Will Trump debate Harris?

I say “not a chance.”

Trump says, “I don’t need to”


What say you?

I say,…weren’t there already enough Trump threads for you?

You need to watch some Olympics or something. Diversify your interests.

Stop deflecting!

I’m actually in Mexico about to spend the day diving the Cenotes con ma familia. Diverse enough?

I think he will, but define “debate”. He’ll show up and spew his normal bullshit. But he will not debate in any way, shape or form.

Stop deflecting!

I’m actually in Mexico about to spend the day diving the Cenotes con ma familia. Diverse enough?

Not diverse enough. Mi familia.

I’m currently in step one of getting a crown. So, there’s that.

I think they’ll debate. Remember that a lot of us thought he’d duck out of the debate with Biden.

The pressure will be on her as every talking head thinks she’ll smash him as she “prosecutes the case against him*.”

*if I hear that line one more freaking time…

I think he will, but define “debate”. He’ll show up and spew his normal bullshit. But he will not debate in any way, shape or form.


What I think most reasonable people will be watching for is how Harris responds to his bullshit. Does it trip her up or does she accurately call him out on not answering the question.

I think he will, but define “debate”. He’ll show up and spew his normal bullshit. But he will not debate in any way, shape or form.


What I think most reasonable people will be watching for is how Harris responds to his bullshit. Does it trip her up or does she accurately call him out on not answering the question.

If he wanders around like he did with Clinton, KH would call him out, I think.

I think he will, but define “debate”. He’ll show up and spew his normal bullshit. But he will not debate in any way, shape or form.


What I think most reasonable people will be watching for is how Harris responds to his bullshit. Does it trip her up or does she accurately call him out on not answering the question.

Also this.

She has a unique opportunity in this debate. He’s a known quantity in every aspect and nothing in terms of content or behavior should catch her off guard or affect her performance; her experience in the courtroom and Senate hearings has him shook. He’s lost more than a step or two and if his performance against Biden is the best he has to offer, she can cook him like a freezer burnt pot roast. The odds in this matchup in reality should be orders of magnitude in her favor.

If he doesn’t show she should hold a campaign rally at the site and remind everyone he’s a chicken shit.

He will, it allows him a chance to attack Harris directly and get the soundbites he wants. Debates give him a chance to have the optics he wants, that was his teams goal in the previous debate and it worked very well.

He can use the time before to waffle over his choice to show his “strengths” (debate over Biden) and her weaknesses (not the right candidate, etc). Also by not committing it keeps his name at the top of headlines and further shows that he won’t just do something for the sake of doing it. He will spin it as a way that it’s on his terms to look strong.

It will rile up his base.

I think Trump can do well in his usual stance in debates and get what he wants out of it. Harris needs to debate and doing very well. It’s a chance for her to win key voters and make a big impact from an verbal and optics standpoint.

He will, it allows him a chance to attack Harris directly and get the soundbites he wants. Debates give him a chance to have the optics he wants, that was his teams goal in the previous debate and it worked very well.

He can use the time before to waffle over his choice to show his “strengths” (debate over Biden) and her weaknesses (not the right candidate, etc). Also by not committing it keeps his name at the top of headlines and further shows that he won’t just do something for the sake of doing it. He will spin it as a way that it’s on his terms to look strong.

It will rile up his base.

I think Trump can do well in his usual stance in debates and get what he wants out of it. Harris needs to debate and doing very well. It’s a chance for her to win key voters and make a big impact from a verbal and optics standpoint.

I’m not sure that his magats realize that they do not want substance from him. He has not offered any in 40 years. There is no way to intellectually change their mind. They are entertained when he bullies and makes opponents appear weak or “failing.” He will also feel more in control when he belittles and lies. He’ll be successful this way by debating.
Kam can pull indies and undies by debating… But she ain’t gett’n no magats. Notta one. Cuz they ain’t think’n a’tall.

Poor Donnie.


That’s a massive crowd. Serious energy, reminds me of an Obama rally. This is what the Democrats needed to drive turnout and enthusiasm. Her field of potential VPs are top tier campaigners so together they may hold this energy through the election. Hopefully it’s enough.

I don’t think he will debate her in any form.

Trump is a bully, pure and simple. Trump debated Biden because he knew he had the upper hand. He knows if he debates Harris he has the losing hand, by a wide margin. She’ll destroy him and it would be obvious no matter how his team tries to spin it after the fact.

He knows it, and the only way he wins the debate is to not show up.

i think it depends where the polls in the swing states go in the next few weeks. If he is 5% or more down in a few must win states i think he’ll want to take a chance.

I don’t think he will debate her in any form.

Trump is a bully, pure and simple. Trump debated Biden because he knew he had the upper hand. He knows if he debates Harris he has the losing hand, by a wide margin. She’ll destroy him and it would be obvious no matter how his team tries to spin it after the fact.

He knows it, and the only way he wins the debate is to not show up.

it also has to be said that historically he has big problems with black women. it just seems like he can’t have a discussion/debate with them, without them getting under his skin.

I don’t think he will debate her in any form.

Trump is a bully, pure and simple. Trump debated Biden because he knew he had the upper hand. He knows if he debates Harris he has the losing hand, by a wide margin. She’ll destroy him and it would be obvious no matter how his team tries to spin it after the fact.

He knows it, and the only way he wins the debate is to not show up.

it also has to be said that historically he has big problems with black women. it just seems like he can’t have a discussion/debate with them, without them getting under his skin.

That shouldn’t be a problem now that Harris isn’t black.

He will, it allows him a chance to attack Harris directly and get the soundbites he wants. Debates give him a chance to have the optics he wants, that was his teams goal in the previous debate and it worked very well.

He can use the time before to waffle over his choice to show his “strengths” (debate over Biden) and her weaknesses (not the right candidate, etc). Also by not committing it keeps his name at the top of headlines and further shows that he won’t just do something for the sake of doing it. He will spin it as a way that it’s on his terms to look strong.

It will rile up his base.

I think Trump can do well in his usual stance in debates and get what he wants out of it. Harris needs to debate and doing very well. It’s a chance for her to win key voters and make a big impact from a verbal and optics standpoint.

He won’t debate Harris.

He said twice in this interview that he won’t. “She’s a third rate candidate…”. “I’m already leading in the polls, so why should I?”


I’ve always thought a lawyer would be the ideal person to debate Trump. Really all you have to do is memorize everything he has said or done in his past and throw it back to his face. I never understand why nobody has done this.

I’m not sure this has to do with being weak or scared. Whether anyone wants to give him credit or not, Donald Trump managed to be elected to the Presidency, and is doing pretty well on his effort to being re-elected. He didn’t get there because he’s making campaign decisions totally on weakness and fear.

He doesn’t view these as “debates” in the traditional sense. He’s not going to stand there and actually debate policy details, point by point, with anyone. He doesn’t view them as important venues to communicate ideas with the American people. That’s not what he’s there for. He’s there to deliver a handful of talking points in front of cameras for his core audience.

Next to Joe Biden, Donald Trump was able to that while presenting himself as (relatively speaking) youthful/vigorous. Next to Kamala Harris, he doesn’t have that advantage. Next to Joe Biden, he knew he’d get some degree of stumbling, stuttering, gaffes, etc. He got more than he thought, but still, he knew he was on, at least, even ground. Next to Kamala Harris, he doesn’t have that advantage.

Since it’s not really a debate of policy ideas, it boils down to whether or not it’s a good optic and whether or not he can come out of it looking strong. Since he doesn’t have some of the advantages he believed he had against Joe Biden, there’s much less for him to gain and more risk.