With New Cateogies Do we put weights, nordic skiing, yoga, rowing other cross training in Tri Forum?

I assume any endurance or strength sport goes in tri forum if it is not swim, bike, run specific (for example, I have done tris with three of XC ski, speed skate, snowshoe, running.

On that note, I need to get back on the 100 push ups per day program. Maybe build back up and do that the first 100 days of the 2025 year.

I think it makes the most sense to have an “other” category for those.

On another note, I’m not sure having separate swimming or running categories makes sense, don’t those already fall under triathlon? It seems to create some gray area about where posts go.

I guess one of the reasons ST survived so far is that there was not thousands of categories where you get lost to find posts .
It’s not like the traffic on the side is increasing ATM …
I would almost be inclind to say notices is a section that is too much and be part of the Tri forum as long it doesn’t get to much but that could be deleted if needs be .

Hmmm, just noticed the categories…. This might take some getting used to and maybe it’ll be a good thing, but as of right now, it’s more things/work to search…. Yes, apparently I’m lazy and enjoyed how it was ‘lavender room’ or triathlon…. Can appreciate the powers that be working to reach a broader demo as a rising tide lifts all boats….