Will Canada Become America?

A friend of mine texted this:

"The Oregon coast was amazing but there is just this sigh of relief coming back across the border.

We were in a Starbucks and there were two teenagers at a table morbidly obese and discussing their favourite firearms. It’s just such a different world over there."

I texted back:

“Those teens would love that asshole Pollievre, who will be the next PM.”

We Canadians keep smugly thinking “It can’t happen here!!” (ie Trumpism, MAGA, an activist Supreme Court, half the country submissive to Faux News, etc etc etc…)

But it will happen. Won’t it?

Yes, it will happen here.

Yes, it will happen here.

We have the same basket of deplorables that the US has. I am so tired of seeing jackasses wearing F*CK TRUDEAU stuff to things like kids ball hockey games.

I have never once seen a FCK FORD OR A FCK POLLIEVRE (or however it’s spelled) shirt or bumper sticker.

Assholes flock to the right. And PP is courting them.

Well post annexation each former province would have to apply for statehood

Well post annexation each former province would have to apply for statehood

I am holding out for a BC, OR, WA and CA merge into one Long Chile.

Well post annexation each former province would have to apply for statehood

I am holding out for a BC, OR, WA and CA merge into one Long Chile.

What is it with The West Coast? Does Pacific air make us more intelligent?

Wait…Chile? 😳

Well post annexation each former province would have to apply for statehood

I am holding out for a BC, OR, WA and CA merge into one Long Chile.

What is it with The West Coast? Does Pacific air make us more intelligent?

Wait…Chile? 😳

Well it seems to make you delusional smug fucks

A friend of mine texted this:

"The Oregon coast was amazing but there is just this sigh of relief coming back across the border.

We were in a Starbucks and there were two teenagers at a table morbidly obese and discussing their favourite firearms. It’s just such a different world over there."

I texted back:

“Those teens would love that asshole Pollievre, who will be the next PM.”

We Canadians keep smugly thinking “It can’t happen here!!” (ie Trumpism, MAGA, an activist Supreme Court, half the country submissive to Faux News, etc etc etc…)

But it will happen. Won’t it?

TIL. Skuj = Canadian

It all makes sense now

Well post annexation each former province would have to apply for statehood

I am holding out for a BC, OR, WA and CA merge into one Long Chile.

I wouldn’t. Long Chile was a silly place.

Well post annexation each former province would have to apply for statehood

I am holding out for a BC, OR, WA and CA merge into one Long Chile.

What is it with The West Coast? Does Pacific air make us more intelligent?

Wait…Chile? 😳

Well it seems to make you delusional smug fucks


A friend of mine texted this:

"The Oregon coast was amazing but there is just this sigh of relief coming back across the border.

We were in a Starbucks and there were two teenagers at a table morbidly obese and discussing their favourite firearms. It’s just such a different world over there."

I texted back:

“Those teens would love that asshole Pollievre, who will be the next PM.”

We Canadians keep smugly thinking “It can’t happen here!!” (ie Trumpism, MAGA, an activist Supreme Court, half the country submissive to Faux News, etc etc etc…)

But it will happen. Won’t it?

TIL. Skuj = Canadian

It all makes sense now

I had to look up TIL. I’m 62.

So, Tylertry, does this mean there is some hope that Canada may escape your fate?

I think the 2-party system in USA is a huge problem, and Kennedy won’t solve it. Thank god for our system - maybe the Left can gang up on Pollievre if he gets a Minority. Then we can have a Civil War, with all the Freedom People not understanding…well…freedom, in a Parliamentary Democracy.

Well post annexation each former province would have to apply for statehood

I am holding out for a BC, OR, WA and CA merge into one Long Chile.

I wouldn’t. Long Chile was a silly place.

Three points

Thank god for our system

We jettisoned your Monarchy for a reason

Thank god for our system

We jettisoned your Monarchy for a reason

And yet you support a part that is toying with a fascist dictator wannabe. You really are a dolt.

Well post annexation each former province would have to apply for statehood

I am holding out for a BC, OR, WA and CA merge into one Long Chile.

I wouldn’t. Long Chile was a silly place.

Well played sir. Well played.

Thank god for our system

We jettisoned your Monarchy for a reason

And yet you support a part that is toying with a fascist dictator wannabe. You really are a dolt.

What part is that?

We are already majorly screwed up without becoming America. PP isn’t Donald. However if things don’t get better people may vote for someone who is as bad.

Thank god for our system

We jettisoned your Monarchy for a reason

Maybe you shouldn’t have. 🤷🏼‍♂️

We might be further along in our right wing journey than you think…

I am in a small city on the east coast and I’ve seen a MAGA hat, dozens of F*** Trudeau stickers, and there is a truck here that flies the confederate flag. The last one is the strangest one to me as that’s not even Canada’s history?

Thank god for our system

We jettisoned your Monarchy for a reason

And yet you support a part that is toying with a fascist dictator wannabe. You really are a dolt.

What part is that?

Party, shit for brains. It was a typo.