Wide sized shoes

I’m looking for recommendations on cycling shoes that will come in a wider size. There seems to be a large gap in the industry where certain brands “run” wider a salesperson will tell me. However, the shoes are truly “wide”.

I need to get out of my sidis which I’m told “run” narrow and into a legit wide shoe. I would like to stay in the $300 or less range. I feel like there should be options out there for people with wider feet who want to wear cycling shoes that don’t cost a grand. I attempted some heat moldeable shoes by bont but, they weren’t quite right.

Any direction you could steer me in would be greatly appreciated.

Lake shoes.
they are wider for standard, and also offer a Wide.

Ann is right. Try the Lake CX237, that is already wide in the standard width but really wide in their wide version.


Bonts (from Australia) are also a very solid shoe that more than accomodates wide feet

Verducci, didn’t knew the brand until today. The widest by far i have ever tried on. Look a lot like the carbon sole of the Lake TX402, but it is wide, really really wide. My zoomers swam in them in the width.



Another vote for Lake shoes, which come in standard and wide.

Sidi, Shimano, and Lake all make great HV/wide options, though the Lakes (237 line) tend to have the widest forefoot.

This was what I thought as well, but the Verducci is even wider but even harder to find in the US I think. But those are unbelievable wide…

Suplest out of Switzerland also make a standard size that uses a wider last. While standard Bonts may not have fit you, they do make a wide fit, and also an Asian fit which has a wide last and also no arch.