Sinner , ranked world number 1 at tennis for busted twice for clostebol, an anabolic steroid, but was not sanctioned. He only lost the points and price money he got by winning at Indian Wells… But he has already made over 4 million in price money since then…

The excuse is much better than the tainted burrito. His physiotherapist used a spray that has this substance, but unfortunately he had an injury and went into his blood stream. He then massaged Sinner without gloves, as he usually does, and transferred some of it to him.

Apparently the fact that the top executive of the ATP is also Italian has nothing to do with it…

And not showing at the Olympics is also not related…

The tennis world world is on fire right now.

I totally agree it is wrong but it was on the news and the way it was explained was he had a test in a previous round and it was negative. He then had another test very quickly afterwards and it was detected in a minuscule amount. Supposedly it is scientifically impossible to take a dose that small between the two tests.

That is supposedly the science. The cynic in me says no way he is innocent, his evidence was produced in hours. Normally it takes weeks of investigations.

Ross Tucker’s podcast touched on this case. Specifically, there was a study where someone would apply a creme containing this substance and shake hands with people or give them a hug. Shaking hands caused a positive test for ~6h and a hug for 2 days after contact.

There’s a lot to unpack in this story, but the transfer through contact is definitely valid. Once again an argument for higher limits of banned substances. If you set the limit above the plausible contamination limit then every positive is a slam dunk. Just because they have the ability to find miniscule amounts does not mean that threshold should be your limit of detection.

The fundamental question is: do you want more dopers to go free or more innocents to be get banned?

Makes me think how we were discussing how next to impossible it is to absorb sodium bicarb through that gross gooey lotion a while back.