Working on running after the bike ride

You do you, but your son is way too young to treat like a future Olympian. Just make sure the kid has fun and get him ice cream afterwards.

He gets all that and more after he races. He also swims competitively 4-5 days a week and cycles with me when we get the time to do so. He enjoys it and I’ve told him he can stop it whenever he wants. Do you think I should cut his swimming down to 1 day a week so he has
more time for computer games? I simply asked for some advice, that’s all

I agree with letting him play. Are you sure he was running 2:20 for a half mile at 10? There’s really not a way that he can go from a 2:20 800 to a 7:00 1K off the bike unless he stopped to poop!

Have him ride his bike a lot more. Just have fun doing it. Fun things you could do? Go to something like a BMX track and have him do a lap all round then run as fast as he can around it. Make it all a game.

He has lots of fun, trust me. We live 5 mins from the beach and he’s in there boogie boarding every weekend with his friends and every day during the summer. He rock climbs and skis. Sorry, the 2.20 should have read 2.31 to be precise. My typo mistake He’s done a 5.40 mile and a 5.15 1500m. But this isn’t really about his hobbies or his social life. I simply asked for some assistance as I was purely a cyclist and never a triathlete because I couldn’t swim for shit Just looking for some guidance

I feel like the advice still has to be “do nothing”. He’s 10. I’d wager his performance gains over the next few years will solely be a result of getting stronger and taller vs. any specific training you could have him do. Just let his times be what they are as long as he’s having fun and keeps wants to participate.

Didn’t think troll posts were a thing on here? Sure you didn’t mean to go over to LetsRun & post this there?

No 10 year old has ever suffered a major triathlon defeat. If this is real, just let your kid be a kid & do the sports they like. If they want to get better at running, then a kid running club is fine. Not going to advise you to have them running off the bike at that age. If this is real & he can run a 2:20 800 then he’s overbiking the 3 miles. Teach them to pace. Can run a 4:20ish k in a short tri with 2:20 speed. You don’t need to start adding in more training if that part of it is real.