Workout Video using foam roller

In Eric Lagerstrom’s most recent YouTube video, Paula is following a video that utilizes foam rolling. Any idea on the video, or one that is similar? I find myself mindlessly rolling and stretching. And searching it on YouTube pretty much gives me ideas on foam rolling which I already know how to do. Something with structure and the ability to follow along would be great. Any recommendations on videos where you follow along with stretching/foam rolling?

I use the Foam Roller app by Fitify apps:

It has a general body rolling routine for free, or if you pay a couple bucks to buy the app you can make your own rolling/workout routines. I like this better than a youtube video because I can switch it up based on what I need that day. Then it shows a video of each rolling movement with a timer and goes through each movement like a playlist.

It’s Erin Carson, from EC Fit in Boulder. She’s been doing a twice weekly mobility and strength series. I’ve enjoyed them. Not super challenging, but technique focused and about all I can handle at this point in time.

I was listening to an old episode of Ten Junk Miles podcast, and these questions came up

“Do you have a foam roller?”
“How often do you use it?”
Does it have a name?

Three of the five guests answered in the affirmative. Is this an actual thing?

ETA: after discussing this with D’Kid, and since my roller is black with white specks in it, we have named it “Pepper”

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You really threw me with this bump. I was thinking I hadn’t seen a foam roll in a TTH video lately. Thankfully, you post and nicknaming were well worth the bump.

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It’s Erin Carson, from EC Fit in Boulder. She’s been doing a twice weekly mobility and strength series. I’ve enjoyed them. Not super challenging, but technique focused and about all I can handle at this point in time.

^^^^This what I love about ST. TY!