Why I'm ready for Fall

I’m over the hot weather and blazing sun and ready for the fall. Why? here’s a few of the reasons that made my list. Keep it going…
cool weather/crisp mornings/clear dayslong sleeve jerseys and bib shortsfall colorssnow-capped peakscyclocrossski season is around the corner

Fall & spring have the lower utility bills than summer & winter.

Hunting season.

I’m over the hot weather and blazing sun and ready for the fall. Why? here’s a few of the reasons that made my list. Keep it going…
cool weather/crisp mornings/clear dayslong sleeve jerseys and bib shortsfall colorssnow-capped peakscyclocrossski season is around the corner

College Football

Just did 80 minutes today in a nice cool 105 index. Double bottle for an hour and not enough? Just end already.

Fall beers are the best. Bring it on.

Less bugs on the trails.

Loving this heat. You guys need to learn to appreciate this. Winter will be here and you will be locked at home in no time. Embrace the heat.

You can always put more clothes on (gloves, arm warmers, tights, jacket, etc.) and stay warm enough. But when the temperature is over 95 degrees F, there’s nothing you can do but suffer.

At least you didn’t say it was because you can get “pumpkin spice” everything from coffee to beer.

Just because I didn’t say it doesn’t mean I wasn’t thinking it. On a side note, pumpkin beer is disgusting.

I’m over the hot weather and blazing sun and ready for the fall. Why? here’s a few of the reasons that made my list. Keep it going…
cool weather/crisp mornings/clear dayslong sleeve jerseys and bib shortsfall colorssnow-capped peakscyclocrossski season is around the corner

Well, where I live 1-3 don’t apply to fall.
4 usually comes late Dec/Jan
5 starts in Sept, so yeah! (It will be 90-100 for those)
6 yeah!

“You can always put on more clothes, but you can only take off so much before getting arrested.”

I’m the exact opposite of you. I’ll take the dog days of summer over the dregs of winter anytime. Fall just turns me into a Stark, “Winter is coming” and it’s not said as a good thing but a warning.