Winter bike plan

Hi everyone
After a good season, I improved a lot on the bike. It was my first year training and racing with a powermeter, and I also worked on my bike fit. I managed to keep my run fitness.
This winter I will focus on the swim, that is really holding me back.
I raced an oly where I swam in 25:44 (45 position), bike in 1:28 (11 position, there was 900m elevation), run 37:26 (10), finished 11 overall.

I Can keep 280-290w on a 20min test.

I live in the moutains, so I practice xc skiing 2/week during winter but I don’t ride outdoor.

What Can I do on the trainer, knowing that my winter focus will be on the swim (3-4 master sessions, 3-5k each) ?
I saw a plan based on 2 sweetspot and a longer ride per week (maybe tempo if I cannot ride outside ?), Or another with 3 short workouts per week and more intense stuff (start with 1’/1’ intervals for 4 weeks, then 4’/45" intervals for 4 weeks, then more FTP/sweetspot).

Any other advice or plan ?


yo yo. Congrats on a good season!

  1. Winter is great time to work on swim, so good on you for being willing to get into it. I am a front pack swimmer and also coach some. I always will tell weaker swimmers that you need to be at least swimming 4x a week to see real improvements. Great you will have a group and a coach on deck but maybe tack on a couple extra swims if time allows. All about frequency- keeping the feel for the water and building that neuromuscular adaptations. No need to go crazy on volume. Message me if you have questions on this.

  2. For winter biking- trainers can be hard to do large volume. I would prefer doing base miles in winter and then adding intensity closer to season. I tested a reverse phase protocol this past year where I did more high intensity during winter so I did not have to be on trainer for hours but then added volume once the weather got better. Literature saw no real difference between these but I think the normal base in winter is preferred by most. For me the reverse worked but got to be careful about burnout. But if doing intensity… what to do? Well what is your weak area? Is sweet spot really going to help you? I am always weary of the grey zone. Definitely time and place to be in it but doing it over and over again will burn you out and put a cap on how good you can get IMO. So I will let others comment specifics but for me I would just ask yourself what is my weak spot in cycling (can base this off 1min vs 5min vs 20min vs 1hr power).

Good luck mate!

Hi everyone
After a good season, I improved a lot on the bike. It was my first year training and racing with a powermeter, and I also worked on my bike fit. I managed to keep my run fitness.
This winter I will focus on the swim, that is really holding me back.
I raced an oly where I swam in 25:44 (45 position), bike in 1:28 (11 position, there was 900m elevation), run 37:26 (10), finished 11 overall.

I Can keep 280-290w on a 20min test.

I live in the moutains, so I practice xc skiing 2/week during winter but I don’t ride outdoor.

What Can I do on the trainer, knowing that my winter focus will be on the swim (3-4 master sessions, 3-5k each) ?
I saw a plan based on 2 sweetspot and a longer ride per week (maybe tempo if I cannot ride outside ?), Or another with 3 short workouts per week and more intense stuff (start with 1’/1’ intervals for 4 weeks, then 4’/45" intervals for 4 weeks, then more FTP/sweetspot).

Any other advice or plan ?


as example,

in this website you can find some training plans available in Zwift, but you can use without zwift, for example you have this which is perfect for winter:

easy rides + some cadence work + sprints

Thanks a lot for the ressource !!
It seems really nice. The active offseason is too much volume for the winter, I would not be able to ride 5-6 times a week on the trainer. But maybe is there another good plan

Thanks a lot for the ressource !!
It seems really nice. The active offseason is too much volume for the winter, I would not be able to ride 5-6 times a week on the trainer. But maybe is there another good plan

you don’t have to do all workouts, you could remove weeks…, or you can do 2-3 workouts per week, so it will last more weeks