Wisconsin University Porn


So the 63 year old chancellor and his wife are outed as porn content creators and he loses his job. I did not check into his content, I will leave that to everyone else. Good on you Wisconsin!

Thread title slightly misleading as I’m sure everyone will assume the flagship school in Madison.

This was next level lack of common sense on his part.

I gotta say, from the limited info in the yahoo article, the chancellor makes a reasonable argument on 1st amendment grounds.


So the 63 year old chancellor and his wife are outed as porn content creators and he loses his job. I did not check into his content, I will leave that to everyone else. Good on you Wisconsin!

Heck, I gave it a peek. Took one second to find it based on the channel name. They make exactly ZERO effort to hide their identity. It is their faces in the thumbnail, they aren’t obscured in any way in the videos, they are in the kitchen talking to the camera like they are talking to a dinner guest.

I don’t know how long they have been posting these videos, but I’m surprised they weren’t outted within minutes of posting the first one.

EDIT to add to GMAN’s post. This was Wisconsin-La Crosse.

I gotta say, from the limited info in the yahoo article, the chancellor makes a reasonable argument on 1st amendment grounds.

The contract also includes these key lines: “The Chancellor is encouraged to engage in outside activities that contribute to the Chancellor’s professional advancement or benefit the University. The Chancellor may not engage in any activity that may be adverse to, or competitive or inconsistent with the interests of the University of Wisconsin System.”

I gotta say, from the limited info in the yahoo article, the chancellor makes a reasonable argument on 1st amendment grounds.

The contract also includes these key lines: “The Chancellor is encouraged to engage in outside activities that contribute to the Chancellor’s professional advancement or benefit the University. The Chancellor may not engage in any activity that may be adverse to, or competitive or inconsistent with the interests of the University of Wisconsin System.”

The bolded part is interesting. I think a reasonable argument could be made that his activities do not conflict with his contract.

Imagine if the chancellor had another hobby, say he was a gun nut who legally collected lots of guns, fired them legally as often as he could, and made lots of gun videos. You think that in the state of WI that he would be removed from his post?

I kinda think not.

I gotta say, from the limited info in the yahoo article, the chancellor makes a reasonable argument on 1st amendment grounds.

The contract also includes these key lines: “The Chancellor is encouraged to engage in outside activities that contribute to the Chancellor’s professional advancement or benefit the University. The Chancellor may not engage in any activity that may be adverse to, or competitive or inconsistent with the interests of the University of Wisconsin System.”

Jumped the gun on sex positivity.

His name is Joe Gow. That sounds porn.

Though it does not rival my first pet and street I grew up on. Dusty Packer.


So the 63 year old chancellor and his wife are outed as porn content creators and he loses his job. I did not check into his content, I will leave that to everyone else. Good on you Wisconsin!

lol that is my former chancellor.

Sconnies gonna Sconnie

Safe to say he won’t contribute to the University’s endowment fund…

Safe to say he won’t contribute to the University’s endowment fund…

I will trust you on that.

My question is where does this end? He is out as chancellor but it sounds like he is transferring to being a tenured professor, and the regents are trying to get his tenure revoked (assuming they want him gone totally). He sounds like he will be fighting this the entire way, both for his job as chancellor and if not that his tenure professor role.

I think this is a win win for everyone but the leadership of the UW system. We get to sit back and watch higher up folks debate free speech rights, what you can do in your own home, private life as opposed to work impact etc… all the while the world keeps getting reminded of the retirement age porn star working for the UW system at the highest levels.

I find it interesting he gets fired for making porn but promoting genocide of Jews is meh st other places

I find it interesting he gets fired for making porn but promoting genocide of Jews is meh st other places

Really, we couldn’t keep this light hearted about a couple of old people on PornHub and how UW regents deal with that?


So the 63 year old chancellor and his wife are outed as porn content creators and he loses his job. I did not check into his content, I will leave that to everyone else. Good on you Wisconsin!

lol that is my former chancellor.

Are you UW-L alum?

My daughter starts there next fall.

I find it interesting he gets fired for making porn but promoting genocide of Jews is meh st other places

Really, we couldn’t keep this light hearted about a couple of old people on PornHub and how UW regents deal with that?

You don’t see the dichotomy?

I find it interesting he gets fired for making porn but promoting genocide of Jews is meh st other places

Really, we couldn’t keep this light hearted about a couple of old people on PornHub and how UW regents deal with that?

I’m sure the couple will sue U-LC and this will make it to court. It’ll probably be a hung jury.

I want to better understand why someone would broadcast their sexual activity outside of the financial motivation to do so. It’s not about approving or not approving of the behavior, but I lack any understanding of this sort of interest/compulsion.

I want to better understand why someone would broadcast their sexual activity outside of the financial motivation to do so. It’s not about approving or not approving of the behavior, but I lack any understanding of this sort of interest/compulsion.

You could read the couple’s books!

I find it interesting he gets fired for making porn but promoting genocide of Jews is meh st other places

Who has been promoting the genocide of Jews and how? Be specific.