Why wear Livestrong?

I posted this at the end of another thread, but only got one or two responses and was still curious. My question has to do with the Livestrong wristbands

I’ve never understood this type of thing. What is it about these wristbands or the various colors of ribbons people wear? I’m not trying to insult the people who wear them, but I was really wondering. Do you wear them so people will know you are a charitable person? People always say it’s to “show my support” for XX cause, but wouldn’t it be better if you donated more than a dollar and didn’t worry about the symbol? Maybe it’s become as much a fashion statement as anything else, or a status symbol of a sort. Obviously it’s a great marketing tool and works to raise money.

It has nothing to do with the $1 contribution. It is all about the symbol - the symbol that you support Lance, that you support the work of the LAF, and that you support people that are living with cancer - maybe a realtive, maybe a friend, maybe nobody in particular.

They were all over at my daughter’s soccer tournament today - the kids think their cool. Personally, I think it’s cool that they actually know who Lance Armstrong is.

I think there is a chance that this could become the next Kaballah bracelet celebrity symbol of the month thing - but personally I don’t care. I wore mine during my Ironman (never wrong to be thinking Live Strong during one of those), wore it for a week after the Tour to support Lance, and wear it from time to time when I work out - especially useful on hard workouts, it reminds me that Lance didn’t quit, and he was in a lot more agony.

It’s like the shampoo ad…if she doesn’t tell two friends, who don’t tell two friends and so on and so on, you’re not going to sell much shampoo. You can donate $100 to cancer research and not tell anyone - that’s great. You can also donate $1, and wear the bracelet you receive in return, and have friends, coworkers and strangers ask you about it, and some of them will go to wearyellow.com and kick in, and then someone will ask them about it. And so on. Better yet, you can do both.

Not much to understand really… Mostly just raising awareness. That’s a pretty good thing. No???

Look at the numbers, 7 million sold already with a couple of million more on backorder. All of this one dollar at a time. Sure you could send LAF $100 and feel great about yourself but the awareness factor of so many people wearing the wristbands has made this a great charity fund raiser of epic proportions.

I’ve been wearing mine for months now and really don’t have any intention of taking it off. Both of my in-laws died from colon cancer, my mother in-law was a long time breast cancer survivor. I had a brother in-law who battled cancer for 24 years starting when he was 10 years old.

I wear it for them and so many others like them.


I’m like most people I guess I wear mine in memory of 3 close family friends that I have lost over the years to various cancers. I give to Cancer research annually anyway but this is raising the profile to people who would not normally think deeply of the subject. Also I use to the raise my determination when times are tough and quitting appears to be an option.

I had one on for a week to remind me to ride hard while training. That riders in the tour ride unbelievable miles and live the lives of monks to be great athletes.

I wore it to belong. To belong to a small fraternity of people “on the inside”. I wore it because I bought into the dream and wanted to believe.

When it became tainted with controversy and Britney Spear’s boyfriend showed up on TV wearing one, I took it off. I didn’t want to be on that “inside” anymore.

I do wish anyone and everyone faced with cancer the very best and my thoughts and prayers are with them for a speedy and complete recovery.

Raising awareness is absolutely right.

To be blunt I found out I have an aggressive form of skin cancer Friday afternoon while at my Doctors. After noticing an odd mole on my ear about 2 weeks ago. I went to a couple of web sites on cancer and found out what to look for. They did a biopsy and here we are.

I would never have done the search if I had not received the bracelet I was given by a fellow triathlete and co-worker to make me even think about cancer.

While not necessarily life threatening I do have some lymph nodes that are “lumpy” they are going also. Doc says it is precautionary. Prognosis is good so maybe the LA bracelet worked for me.



Most importantly, good luck with your treatment. Looks like you got it early. Good.

As you pointed out, the bracelet worked in your case. Hopefully others. That is nothing but good.

Best wishes my friend.

I really enjoyed reading all the posts and found myself and one of my training partners asking me the same thing this morning. We purchased 25 or so as goody bag fillers for my daughters birthday earlier in the summer. The kids thought they were cool. I have been wearing one most of the summer. I am very fortunate that relatively speaking my family has not been significantly impacted by cancer, (knocking on wood).

A local tri guy’s father is going through chemo, and saw me with it on, he asked were I got it since his dad wanted one. I was glad we had an extra and was able to give it to him for his dad.

This morning my training partner asked how long I am going to wear it, my response until IMF in November. Like others, it reminds me that what I am going through training for my 4th IM seem like a walk in the park compared to the real challenges that cancer patients are enduring. In summary its a reality check.


Rockfish aka Greg Sheehan

I heard the same question from my fiance about how long I planned on wearing mine. I told her until I finish IM AZ in April for the exact same reasons as rockfish said. From a very selfish standpoint, it puts things into perspective for me.

I wear mine because when people ask me what it is, I get to tell them:

“It’s to raise awareness of the disease of cancer. The Lance Armstrong Foundation and Nike are raising millions of dollars through these little things. Tell a friend. Cancer is a disease but through generous giving and world-wide awareness we have a better chance of stamping it out tomorrow.”

It is in a way… a symbol of our war on cancer.

I wear a Livestrong mainly because a Livethong would frankly be in bad taste…

It’s about the most powerful force in humanity…UNITY!