Woke up this morning to our refrigerator not working

Pour myself a bowl of cereal and turn towards the fridge to grab my almond milk and see a bunch of water on the floor. I think to myself, “I guess my wife spilled some water.”

Open fridge door and notice some stale smell and all the milk containers sweating. No cooling or freezing whatsoever. Water was the ice in the ice maker that had melted. It must’ve stopped working sometime yesterday afternoon. Bonus points for having to throw out $300 worth of food.

Go on the websites for Costco, Best Buy, Home Depot, and Lowe’s to see who can deliver me one the fastest. Best Buy can get me one tomorrow. The others were later in the week.

$4K I wasn’t planning on spending today and not a great start to the week.

Here’s my new fridge in all its glory: https://www.bestbuy.com/...7176.p?skuId=6397176

Pour myself a bowl of cereal and turn towards the fridge to grab my almond milk and see a bunch of water on the floor. I think to myself, “I guess my wife spilled some water.”

Open fridge door and notice some stale smell and all the milk containers sweating. No cooling or freezing whatsoever. Water was the ice in the ice maker that had melted. It must’ve stopped working sometime yesterday afternoon. Bonus points for having to throw out $300 worth of food.

Go on the websites for Costco, Best Buy, Home Depot, and Lowe’s to see who can deliver me one the fastest. Best Buy can get me one tomorrow. The others were later in the week.

$4K I wasn’t planning on spending today and not a great start to the week.

Here’s my new fridge in all its glory: https://www.bestbuy.com/...7176.p?skuId=6397176

$479 at Best Buy


I’m not in college 😂

First ever prank phone call, age 11:

Hi, can you tell me if your refrigerator is running?

Ummm, yes.

Well then you better go catch it! Click

You would’ve thrown me off, I really had no bail out.

Buy a new refrigerator and you should expect to replace it in 5-7 years. Buy a 40 year old refrigerator and it will last for another 20. I’ve got a fridge in my garage that my wife’s godmother gave us. It is probably 30 years old and still running strong despite being kept in the hot garage.

That seems like a quick warming period. If a fridge or freezer isn’t opened I’d expect it to maintain a cool-ish temperature for longer.

Not fixable for less than $4k?

Buy a new refrigerator and you should expect to replace it in 5-7 years. Buy a 40 year old refrigerator and it will last for another 20. I’ve got a fridge in my garage that my wife’s godmother gave us. It is probably 30 years old and still running strong despite being kept in the hot garage.

My last two refrigerators have lasted 13 years combined. To your point, my parents still have a refrigerator from the 1980s. It’s their secondary fridge in the basement.

That seems like a quick warming period. If a fridge or freezer isn’t opened I’d expect it to maintain a cool-ish temperature for longer.

It may have been out for longer. It was working yesterday morning though.

Not fixable for less than $4k?

Sure. Pay almost $1,500-$2,000 to repair a 7 year old fridge or buy a new one.

Sorry about that. My nightmare scenario is losing $500-1000 worth of food when the freezer dies. Hope your new one shows up quick.

Not fixable for less than $4k?

Sure. Pay almost $1,500-$2,000 to repair a 7 year old fridge or buy a new one.

A lady that I used to go to church with ran an appliance repair business with her husband. She suggested buying a new one rather than repairing one for the same reason you imply.

frustrating for sure.

Pour myself a bowl of cereal and turn towards the fridge to grab my almond milk and see a bunch of water on the floor. I think to myself, “I guess my wife spilled some water.”

Open fridge door and notice some stale smell and all the milk containers sweating. No cooling or freezing whatsoever. Water was the ice in the ice maker that had melted. It must’ve stopped working sometime yesterday afternoon. Bonus points for having to throw out $300 worth of food.

Go on the websites for Costco, Best Buy, Home Depot, and Lowe’s to see who can deliver me one the fastest. Best Buy can get me one tomorrow. The others were later in the week.

$4K I wasn’t planning on spending today and not a great start to the week.

Here’s my new fridge in all its glory: https://www.bestbuy.com/...7176.p?skuId=6397176

What the hell is craft ice?

**Dual icemaker with Craft Ice **
Dual icemakers automatically create standard ice cubes, crushed ice, and slow-melting round Craft Ice for all your entertaining needs.

So many possible comments.

Basement and 2nd fridges don’t work as hard, as not opened as often,(old fridges) use a really bad (for environment), but good refergerant, so the compressors work less hard, but also old compressors were not as efficent so more wasted electricity. You know why old stuff lasts longer, they didn’t know how to optimize it, so its over built, you paid upfront for that overbuild, and everyone did it so it didn’t seem like an issue. Now everyone looks for the low cost. (Its why speed queens are still the most durable washer out there, and 3x the cost of others)

That Fridge is on sale up here for $3500

Always wonder who bought a $4k fridge… now I know. – what’s the middle draw for?

$300 in food loss is trivial vs the $4k for the fridge… Mine dies I lose probably $500 of food and have to spend another $800 for a new one.

Should check local appliance store scratch and dent stock. we have a large appliance store / local chain (I think up to 5 stores now) they have a separate scratch and dent outlet, same day pick up delivery and if your appliance is built in do you really care if the side is scratched? Just bought a washing machine for 50% off sale price (80%ish off msrp) full warranty, and has a scratch and small dent on the side no one sees, and scratch in front wife sees when she does the laundry… well probably not cause you would need to look at the front and its a top loader.

Be happy, your in the situation you can afford to drop $4k on a fridge, be even happier your in a situation you can drop $4k unplanned, and mostly just move on with life.

Not as bad as a thaw my in-laws. They noticed a bad smell in one of their rooms last week.

Long story short, they got their bathrooms remodeled over the winter. Contractor neglected to hook the sewer system back up to the septic tank. They’ve been shitting into their crawl space all winter. Just started noticing it now during spring thaw.

Not fixable for less than $4k?

Sure. Pay almost $1,500-$2,000 to repair a 7 year old fridge or buy a new one.

Makes sense. I assume you checked that it wasn’t just unplugged? And free to plug it in.

*our cleaning crew did this one year, after cleaning back there.

So many possible comments.

Should check local appliance store scratch and dent stock. we have a large appliance store / local chain (I think up to 5 stores now) they have a separate scratch and dent outlet, same day pick up delivery and if your appliance is built in do you really care if the side is scratched? Just bought a washing machine for 50% off sale price (80%ish off msrp) full warranty, and has a scratch and small dent on the side no one sees, and scratch in front wife .

+1. I replaced my stove, dryer, and fridge this way last year from home depot.
If delivery was needed, had to schedule that though.

We moved to a new home out of state and when we showed up we learned that the fridge had somehow died in the two weeks that no one was using it. Quick look on Craig’s List found one that worked for $50. That served our needs until we could figure out what we actually wanted (and deal with all of the other post-move activities. The 450 fridge lived in the garage for another 3 years.