Winter cycling - gloves or no gloves

Was just watching the recent Dylan Johnson YouTube video and there’s a lot of scenes where he has full winter body coverage, except for his hands. Also have noticed the no hands covered in other social media posts for other pro/amateur cyclist.

Is this a “fashion” statement? Meaning it “looks cool” to not cover the hands. Or are these athletes blessed with warm hands in cold conditions?

For me personally, my hands tend to be the coldest part of my body when winter riding, and I cannot imagine going on a cold ride without my cycling gloves.

Even when I’m running, I can run in colder weather without a shirt but I still have to cover my hands.

Maybe I have a Raynoud’s type issue going on

There’s a lot of different scenarios going on to read anything into it.

His “winter” is different to mine, which is different to yours, and different again to someone elses. Try no gloves in a typical northern europe winter; cold wet and windy.
He doesnt “feel” the cold.
He’s taken his gloves off while doing his piece to camera, to operate something…

My personal rule is that if I can see my breath, I’m wearing gloves, either running OR riding - usually around 45*F

I have adopted something I call the “Balboa Threshold” of 28*F, below which I will not run outside

Upon my umpteenth viewing of Rocky, I noticed that was the exact temperature Don “Boom Boom” Cannon said it was when Rocky woke up at 4AM to do his first training run, without gloves or mittens, and struggled up the Art Museum steps

Riding would be completely out of the question at that temp; running would be an option, however, if I’m feeling extremely badass (like a couple of weeks ago when it was 18*F)

Yeah this seems pretty simple. You see him without gloves on a (usually self recorded) video. iPhones don’t work well with gloves. Gloves are off for video.

If your hands are cold wear gloves.

Yeah this seems pretty simple. You see him without gloves on a (usually self recorded) video. iPhones don’t work well with gloves. Gloves are off for video.

If your hands are cold wear gloves.

Yeah but I was watching an Instagram reel of Keegan and Finsty riding with a larger group in Tucson (on a cold day) and a few of those pros were not wearing gloves. Maybe they were all taking turns filming with their phones, for their social media presence, and it just appears as a no glove majority.

Yeah this seems pretty simple. You see him without gloves on a (usually self recorded) video. iPhones don’t work well with gloves. Gloves are off for video.

If your hands are cold wear gloves.

Yeah but I was watching an Instagram reel of Keegan and Finsty riding with a larger group in Tucson (on a cold day) and a few of those pros were not wearing gloves. Maybe they were all taking turns filming with their phones, for their social media presence, and it just appears as a no glove majority.

How cold was it? If you’re doing a hard ride in the hills 40-50 deg can become no glove possible. It’s also easier to take gloves off for a few min on a big hill than a jacket or a hat.

If you start out in the morning when it’s 20deg your gonna wear big thick gloves. By midday when it’s 40-50deg it’s almost better to wear no gloves than those same big thick ones. Ain’t no one taking two pair of gloves for a training ride.

I doubt it’s a fashion statement tho. It’s easier to put sponsor logos on a glove than a bare hand.

I have mild Renauds, my hands always feel cold, and I winter cycle in Toronto, so I always wear gloves in the winter. Basically if it’s 5C/40F or less, the gloves are on! When it’s minus 20, I’m wearing full down “explorer” mitts. Terrible for shifting, etc., but needed.

I always marvel at people that don’t need gloves when it is cold.

Yeah this seems pretty simple. You see him without gloves on a (usually self recorded) video. iPhones don’t work well with gloves. Gloves are off for video.

If your hands are cold wear gloves.

Yeah but I was watching an Instagram reel of Keegan and Finsty riding with a larger group in Tucson (on a cold day) and a few of those pros were not wearing gloves. Maybe they were all taking turns filming with their phones, for their social media presence, and it just appears as a no glove majority.

Don’t let IG decide what’s best for YOU

Like mathematics said “If your hands are cold, wear gloves” and I’ll add “fuck what other people do”

“cold” is different for everyone.

mid 40’s, I would often start with gloves and have them off for majority of the ride after I started generating good heat, especially on a climb heavy ride, same with running down to the low 20’s.

I’ve also spent my life in Western, NY and have trained and worked outdoors year-round for decades, so what I consider cold may be different than what you consider cold.

. iPhones don’t work well with gloves.

That could be it, just pointing out there are gloves these days that work remarkably well with touchscreens. I use them more for my touchscreen head unit than phones.

It’s pretty common in cross to warm-up in gloves, then take them off once at race temp. Definitely a “feel for the bike” commentary than a fashion statement.

Don’t let IG decide what’s best for YOU

Like mathematics said “If your hands are cold, wear gloves” and I’ll add “fuck what other people do”

No, I agree. I’ve been wearing gloves for winter riding when its 55F (13C) or below forever. I’m a cold weather wimp. I’ll ride but I’m covering up good. My question was more out of curiosity than anything. I just thought it looked “trendy” to be all kitted out (for winter riding) with no gloves.


If there is one thing I have learned and seen. Who cares what someone else is doing. If your COLD, wear gloves, hat etc. Still amazed when I see people in triathlons freezing their asses off on the bike as gloves, arm warmers, jacket might not be aero or want to put on. Instead they freeze and lose more time. So yes, some people can go gloveless but please,…if your cold, be warm. Of course when I race bicycles Europe in the late 80’s we did have super hot creams that when applied did actually keep you warm if it was dry… those creams seem to have died out…at least here in the US

If there is one thing I have learned and seen. Who cares what someone else is doing. If your COLD, wear gloves, hat etc. Still amazed when I see people in triathlons freezing their asses off on the bike as gloves, arm warmers, jacket might not be aero or want to put on. Instead they freeze and lose more time. So yes, some people can go gloveless but please,…if your cold, be warm. Of course when I race bicycles Europe in the late 80’s we did have super hot creams that when applied did actually keep you warm if it was dry… those creams seem to have died out…at least here in the US

This may be a dumb question but I don’t have time to look it up right now…those creams, is that embrocation? I may have misspelled that.

If your hands are cold, it’s very hard to change tubes when you get a flat. If you can handle all that, gloves can be optional, but no way in hell I will not wear gloves when it’s cold.

Correct on those creams. We were just talking about how no one uses them in America. They were always fringe items, then DZ made it popular for a sort time than gone… I WISH i had a jar of this euro stuff from long ago…Serious stuff, was to go whenever it was cold.

Go gloveless in winter here and you’ll have no fingers to cover after they are frost bit.

Gloves are tricky, easy for them to be too warm or too cold, never can strike the right balance. Gladly take advice on gloves for the 30F to 45F range.

Go gloveless in winter here and you’ll have no fingers to cover after they are frost bit.

Gloves are tricky, easy for them to be too warm or too cold, never can strike the right balance. Gladly take advice on gloves for the 30F to 45F range.

Bar mitts (aka pogies) with light full finger gloves are, as the Gen-Zers say, amazeballs. You get good brake and shift actuation with the lighter gloves. Or manipulate head unit buttons or touchscreens easily. And the pogies can be great. In mountain biking in cold weather with full heavy gloves, I’d be fine ascending, but my hands would absolutely freeze descending. Like after the ride I was unable to work my helmet buckle or enter the code to my garage door opener. But with pogies, wind from descending is zero issue.

Edit: But I’m talking maybe more single-digit to teens F, not 30F-45F. For that you might be better off with just medium-weight full finger gloves. Or sometimes if there’s a descent late in a mountain day, I’ll keep a pair of dry glove liners in my jersey pocket, and throw those on under the medium gloves for the descent.

On my fatty I usually use pearl izumi lobster mitts.

I am not putting pogies on my gravel bike man…

I do plan on making some pogies for my fat bike with a bear hide I have. Just been too lazy to do it.