Will Bush negotiate with Osama?

LOL. How much money do you have?

Have you had your morning coffee yet?

Don’t you mean you hope he will?

My guess is that the only thing Dubya will negotiate with OBL is the size of the Hellfire missile that will get shoved up OBL’s ass.

Think about it…we basically just violated the nominal territorial sovereignty of another country (and an ally of ours, I guess) on the off chance that OBL’s #2 guy was eating dinner in a house there. I don’t think Bush is too inclined to belly up to the bar with anybody from that group, either now or in the future.


Get real, you know Bush will eventually sell us out to get his approval ratings higher than 35%.

If that is true we would be out of Iraq? I also dont like Bush but let’s be smart about the stones we throw.

I don’t know how you can observe the guy for five years and be so completely clueless.

The only thing Bush will negotiate for is UBL’s coordinates.

We can never negotiate with terrorists. Bush, and no other President will ever do that. OBL is thinking he is playing on the publics growing dissatisfaction with the war but he is mis-reading the situation. Those of us opposed to Iraq want to INCREASE our efforts against him and al-Qaeda because we don’t link Iraq and the War on Terror.

If he does then he fooled everyone… Negotiate with who ?Can’t see it happen, hope not ! OBL might be in a corner, but also he is a smart negotiater. That will just give OBL the legitimacy he is ultimatly seeking, before further pursuing his agenda.

Tell me now who you like in the Superbowl so I can put some money on the other team.

Really, how can you be so clueless about a guy you are so obsessed with?

Pistols at dawn?

We can never negotiate with terrorists.

The list of former terrorists and enemies that the US has negotiated with is long. Contra rebels, Iran, etc etc etc. Never say never.

Besides, why shouldn’t the US negotiate. Maybe he wants to surrender?

Oh thank god! This last post proves your just yanking our chain.

The list of former terrorists and enemies that the US has negotiated with is long.

There is a difference between what we say publicly and what we do privately, no doubt. But, as for OBL, no way anyone ever negotiates with him. Not Bush, not Clinton (either one), not Kerry, not even Kennedy (well, maybe Kennedy) but you get my point.

Kennedy only if Bin Laden throws in a fifth of Jack Daniels and some sweet Afghani hashish :wink:

Tibbs, Osama has us by the nuts in a no win situation. He publicy states that he is willing to negotiate a truce, which immediately makes him look good in the Arab world. He knows we won’t negotiate and we publicly state it, which immediately makes us look bad in the Arab world. If the Arab world pressures us, then we’ll eventually have to negotiate at some level, which then again makes us look weak and him strong.

The guy is a PR genius. And only we could be such fools as to fall for his traps. He probably sits around and thinks of just totally unimaginable thinks he can do and our most extreme response and then he goes out and does it and we respond accordingly.

And we wonder why he is considered a hero in the Arab world.

You don’t seriously believe what you just wrote do you?

I mean, it is a funny way of looking at the situation if you are joking around.

Here’s the thing that he doesn’t get about this situation: You don’t negotiate with barbarians, and in this circumstance that’s exactly what we’ve got to consider AQ. When you give barbarians what they want, they’ll take what you have, thank you politely…and then boil you in oil anyway.

This is so blindingly obvious as it pertains to AQ, and some of these other organizations, that I can’t believe we’re even having this debate.


An update:

**Bush Rejects Truce Offer On Purported Bin Laden Tape **
**The Indy Channel **| 01-19-2006 | AP

CAIRO, Egypt – U.S. counterterror officials said Thursday they have seen no specific or credible intelligence to indicate an upcoming al-Qaida attack on the country, despite a new audio tape claiming preparations for such a mission.

The United States will not let up in the war on terror despite the threats on the tape, purportedly made by Osama bin Laden, said White House press secretary Scott McClellan.

“We do not negotiate with terrorists,” McClellan said. “We put them out of business.”

While warning against downplaying the taped threat, officials at intelligence and law enforcement agencies said there has been no recent increase in “chatter” that can indicate that such an attack is imminent. The officials discussed the tape on condition of anonymity because intelligence analysis is usually sensitive and because the tape was still being examined.

A Department of Homeland Security official said the agency has no immediate plans to raise the national terror alert, noting that intelligence agencies are still “working to authenticate the tape.”

The national threat level is currently at “yellow alert,” the middle of five stages, signifying an elevated risk of terror attacks. It has mostly been at yellow since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, but has been raised to the orange “high alert” level seven times since then.

Intelligence officials said authenticating the tape, released by the television network Al-Jazeera Thursday morning, could take between several hours and several days - and perhaps through the weekend.

“If there is any actionable intelligence, we will act on it,” McClellan said.

A U.S. counterterror official said analysts had no reason to doubt an assessment by Al-Jazeera that the tape was recorded in the Islamic month that corresponds with December.

President Bush was told about the audiotape shortly after an appearance on the economy in Sterling, Va., McClellan said.

Intelligence authorities were examining why bin Laden - if in fact the voice on the tape is verified as his - would be speaking out after more than a year of letting his top deputy, Ayman al-Zawahri, serve as al-Qaida’s public face in statements and other communications.

One official speculated that it might be an attempt to show supporters that bin Laden is still around.

I can’t believe there would be a debate about this either. But if the Left considers OBL to be a ‘genius’ I know I feel a bit better about them branding GWB an idiot.