My most wonderful wife got me an early Fathers Day present: HED Disc for my steed. I already have HED3’s for the front and back, so now I will have the tri-spoke front and disc rear. I remember when I first got into this sport riding an old Fuji Hybrid passing guys with Disc wheel thinking they were morons for spending 500 bucks and only going 19-20 mph(when my fuji cost all of 200)?? What is the limit for geekdom?? I can have an international distance triathlon split of 1:00:00 or so for 25 miles? That qualifies me for disc usage doesnt it:) I am really just being a smart a##
My real question is, what kind of time savings are possible with the Hed3 front and disc wheel rear??? 1 Hour is a time I have done a couple times for international distance tri’s, will this wheel actually take more time off or will the woosh woosh woosh sound be the only real benefit?
And at what point do most of you think the wind is TOO extreme for a disc wheel? Do people ride disc wheels at IM Florida??
wind? never had a problem wih the disc, the HED3 in the front is another story though, raced in wind and rain with a disc, e.g. no problems going 45+ mph downhill with crosswinds and rain in the aerobars - but at those speeds I can feel the HED 3 pushing around
If you are going 24+MPH in oly distance races your are definitely fast enuff to be riding a disc, faster then me anyway and I ride one. On the winds, as others have said a deep dish front or tri-spoke front wheel will be a problem before the disc is an issue.
Fla is the perfect IM course for a disc. If you realey want to assure yourself of this look at last years pics on, if you search the results and look at kona qualifiers or top age groupers, the majority of them are riding discs. I have done IMF in 01 w/o a disc, and 02 w/ a disc. I was slower in 02 but that was the engines fault not the disc.
Regarding time savings versus a tri-spoke to a disc, I would guess about 2 minutes. Enjoy the disc, and thank the wife.