Womens Camp 2019

How many people are interested in coming to Xantusia in the spring? And when would be the best time for everyone? Just starting to think ahead since it would have to be fit into Monty and Dan’s schedule.

Monty - how is the gravel riding there? Like with a gravel bike - not pure mountain biking.

I think that I can still come. Salt Lake City to Xantusia makes for a flight instead of an easy drive from Vegas, but it’s doable. Count me in.

Depending on timing, I would be in. My brother is getting married at the end of March so I will have that to work around.

I’m an easy drive and would love to meet folks IRL and do a little training if it works out. Following this thread.

Put me down for an enthusiastic definitely maybe! I am currently trying to convince a friend she needs this, too.

Hi, it’s been a few years since the one year I came and I’m thinking this year would be good for me to return! Timing is flexible.
Mindy from NYC

OK - throwing out some dates. Monty - do any of these conflict with other camps?

March 13-17
April 3-7 (Oceanside is 4/6)
April 10-14 (Florida 70.3 is 4/14)

Easter and Passover is 4/20-21

The gravel riding is spectacular around here, Dan has been finding routes all over the place. And of course there is always the aqueduct dirt side for a flatish ride too. And if history is any indication, it looks to be another mild winter here, so spring will probably come early again. We still have 0 snow on the mountains, perhaps we will get a little this week. I was just up there this weekend and it was in the 70’s again, dont know what to think about this new weather pattern, but will take it for our little place…

Monty! did you ever put your Infocrank on your bike? I am building my new custom bike, and Paul is temporarily out of the 155 infocranks! If yours is still in a box, can I persuade you to part with it and wait for them to restock? :slight_smile:

In other news, I decided to sign up this year for Oside, so I will miss Camp if it’s that weekend. But I hope I will have the chance to come and ride my cool new bike on the Big Loop.

What about April 10-14?

April 10-14 works for me; I don’t race again until IM St. George 70.3 in early May.

I’m interested in this but would be out for April as that’s Boston marathon month…

March 13-17
April 10-14 1

OK - vote for either one of these dates (or both or neither) please. Monty - please confirm availability. We would like to get it on the calendar before all weekends book up.


March 13-17
April 10-14 1
OK - vote for either one of these dates (or both or neither) please. Monty - please confirm availability. We would like to get it on the calendar before all weekends book up. //

Either of those weeks works for me, whichever one gets the most of the womens on board…


either date works for me.

April is better for me!

Well it should be a bit warmer in April, so maybe everyone see if they can shoehorn in that date??

OK Monty - put April 10-14 in the books. That will guarantee that my Nashville Predators play in the NHL playoffs.

looks like dates are April 10-14? that is weekend of Du nationals

that is weekend of Du nationals //

SO how many of you womens is that going to affect? At that time of year there are some bigger races just about every weekend, so maybe a head count to see if it is worth taking another look at??