Working on an internal hydration integration for the Felt IA Advanced


I just built my Felt IA Advanced (switched from off-the-shelf 105 to SRAM). Like many others, the missing internal hydration system bothered me. Unfortunately, the Specialized Fuelselage bladder is not available anymore, so Fulcos solution is not an option. But I found out that the Canyon X Hydrapak bladder fits quite nicely.

I designed and 3d printed a cover that can replace the Felt CalPak. The design should be final (see pics), but the real thing will of course be in black. You can click in a Canyon Hydrapak and even have room for a gel (but not much more). Installation is relatively easy: insert the Hydrapak in the cover and the frame, click the rear end of the cover in the frame, and secure it with a screw.

You can refill the Hydrapak easily from the top. I did not measured the volume yet, my best guess is 0.5l with the 700ml Hydrapak. I am not 100% sure if the “gel chamber” fits for every frame size - I have a 58. So I’ll build a flat cover, too.

If everything tests out ok and if anyone is interested, I can try to make that thing available.


I am definitely interested!


A quick follow up: The design is finished, I am tweaking the 3d printing details. The surface became quite nice, and hydration system is now flush with the cover:

There will be three options:

  • Cover for Canyon X Hydration integration, with some room eg. for a gel
  • Cover for Canyon X Hydration integration, otherwise flat
  • Just a flat cover eg. for mounting a 3rd party bento box

I’ll post pictures of all three options in some days (probably mid/end of October). The capacity of the hydration system in a Felt IA frame size 58 and a Canyon X Hydration 700ml is about 0,5l. The first 0.4l I can squeeze in without any spillage, the last 0.1l need some attention.

Some tipps:

  • Get some flexible, food grade silicone tube for the distance between the hydration system and the valve. I have ordered some for myself and will add about 10cm to all covers until it’s gone.
  • The Canyone blader seems to be reasonably robust, but you might want to wrap some duct tape here and there to let it last longer.
  • The cover is designed to be fastened with just one screw. Maybe you need to use a cm of tape in some invisible places to make it 100% rattle free.
  • Take your time inserting the hydration system into the frame- I need between 30 seconds and a minute,
  • Remove the system asap after the ride. You need to remove most of the fluid to get it out without much mess, and you don’t want to do that when your carbs mix got the spark of life after some days.
  • If you spill some fluid in the frame while refilling the bladder and want to speed up he drying process , just remove the Di2 cover at the very bottom of the frame:

Inserting a paper towel for some minutes can help.

Price point will be around 40€/$/£ plus shipping from Germany - no plans to put it on Shapeways yet. Material is PETG black, so it should be good for many years. Write me if you need it earlier or in other colors.


Would this work with the previous gen Felt IA (i.e. non-Advanced rim-brake frame)? I can’t tell if the Cal Pack area is any different.

The cover should fit on any Felt IA, but I can’t promise it. We’ll work something out.

To make our lives easier, I have uploaded the models to Thingiverse:
Have fun :slight_smile:

So, is there any reason to think this would work better than the current solutions used by Canyon etc?

From what I am reading here on the forum:

  1. You can only refill it using a bottle that has the right size nozzle to push down into the opening, and said bottle has to be able to do that without closing itself when pushing it down in there… So not much chance of getting it quickly refilled by anything you’d grab rolling through an aid station?
  2. Also may need to be biting the valve to let air out when trying to refill.
  3. Can apparently only use water, not sports drink, unless you want to risk gumming up the system.

Are the above points valid? Again, its just what I have read here on slowtwitch…

Eh… sorry, but I don’t get your point. That adapter/cover ist for the Felt IA. To my knowledge, there is no other integrated hydration system available other than the Canyon X Hydrapak plus my cover. The Shiv Fuelselage that many used some years ago is no more. So, you can use this cover plus Canyon, or nothing at all.

I tried refilling with three different bike bottles plus a simple 0.5l water bottle from the supermarket and had had no problems other than described in my postings. They did not close themself, and I did not have to vent. It was just a short test, so maybe these problems will show later. And yes, you have to clean the bladder asap, just like with any other similar system.

So, what do you suggest? What internal system would be better for the Felt IA?

Eh… sorry, but I don’t get your point. That adapter/cover ist for the Felt IA. To my knowledge, there is no other integrated hydration system available other than the Canyon X Hydrapak plus my cover. The Shiv Fuelselage that many used some years ago is no more. So, you can use this cover plus Canyon, or nothing at all.

I tried refilling with three different bike bottles plus a simple 0.5l water bottle from the supermarket and had had no problems other than described in my postings. They did not close themself, and I did not have to vent. It was just a short test, so maybe these problems will show later. And yes, you have to clean the bladder asap, just like with any other similar system.

So, what do you suggest? What internal system would be better for the Felt IA?

I was simply suggesting than the internal bladder solution might not work as well as some hope, regardless of which brand frame you are trying to put it in.

Again, some of that is just what I’ve read on here, like this thread:;post=last-7947031

Edit - to be clear, nothing against Felt either, I’ve been riding on IA frames for the past 5 years or so. I really don’t like the bento box on them, so had looked into the 3d covers/bladders that you could find online, but ultimately just stuck with a BTB bottle etc.


Love this, thank you for posting!

I’m just looking at getting an IA and want this hydration system please.

Is it possible to put the stock bento box back on top of the hydration system for more storage?



Is it possible to put the stock bento box back on top of the hydration system for more storage?


Unfortunately not. With the bento box, you would block the refill inlet. I can try to add some holes, so you can attach two or three gel packs on the cover with rubber bands. Did that with the non-hydration cover in the latest iteration, which is not online yet. These versions don’t need a screw, they are 100% clip-on. But my design skills end there :slight_smile: