Winter indoor cycling training planning, any suggestions?

Can anyone suggest a winter base building indoor cycling plan for full distance?
Prefer to have more Zone 2 work, 5~6 sessions/week, less than 12 hours/week…rest…rinse and repeat.

Thank you very much!

1 day VO2 max
1 day Tempo or sweetspot
The rest of the days zone 2

How long for tempo and zone 2s?

Less than 12 hours/week total or just for biking? Guessing total?

For the full distance, I would think about maybe even doing less frequency but longer duration. Something like 4 rides broken up as 2x sweet spot days (1 day slightly shorter reps than the other day, 90% FTP), 1x tempo/longer distance rep days (10:00-30:00 reps @ 70-85% FTP), and 1 long ride day. 1.5-2 hours for the 1st 3 days. 3ish hours, building up from there for the long ride days.

How long for tempo and zone 2s?

1.5 hours for each of the hard days m
Rest of the hours zone 2

It’s been shown two times per week of intensity does the same is three times of intensity without the extra stress and strain on the body

Just cycling.