Winter Running Survey

My son is a college student and runner doing market research on winter running glove usage for his entrepreneurship class. Here is a link to a short, five minute survey that will help uncover what runners like most about their gloves and what could be improved. He wants to develop a glove that helps runners complete workout on cold days, and so I told him this would be an excellent group to reach out to.

Here’s the link to the survey:

Thank you for your willingness to participate and help a college kid out!

I filled it out. I run a lot outside in the cold, sometimes down to 10 F or lower. I like wearing double gloves. I have ski gloves one size too big that I wear over thinner running gloves. My hands stay warm and if I need to really use my fingers for something I take the big glove off briefly.

The one improvement I can see in my setup is that only one big glove has a wrist strap that lets it just dangle when I take it off briefly.

The other problem I have is how to wear my watch as the ski gloves go over my wrist. So gloves with some sort of watch viewing flap on the wrist would be cool.

I am not a fan of signing into anything google. I am however a long time winter runner and actually won the Winter Carnival Marathon in Minnesota when the starting temps were -24f. I found the best results on the coldest days is layering. Those days I wear a light wool glove and a wind resistant mitten over the top that I can remove once my hands warm up. This mittens are light enough to carry in my hands or stuff into my waist band. I also can put the outer mitten back on if I turn back into the wind.

Otherwise I either just use the light wool gloves on 40 to 20 degree days or switch to the mittens on 20 to 0 degree days. Mittens help keep the hands warm verses gloves on these days.

Hope this helps…got me thru many dark winter mornings on my Minnesota long runs:-)

Happy to reply to all answers. I think like many, I have various glove/mitten combinations for all temps, down to 0-5F.

Finger glove with open front flap then a full mitten over, waterproof & windproof.

Can take the mittens off and when it’s getting warming flip the top off the finger glove and have my finger out once warmen up.

Filled out using my generic gmail address that I never check.

Like others have said, layers are key, and that includes gloves. I’ve run in temps down to a ‘real feel’ of around -30 F. This was around -10 to -12 with a good wind. At that point it’s more of a get through than executing any run, but it’s a fun challenge.

On the coldest runs I usually wear three pairs of gloves - base layer, mid-layer, and the biggest windproof ski gloves I currently have on the outside. There is no finger dexterity and I don’t even bother trying to look at my watch. Having fingers exposed for more than 30 seconds results in pain!

The temp I find hardest to work with is in the 10-25 F range. The gloves start to get wet via sweat after a bit, so I’ll often do loops and change gloves mid run to a fresh pair. I find that Craft and Swix xc ski gloves are usually pretty good for running - relatively similar to xc ski conditions.

I just wanted to extend a thank you to the SlowTwitch community. Because of you, my son has received over 150 responses on his winter running glove research survey. His goal is 200, and so he is almost there. It is not too late if you want to participate in his research by filling out his 5-minute survey, link below:

He too wishes to convey a heart-felt thank you for all those willing to help him with his research.

P.S. Comments in this thread have also been great to see.

My son is a college student and runner doing market research on winter running glove usage for his entrepreneurship class. Here is a link to a short, five minute survey that will help uncover what runners like most about their gloves and what could be improved. He wants to develop a glove that helps runners complete workout on cold days, and so I told him this would be an excellent group to reach out to.

Here’s the link to the survey:

Thank you for your willingness to participate and help a college kid out!

Survey complete! Having lived and run in some cold places (Canada and Russia), I am very interested in cold weather running. However! Gloves are not just for keeping hands warm in winter, they also serve the essential purpose of nose-wiping in the cold.

Uh, I’m not alone here, right?

I am with you! Need to have a soft thumb/pointer area to keep from scratching up the face!