Why no start list for age groups racing in kona?

Why arnt Ironman listing the start list anymore ?
Is it due to “privacy “ ?
Bloody ridiculous

Yes and if you think it’s ridiculous your gripe is with California and the EU among others for putting such wide reaching privacy laws in place. I do hope IM eventually allows for an opt in (as I think some of the privacy laws don’t allow for opt out), but I also think they like not sharing volume numbers prior to races to help drive demand.

There are some participants posting bib numbers online. I haven’t found them listed anywhere either so I’m wondering where they are getting their bib numbers?

Bib numbers show up when you click on the event in your active.com account but there is no way to see anyone else’s besides your own.

Bib numbers show up when you click on the event in your active.com account but there is no way to see anyone else’s besides your own.

Thank you. I found this on FB earlier. Just what we were looking for!

Yes and if you think it’s ridiculous your gripe is with California and the EU among others for putting such wide reaching privacy laws in place.

I assure you this has got zilch to do with EU privacy laws (how do I know this? from reading dozens of start lists in EU-based races, updated continuously from the day that registration opens), and I suspect with California privacy laws either, since Ironman does publish results lists.

Yes and if you think it’s ridiculous your gripe is with California and the EU among others for putting such wide reaching privacy laws in place.I assure you this has got zilch to do with EU privacy laws (how do I know this? from reading dozens of start lists in EU-based races, updated continuously from the day that registration opens), and I suspect with California privacy laws either, since Ironman does publish results lists.In UK the effect of privacy laws (essentially still follow EU practice) are not interpreted to prevent the publication of start lists for races. I have one (not triathlon, over 500 athletes both Saturday and Sunday) happening next weekend and we published the start list 10 days ago (and it has been updated daily). Every competitor can see who they are up against in their class (open/elite or age group).
IM have also not yet published the Pro start list for IMWC Kona - should be at -21 days.

Possible reasons:

  • they don’t want you to know if a race is unlikely to sell out soon
  • they don’t want people scraping those lists (such as obstri)

Yes and if you think it’s ridiculous your gripe is with California and the EU among others for putting such wide reaching privacy laws in place.

I assure you this has got zilch to do with EU privacy laws (how do I know this? from reading dozens of start lists in EU-based races, updated continuously from the day that registration opens), and I suspect with California privacy laws either, since Ironman does publish results lists.

I assure you many corporate lawyers disagree with you. We recently went through a privacy review in my industry and we had to make similar changes to business practices due the lawyers wanting to take a very wide birth around these laws. You can agree or disagree all you want but when your lawyers say avoid the risk at your own peril most companies will choose the path of least risk. Results lists are different as they only inform where you were not where you won’t be.

It’s very different to tell a stalker that Sally smith will be at riverside park on Saturday 5:30 am than saying she was there. That’s the problem privacy lawyers have with public start lists is they can be used for nefarious means… stalkers and home invaders are two examples.

Yes and if you think it’s ridiculous your gripe is with California and the EU among others for putting such wide reaching privacy laws in place.

I assure you this has got zilch to do with EU privacy laws (how do I know this? from reading dozens of start lists in EU-based races, updated continuously from the day that registration opens), and I suspect with California privacy laws either, since Ironman does publish results lists.

I assure you many corporate lawyers disagree with you. We recently went through a privacy review in my industry and we had to make similar changes to business practices due the lawyers wanting to take a very wide birth around these laws. You can agree or disagree all you want but when your lawyers say avoid the risk at your own peril most companies will choose the path of least risk. Results lists are different as they only inform where you were not where you won’t be.

It’s very different to tell a stalker that Sally smith will be at riverside park on Saturday 5:30 am than saying she was there. That’s the problem privacy lawyers have with public start lists is they can be used for nefarious means… stalkers and home invaders are two examples.

Yeah, the stalkers will have to do it the old fashioned way. Look at the public FB posts of people doing races in upcoming weeks.

So will the start list be published anywhere pre IMWC kona ?
Was anything list for the men in nice ?

So will the start list be published anywhere pre IMWC kona ?
Was anything list for the men in nice ?
And the guide (this post 25 Sep)??
“The 2023 IRONMAN World Championship Athlete Guide is coming soon. We apologize for the miscommunication to athletes and expect the Guide to be available week commencing September 18th.”

I don’t think the privacy polices are the drivers for this new ‘feature’. The results page would show the same information, in a similar format.

So will the start list be published anywhere pre IMWC kona ?
Was anything list for the men in nice ?
And the guide (this post 25 Sep)??
“The 2023 IRONMAN World Championship Athlete Guide is coming soon. We apologize for the miscommunication to athletes and expect the Guide to be available week commencing September 18th.”
Thanks but the guide never has the start list
It’s usually a different pdf/link

So will the start list be published anywhere pre IMWC kona ?
Was anything list for the men in nice ?And the guide (this post 25 Sep)??
"The 2023 IRONMAN World Championship Athlete Guide is coming soon.
Thanks but the guide never has the start list. It’s usually a different pdf/linkAppreciate that. Was pointing out that IM have failed to meet their own deadline by 8 days for a minor(!?) race starting in 18 days.
How about this (for the Pros):
#1 Sodaro
#2 Ryf
#3 Haug
#4 Charles Barclay
#5 Philipp
#6 Norden
#7 Knibb
#8 Matthews
#9 Moench
#10 Astle