Why is violent crime down so much since the 90s?

I was looking at some data, and violent crimes in cities in the 90s were almost double of what they are today? Things have also seemed to plateau since 2013.

It’s all the plastic in our balls.

One reason is agencies used UCR back then and now they are using NIBRS. Some crimes got reclassified differently switching from UCR to NIBRS. What specific crime or crimes were you looking for?

One reason is agencies used UCR back then and now they are using NIBRS. Some crimes got reclassified differently switching from UCR to NIBRS. What specific crime or crimes were you looking for?

This paper which compared the two found that the differences were small - less than 2% at most, often identical. Just one paper, first one I found. Could be others.

I’d guess the reasons are varied. One pure guess on my part is that the drug gang violence in the 1990’s was intense. Lot of turf warfare.

For whatever reason, the current drug epidemic - mostly opioid based - does not seem to involve nearly the same level of savage turf warfare. I am going by “feel” on this one, haven’t yet looked up the data. Could be completely wrong. OTOH, fentanyl and other opioids seems to be killing it’s users at a higher rate than crack did.

I was looking at some data, and violent crimes in cities in the 90s were almost double of what they are today? Things have also seemed to plateau since 2013.

It’s been a long time since I read it, but the Freakanomics guys make a pretty good argument that Roe v Wade is about half of it. I would add that the crime peak was pretty closely related to the crack peak in the 90s.

Age distribution of population changing is one factor. Violent crime mainly done by younger people who are diminishing proportion of population.

One reason is agencies used UCR back then and now they are using NIBRS. Some crimes got reclassified differently switching from UCR to NIBRS. What specific crime or crimes were you looking for?

I was looking at the below. And it just seems like crime was pretty outta control in the early 90s. And now its just a blip. 370–>375 reported violent crimes reported during covid shouldnt even move the needle in comparions to the 700+ numbers in the 90s

https://cdn.farmjournal.com/s3fs-public/inline-images/Screenshot%202024-01-03%20at%203.02.47 PM_0.png

I was looking at some data, and violent crimes in cities in the 90s were almost double of what they are today? Things have also seemed to plateau since 2013.

It’s been a long time since I read it, but the Freakanomics guys make a pretty good argument that Roe v Wade is about half of it. I would add that the crime peak was pretty closely related to the crack peak in the 90s.

Legal abortions = fewer poor mothers = fewer poor kids doing anything to get by.

There is also the theory about banning lead paint and gas.

Or that were a lot richer now than in 91. Robbery is down 74% since 93, murder down 34%. March 91 happened to be the end of GWHB’s recession and the start of 10 years of boom. BUT before the 90-91 recession, there was 7.75 years since Reagan’s recession and crime climbed during the 80s.

More guns in the population. Its a lot riskier to commit a violent crime if the target can fight back.

I was looking at some data, and violent crimes in cities in the 90s were almost double of what they are today? Things have also seemed to plateau since 2013.

https://humanprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Trend72-01.pngI am curious as to why violent crime increased so much from 1960 to 1990

I found a wikipedia article for that:


Possible explanations (none perfect) for why crime is decreasing are:
Less lead paint and pollution
More abortions
Better economy
More immigration
Changes in drug demand (crack to heroin)
Improved security (electronic door locks)

Personally I think it’s because, on the aggregate, peoples lives are improving.

I was looking at some data, and violent crimes in cities in the 90s were almost double of what they are today? Things have also seemed to plateau since 2013.

https://humanprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Trend72-01.pngI am curious as to why violent crime increased so much from 1960 to 1990

Not enough guns, obviously.

More guns in the population. Its a lot riskier to commit a violent crime if the target can fight back.

I realize you’re just trolling, but neither gun control efforts enacted in the 1990’s early 2000’s, nor great prevaance of open carry laws are thought to be significant contributers to the change (according to a few papers that studied that aspect).

So not much meat there for either side.

I found a wikipedia article for that:


Possible explanations (none perfect) for why crime is decreasing are:
Less lead paint and pollution
More abortions
Better economy
More immigration
Changes in drug demand (crack to heroin)
Improved security (electronic door locks)

Personally I think it’s because, on the aggregate, peoples lives are improving.
I think they are missing the biggest, the internet. Large drop when the internet started rolling out and then another drop with the release of smart phones. Now people just fill their time watching Tik Tok or even more impactful, porn. Same reason for the drop in teen pregnancies.
I will also accept video games. PS1 was released in 1994 and was clearly more geared to teen and older players.

think they are missing the biggest, the internet.

The internet didnt become mainstream until the late 90s (maybe).

Now people just fill their time watching Tik Tok or even more impactful, porn.

(The Wall-E movie did not predict Ozempic…)


think they are missing the biggest, the internet.
The internet didnt become mainstream until the late 90s (maybe).
Okay, then it was the PS1 (and Sega Genesis and Super NES)

If the majority of that reduction turns out to be gang related, is the average person really any safer?

Not sure about there, but lately (here), domestic violence is getting a significant amount of press. Women seem to be more scared than ‘ever’. So a drop in gang violence isn’t necessarily going to make them feel any safer.

We could be in the throes of a trough. Though some talk of abortion access resulting in fewer kids in impoverished homes, there is a growing feeling of helplessness among younger people. As more people are forced to live in each other’s pockets I suspect tensions will rise.

It’s been a long time since I read it, but the Freakanomics guys make a pretty good argument that Roe v Wade is about half of it.

If this theory is correct, places like Texas will be in big trouble in about 15 to 20 years. All these unwanted children will have grown up without real parental guidance and guns are easier to get than a science book. We may see a real spike in violence by 2040 in these red states.

This thread makes no sense because Donald Trump (ALL HAIL THE DEAR LEADER!!!) says that crime is out of control and it’s all the Dems fault.

You need to Make America Great Again.