Will there be a whites only party too?


Mayor holds a party for “electeds of color.” Somehow that promotes diversity and inclusion.

This is a real job posting from our university. For this position, they are accepting black applicants only. Because inclusion.

You can’t make this shit up. Its hard to believe this is 2023.



On the outrage meter of things to be upset by this holiday season, this doesn’t really get the needle moving for me. We have a Congressional Black Caucus. I’ve seen senior female Navy flag officers who host discussion groups and newsletters for female Sailors and officers. We tend to allow marginalized groups to get together because they, presumably, have some shared experience in being a minority in whatever venue.

It’d be nice if people didn’t feel the desire for this sort of thing, but I certainly wouldn’t spend anymore time thinking about it than it took to write this post.

Will there be a whites only party too?

Yes, it is called Boston Politicians.


Mayor holds a party for “electeds of color.” Somehow that promotes diversity and inclusion.

This has wounded you deeply for some reason.

Try getting over it.



Mayor holds a party for “electeds of color.” Somehow that promotes diversity and inclusion.
Windykins loves him some Wonder bread, quelle surprise.



Wait ‘till he finds out they have their own TV network.

This part was kinda funny.

“I wanted to apologize for my previous email regarding a Holiday Party for tomorrow,” DosSantos, a Cape Verdean Black woman, wrote. “I did send that to everyone by accident, and I apologize if my email may have offended or came across as so. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.”

Not sorry for hosting a racially segregated event, sorry we accidentally tipped you off to it. Oops!

At this point it’s so commonplace and part of our culture that It doesn’t even blip on my radar. But at the same time, maybe a party to recognize elected officials “of color” that included everyone might have been a better way to go about it. Because commonplace or not, it is divisive and not really what I want to see from elected leaders any more than I’d want to see a W.A.S.P. Heritage Elected Officials party.

That being said, I’ll take the buffet bar at the “of color” party over Janet’s crockpot casserole every fucking time.

This is a real job posting from our university. For this position, they are accepting black applicants only. Because inclusion.

You can’t make this shit up. Its hard to believe this is 2023.


So all you have to do is self identify as black, problem solved.



This is a real job posting from our university. For this position, they are accepting black applicants only. Because inclusion.

You can’t make this shit up. Its hard to believe this is 2023.


You can apply if you self identify! That’s pretty interesting, first time I’ve seen some of the following:
-a job posting that is cut and dry "Black People. "
-an allowance of people who can apply for said position based on if they identify as black, and oh yeah, you gotta say that in your cover letter.

What ever happened to the woman who was president of NAACP chapter that was white and tanned herself to look darker and was outed by her parents? Can she apply?!

This is a real job posting from our university. For this position, they are accepting black applicants only. Because inclusion.

You can’t make this shit up. Its hard to believe this is 2023.


Is that legal in Canada?


Mayor holds a party for “electeds of color.” Somehow that promotes diversity and inclusion.

Do you realize you can both be correct but also out yourself for who you really are by having such a prolific posting history about these things?

Same with gun nuts being gun nuts posting about the same thing over and over.

It reveals a personal problem.

This is a real job posting from our university. For this position, they are accepting black applicants only. Because inclusion.

You can’t make this shit up. Its hard to believe this is 2023.


Is that legal in Canada?

No. But BC, Alberta and Quebec don’t really think things apply to them. :wink:

This part was kinda funny.

“I wanted to apologize for my previous email regarding a Holiday Party for tomorrow,” DosSantos, a Cape Verdean Black woman, wrote. “I did send that to everyone by accident, and I apologize if my email may have offended or came across as so. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.”

Not sorry for hosting a racially segregated event, sorry we accidentally tipped you off to it. Oops!

At this point it’s so commonplace and part of our culture that It doesn’t even blip on my radar. But at the same time, maybe a party to recognize elected officials “of color” that included everyone might have been a better way to go about it. Because commonplace or not, it is divisive and not really what I want to see from elected leaders any more than I’d want to see a W.A.S.P. Heritage Elected Officials party.

That being said, I’ll take the buffet bar at the “of color” party over Janet’s crockpot casserole every fucking time.

Give me a break. If they invited everyone to recognize elected officials “of color”, windy would still be butt hurt about it.


For fucks sakes, who fucking cares? Do you want to go? Does windy? Do I? Resounding no’s all around.

So who fucking cares?


Mayor holds a party for “electeds of color.” Somehow that promotes diversity and inclusion.

Do you realize you can both be correct but also out yourself for who you really are by having such a prolific posting history about these things?

Same with gun nuts being gun nuts posting about the same thing over and over.

It reveals a personal problem.

what is the personal problem?

“Do you want to go?”

I’d like to see the menu first.

“Do you want to go?”

I’d like to see the menu first.

Paging Fuzzy Zoeller… we need to know what those people eat…

This part was kinda funny.

“I wanted to apologize for my previous email regarding a Holiday Party for tomorrow,” DosSantos, a Cape Verdean Black woman, wrote. “I did send that to everyone by accident, and I apologize if my email may have offended or came across as so. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.”

Not sorry for hosting a racially segregated event, sorry we accidentally tipped you off to it. Oops!

At this point it’s so commonplace and part of our culture that It doesn’t even blip on my radar. But at the same time, maybe a party to recognize elected officials “of color” that included everyone might have been a better way to go about it. Because commonplace or not, it is divisive and not really what I want to see from elected leaders any more than I’d want to see a W.A.S.P. Heritage Elected Officials party.

That being said, I’ll take the buffet bar at the “of color” party over Janet’s crockpot casserole every fucking time.

Give me a break. If they invited everyone to recognize elected officials “of color”, windy would still be butt hurt about it.


For fucks sakes, who fucking cares? Do you want to go? Does windy? Do I? Resounding no’s all around.

So who fucking cares?

The Mayor (an elected official)

Is hosting (in an official capacity)

A HOLIDAY party (a social event not honoring anyone)

Inviting people solely based on race (which is illegal discrimination)

You seem fine with that. Would you also be fine with the mayor hosting such event and only inviting white people?