Yeah, I know kind of a weird question. I did my first sprint tri yesterday after 10+ years of not doing tri’s. During the run portion my nipples really started hurting. They continued to hurt after the race and for the rest of the day. They are still tender today. I certainly don’t remember this being an issue back when I was doing tri’s before. The only thing different that I can think of was that I was wearing a new jersey during the bike and run. It was a Louis Garneau Sleeveless Element with their Airdry fabric. Has anyone experienced this?
p.s. I’m a dude so there were no infants feeding on my breats during the run. Just thought I’d get that out of the way.
Holy smokes! I thought I was going nuts. It turns out this is a legitimate issue. I sure am relieved. Looks like I’ll be getting me some Bodyglide. I almost always run without a shirt (sometimes a light cotton shirt when it’s “chilly”) so that explains why it’s never been an issue before. I guess you learn something everyday.
Yes, I did get quite a shock when I got in the shower. But, it was nothing compared to the shock I got when I jumped in the pool after the tri to cool off. I was out of there much faster than when I went in. Felt like I someone had dragged me across some astroturf at 50 miles an hour.
Yes, the p.s. was there the first time around. You missed it in your excitement.
Btw, am I missing something with the soccer references.
Chaffing! If you are doing long runs, best way to prevent is cover them. They have “nipple guards” but way over priced. get a generic store brand small band aids and put them on. But be sure to remove them first before taking off your shirt in public.
I don’t know about band aids. I know they’ll work but that seems like an offly delicate area for a band aid. I bet that’s got to hurt when ripping them off.
Forget the bodyglide, glue, or the nipple guard rip off, simply go to the drug store and find a box of the small circular band aids for $1.89 and use them, problem solved. Oh, be careful when you remove them if you have nipple hair, or do it in the shower.
If you ran with a shirt on more often in training, your nipples will “toughen up” a bit. Then you probably won’t have the problem when racing. I usually have this issue once or twice early in every season, then the problem just goes away due to that area getting naturally tougher (unless I run long in the rain).
Not an uncommon sight at marathon finish lines are guys whose nipples have chaffed so badly that they’ve bled through their shirts. Tough way to learn a lesson! The band aid/nip guard solutions are decent ones but I’ve managed to lose these occasionally through sweat or dumping water on me (not to mention the look of these things under a shirt can be just plain weird). Don’t imagine this would be a problem at a sprint distance but for longer stuff you might also want to experiment with what you are wearing on top. I’ve found that wearing a top that fits very closely works very nicely for me. While it doesn’t do much to accentuate my less-than-elite-level physique, it does limit the amount of sliding of my jersey fabric and stops my chafing problem.