World Triathlon Rules: Passing on the Inside

What is the specific rule and penalty for passing on the inside on the bike? I can’t find anything in the World Triathlon rule book, either in the bike section or in appendix k. There are references to which side should be used for passing (and clear penalties for blocking), but no indication of consequences for passing on the right.

I am asking because I will be doing a two loop 70.3 course on a three lane closed highway (NY 70.3), and last year there were a lot of first-loopers riding on the left. I probably had to cross the entire highway 50-100 times, which is especially risky on this course due to expansion joints between the lanes. Ironman has limited ability to enforce the blocking rule, so I am wondering if I would be likely to be penalized for passing on the right (30 feet on the right!), and if so, whether I would be likely to file a successful protest.

I have contacted the race director but not sure if they have much discretion in directing how the rules are applied.

What is the specific rule and penalty for passing on the inside on the bike? I can’t find anything in the World Triathlon rule book, either in the bike section or in appendix k. There are references to which side should be used for passing (and clear penalties for blocking), but no indication of consequences for passing on the right.@World Triathlon rules:
5.1 (b) (iii)
Dangerous riding may result in a penalty. This includes but is not limited to passing another athlete on the wrong side.
5.5 (c) (vi)
Athletes must keep to the side of the course and not create a blocking incident. Blocking is where an athlete who is behind cannot pass due to the leading athlete being poorly placed on the course
5.7 on page 58 of 208
yellow card for blocking
Cannot find where the penalty for dangerous riding is specified (but assume DQ).
See Section 3 on p30
3.6 (a) (i)
A disqualification is a penalty appropriate for severe rule violations, such as but not limited to, repeated bike draft infringements, and/or dangerous or unsportsmanlike conduct;
and Annex K
13. Violating competition-specific traffic regulations; - Unintentionally: Warning and amend if possible

  • If not corrected or intentionally: DSQ
    2.1 a.) (iv) Obey traffic regulations and instructions from race officials;
    5.1 b.) (i)

I see. It’s right there under dangerous riding.

In this particular race people are all over the three lanes, so it’s far less dangerous to stay on the right than legally passing someone who is blocking from the left most lane. But it looks like passing on the wrong side is the one thing that’s explicitly “dangerous” in the rules. This is a major problem on this course.

When talking about the rules you may have to allow for Ironman Brand rules as well.

(h) Athletes must ride single file on the far-right side (or left side depending on local law) of the bike course road except when passing another athlete (or for reasons of safety). Side-by-side riding is not permitted and may result in a drafting or blocking violation; (5:00 Minute Time Penalty or 30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable))

It is my understanding that Ironman brand rules are quite specific and passing on the wrong side would result in a DQ.
Non branded HIM distances are a whole other ballgame.

This is a major problem on this course.

and other courses as well. IMTX was a cluster this year. There needs to be better education to athletes on this (especially for looped 70.3 and 140.6 races), but I do understand that’s a difficult task for WT. Herding cats to “mandatory” athlete meetings is a difficult task.
5.1 (b) (iii)
Dangerous riding may result in a penalty. This includes but is not limited to passing another athlete on the wrong side.
5.5 (c) (vi)
Athletes must keep to the side of the course and not create a blocking incident. Blocking is where an athlete who is behind cannot pass due to the leading athlete being poorly placed on the course
5.7 on page 58 of 208
yellow card for blocking
Cannot find where the penalty for dangerous riding is specified (but assume DQ).
See Section 3 on p30
3.6 (a) (i)
A disqualification is a penalty appropriate for severe rule violations, such as but not limited to, repeated bike draft infringements, and/or dangerous or unsportsmanlike conduct;
and Annex K
13. Violating competition-specific traffic regulations; - Unintentionally: Warning and amend if possible

  • If not corrected or intentionally: DSQ
    2.1 a.) (iv) Obey traffic regulations and instructions from race officials;
    5.1 b.) (i)

The OP mentions that it’s an IM branded race which operates by a somewhat different rule book. Ironman’s competition rules do not state that passing must be done on the left. It says this: Athletes must ride single file on the far right side of the road except when passing another rider or for safety reasons.

It basically implies passing on the left but doesn’t explicitly state that. Also could be easily articulated that if slower riders are riding too far left in the road and not moving to the right that a right side pass is the more safe option than crossing to the other side of the road into incoming traffic.

Good point.

The wording of Ironman 5.04 (h) says you must be on the right, except when passing. But it doesn’t actually say anything about where you have to be when passing.

Regarding the application of the World Triathlon Rule 5.1.b.iii, (Dangerous Riding) it seems to not apply at Ironman: From the Ironman rules:
Within certain sections of the IRONMAN Competition Rules (e.g., the rules regarding equipment legality) IRONMAN may adhere to and/or reference the applicable World Triathlon Competition Rules. Notwithstanding, in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the IRONMAN Competition Rules and the World Triathlon Competition Rules, such conflict or inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence to the IRONMAN Competition Rules.
There is no reference to world triathlon rules in section 5, so cycling may be under Ironman rules only (the wording above is slightly ambiguous). Dangerous riding is instead covered under Ironman’s 5.01 (e) and (f) which (unlike world triathlon) do not include any explicit reference to passing on the wrong side:
(e) No cyclist shall endanger herself/himself or another athlete. Any cyclist who intentionally or recklessly presents a danger to any athlete or who, in the judgment of the Head Referee, appears to present a danger to any athlete will be disqualified;
(f) All athletes are required to maintain control of their bicycle and to operate at a reasonable speed so as not to threaten the safety and well-being of aid station volunteers, other competitors, Race Officials, the public, and/or spectators. Operation of a bicycle in a dangerous or reckless manner will be grounds for disqualification;
It’s possible that to the extent that it does not cause a dangerous situation, that there is no explicit prohibition against, or penalty for passing on the right in Ironman races.

Here’s another weird document with conflicting information apparently produced by Jimmy Riccitello himself:

Reference to ILLEGAL PASS (exists nowhere else in the rules) but no reference to what type of penalty might be incurred.

The OP mentions that it’s an IM branded race which operates by a somewhat different rule book. Ironman’s competition rules do not state that passing must be done on the left. It says this: Athletes must ride single file on the far right side of the road except when passing another rider or for safety reasons.

It basically implies passing on the left but doesn’t explicitly state that. Also could be easily articulated that if slower riders are riding too far left in the road and not moving to the right that a right side pass is the more safe option than crossing to the other side of the road into incoming traffic.

It’s only a matter of time (if it hasn’t happened already) that someone gets a penalty for passing on the right and protests it.

Doesn’t answer your question, but I found it very effective to shout “stay right” at people riding to the left when I did tri.

It’s not very effective in this race. For some reason a lot of people seem to like the middle and left lanes, and no one wants to cross the expansion joints. Also, no one understands why you’re yelling at them from 2 lanes over, so mostly it just provokes a lot of hostility.

A long time ago I passed 3 riders spread across the road blocking all of it. There was 6 feet on the right (with the shoulder) I figured I’d pass them on since they were just chatting it up.

As soon as I was going by the person on the right turned right into me. I stayed up, they went down.

I never did that again. I’ll cross the yellow line before I do that again.

A long time ago I passed 3 riders spread across the road blocking all of it. There was 6 feet on the right (with the shoulder) I figured I’d pass them on since they were just chatting it up.

As soon as I was going by the person on the right turned right into me. I stayed up, they went down.

I never did that again. I’ll cross the yellow line before I do that again.

Agreed, I’m very conscious of the risk and there are clear rules against doing anything dangerous. In this case you would literally be passing people 15-25’ on their right most of the time. Far more dangerous to cross all the lanes and back, and risking interfering with faster riders coming from behind.

The OP mentions that it’s an IM branded race which operates by a somewhat different rule book. Ironman’s competition rules do not state that passing must be done on the left. It says this: Athletes must ride single file on the far right side of the road except when passing another rider or for safety reasons.

It basically implies passing on the left but doesn’t explicitly state that. Also could be easily articulated that if slower riders are riding too far left in the road and not moving to the right that a right side pass is the more safe option than crossing to the other side of the road into incoming traffic.

It’s only a matter of time (if it hasn’t happened already) that someone gets a penalty for passing on the right and protests it.

Exactly. Just rewrite the fucking rule to say you must pass on the left unless a right side pass is necessary for safety reasons. Don’t make it ambiguous.

I probably passed 50 riders on the right or on the left by crossing into the other side of the road at the Austin 70.3 one year. The roads were so fucking bad the shoulder and far right side of the road were basically unrideable. So everyone was riding in the middle of the road. It was backwoods ass country roads with zero traffic for the most part so the momentary cross into the other side of the road was safe and I obviously picked a safe time to do it. Anyone in a late wave and riding fast had no choice at times.

I’m frankly sick of all these riders, either in races, or on training rides, hogging the far left of the rideable road, and going nuclear on anyone who dares pass them on the right. I saw it happen just a few weeks ago to a rider in front of me on a wide-shouldered road with 50mph traffic whizzing by - when that rider passed someone on the right with like 9 feet+ of room to spare, the guy hogging the left unloaded with a bunch of swears and ‘dangerous riding!’.

Sure, I get it can be unnerving to have someone to pass on your right, but the first thing you gotta ask yourself if that’s happening to you - am I even supposed to be here in the first place?

I get it if you’re a speedster who’s really cooking (and thus far left due to numerous passes and expected passes), and then an uber-speedster comes up unexpectedly behind you - that happens. But if you’re way slower than the fast folks on the roads, and there’s ample room to leave some room on the left for passers, don’t hug the left and then yell at anyone who dares pass you on the right.

I feel that if they’re gonna give penalties for passing on the right, they should be giving warnings and/or penalties for people staying in the left passing lane too long.

I wouldn’t worry about it too much. IM branded races are typically poorly officiated. They don’t break up obvious groups and pace lines, what makes you think they’ll catch someone passing on the right? And, if you have to pass on the right, it’s because the other riders are guilty of blocking and should be getting the penalty in the first place. Just ride safe,

Been a few years since I raced a triathlon. But I passed on the right a few times when it was clear and left side was blocked. I probably broke the rules.

I’ve done road races, gravel races, and cyclocross races and none of them specify that you must pass on the left. Often with much, much more crowded fields. While triathlon does involve aero bars, cyclocross and gravel have rough road conditions.

However, since we are dealing with triathletes on bicycles, we are have an inherently dangerous situation. Not sure how passing can be done safely.

Long time racer, now ex-referee, but was a long time ref.

I’m sure that the ‘keep right (left in my case as mainly UK/NZ)’ was in all the verbal race briefings from the head ref. Certainly in all the IMNZ races.

I haven’t ever issued a penalty for this, but then I cant remember seeing it when I was out on the course on a bike. That said, it would in part depend on the circumstances and if there was actual danger in how I’d have applied that rule.

When racing then as above, I’m regularly using the ‘on your right please’ and almost always that works to get me the space with no delay. Occasionally I do need to wait a few seconds, but no more than that. Staying out wide is blocking and so that is something that would be pinged by a ref (normally a warning first to be fair).

That all said, in the first bit out of transition and on approach to the line then provided for not endangering people then it’s a bit of a free for all. At aid stations its a total nono though.