Why Biden may lose the election

I chose that phrasing instead of Trump winning for a specific reason.





I base this off of listening to moms around the area.

Immigration… Measels outbreaks here in the Immigration center have spread to the general population. Vaccine is somewhere between 90% and 100% effective and they’re getting worried their kids will get it. Immigrants begging in out area. They’ve spread from the city and now stand on corners and in grocery store parking lots with their signs. They don’t like that one bit.

Crime…it’s up. It scares them. Neither states attorney candidate (Democrat primary is all that matters) is a get tough on crime type. Election is after summer which could be F-ing brutal. Toss in the potential for riots at the convention.

Transgender… they don’t mind it in theory until their six year old daughter sees some junk flopping around in the ladies locker room.

Inflation…Shit be more expensive. People I know that are usually extremely price insensitive are now asking comments on how expensive things are.

Analysis: Women more often then men vote Democrat. Abortion isn’t that big of an issue to them for a variety of reasons and the above is more tangible offseting that rebuttal (also Illinois has abortion carte blanche and if it was a strict referendum on it they would vote for abortions) .

Whether Biden is responsible for the above is immaterial because it wasn’t like this before him.

Lose the soccer moms lose the election IMO.

Immigration is a bigger issue here because Texas has been dumping them here. Chicago is Chicago crime wise but it’s worse now. Yes I live in a liberal bubble relative to the rest of America which is why this could be bad for Biden.

The thorazine crowd in here will lose their shit but we all also know they have problems processing simple concepts.

Crime…it’s up.

Well, no, it isn’t. I appreciate that the right-wing talking heads say it is, or that it feels like it is, or that it sure seems to be, but that doesn’t make it true.

The challenge for Biden’s campaign is to have people understand that, in spite of a some ugly videos of people doing smash-and-grab robberies at the Apple store.


Do you think those items are going to outweigh the Republican record on abortion and women’s issues generally? Or outweigh personal views on Donald Trump and the MAGA movement? I think those are hard to overcome.

Crime…it’s up.

Well, no, it isn’t. I appreciate that the right-wing talking heads say it is, or that it feels like it is, or that it sure seems to be, but that doesn’t make it true.

The challenge for Biden’s campaign is to have people understand that, in spite of a some ugly videos of people doing smash-and-grab robberies at the Apple store.

Reported crime might be down, because in many places attempting to report it is a COMPLETE waste of time. Because DA’s will do nothing.

Crime…it’s up.

Well, no, it isn’t. I appreciate that the right-wing talking heads say it is, or that it feels like it is, or that it sure seems to be, but that doesn’t make it true.

The challenge for Biden’s campaign is to have people understand that, in spite of a some ugly videos of people doing smash-and-grab robberies at the Apple store.


Great nationwide statistic…immaterial for two reasons…Nationwide doesn’t matter only local and perception counts more in this case comrade

wild that all the soccer moms have your exact same views.

I think you’re saying the moms in your area suffer from illogical thinking?

Or do you think they are correct? Are they perceptive to a degree that the dads in your area are not?

Do you think those items are going to outweigh the Republican record on abortion and women’s issues generally? Or outweigh personal views on Donald Trump and the MAGA movement? I think those are hard to overcome.

I thought I addressed the abortion issue. At a certain point it doesn’t matter since they have birth control, have /want more kids can go out of state etc.

It’s hard to say…abortion doesn’t come up at soccer games or the playground but the above do.

I don’t think it could cause a vote for Trump per se but perhaps a lack of motivation to “need” to vote. Biden will still win Illinois but if similar thought processes are happening in suburbia in swing states…

I chose that phrasing instead of Trump winning for a specific reason.





I base this off of listening to moms around the area.

Immigration… Measels outbreaks here in the Immigration center have spread to the general population. Vaccine is somewhere between 90% and 100% effective and they’re getting worried their kids will get it. Immigrants begging in out area. They’ve spread from the city and now stand on corners and in grocery store parking lots with their signs. They don’t like that one bit.

Crime…it’s up. It scares them. Neither states attorney candidate (Democrat primary is all that matters) is a get tough on crime type. Election is after summer which could be F-ing brutal. Toss in the potential for riots at the convention.

Transgender… they don’t mind it in theory until their six year old daughter sees some junk flopping around in the ladies locker room.

Inflation…Shit be more expensive. People I know that are usually extremely price insensitive are now asking comments on how expensive things are.

Analysis: Women more often then men vote Democrat. Abortion isn’t that big of an issue to them for a variety of reasons and the above is more tangible offseting that rebuttal (also Illinois has abortion carte blanche and if it was a strict referendum on it they would vote for abortions) .

Whether Biden is responsible for the above is immaterial because it wasn’t like this before him.

Lose the soccer moms lose the election IMO.

Immigration is a bigger issue here because Texas has been dumping them here. Chicago is Chicago crime wise but it’s worse now. Yes I live in a liberal bubble relative to the rest of America which is why this could be bad for Biden.

The thorazine crowd in here will lose their shit but we all also know they have problems processing simple concepts.
I think your title is correct, and I think if they don’t take the chance of loosing seriously they will as was the case with Hilary. They need to get the message out that they have done good things and there are some things like inflation etc that is global and not a US only issue… many of these are not related to Federal government… and I am sure if they enforced measles vaccination that would really help with the message… though you are correct it is almost completely avoidable with vaccination.

It’s all about messaging and whether they can change any minds.

I agree. Lose soccer moms --lose election and that currently the soccer moms have issues. I’m guessing though that you did not follow up with the key question. Could they in good conscience pull the lever for the other guy? I’m further guessing that they admit to that being a very tough call. I will further guess that the moms in the swing states are also savvy enough to know withholding their vote could result in electing the worser guy and even the almighty is not going to solve some of those issues they feel now.

wild that all the soccer moms have your exact same views.

Not at all but I’ve heard the above multiple times generally over the past few months…measels is the big discussion point now in the above areas. Also people are about split with a bike trail proposal depending where they live and/or how much they like biking, bit that doesn’t affect national politics.

The reason he may lose is the perception of several issues. Reality is not very relevant in voting and the Democrats have long had a problem moving people.

This is an issue decades in the making. There is not a sudden invasion. We have a shortage of low wage workers then refuse to create a workable solution for those who want to do those jobs.

**Crime…it’s up. **
It’s not. But people feel like it is. If we returned to the crime rates from the early 90’s people would freak out. Presidents don’t really do crime though. But they get the blame for it. https://counciloncj.org/...d-2023-crime-trends/

This is a giant fucking non-issue that is just the latest ginned up wedge issue. And it works. It is a sad commentary that people are so easily manipulated but here we are yet again. BTW - there are family changing rooms in an awful lot of situations where a 6 year old would be changing with an adult. Of course these same people would freak the hell out if a transgender man went to enter the women’s locker room. People who focus on this should be smacked with a shovel. We are going to need a lot of shovels.

The world shot trillions and trillions of dollars into the air over several years. This is the least shocking bout of inflation in history. And we didn’t experience an absolute crash when millions of people stopped working all at once so the cost seems pretty much worth it. But yeah, now we have to pay the piper.

Whether Biden is responsible for the above is immaterial because it wasn’t like this before him.
This statement ignores reality and pretends things are suddenly worse when they aren’t. Like I said, people think some of these things are issues and reality does not matter, so it isn’t like you are unique in your views.

You left off the biggest one. The dude is old. If he suddenly looked as vigorous as RFK Jr. it would be a walk.

Do you think those items are going to outweigh the Republican record on abortion and women’s issues generally? Or outweigh personal views on Donald Trump and the MAGA movement? I think those are hard to overcome.

I thought I addressed the abortion issue. At a certain point it doesn’t matter since they have birth control, have /want more kids can go out of state etc.

It’s hard to say…abortion doesn’t come up at soccer games or the playground but the above do.

I don’t think it could cause a vote for Trump per se but perhaps a lack of motivation to “need” to vote. Biden will still win Illinois but if similar thought processes are happening in suburbia in swing states…

I don’t think the fact that you don’t hear them talk about abortion at soccer games or the playground is indicative of how influential the issue might be. Frequently, talk at the playground is about the less controversial or less deeply felt stuff. That’s just normal human nature.

I agree that the risk is not so much flipping votes to Trump, but rather lack of sufficient excitement about going out to vote for a Biden ticket.

Great nationwide statistic…immaterial for two reasons…Nationwide doesn’t matter only local and perception counts more in this case comrade

Wait, you think local perception of soccer mom’s in Illinois counts more for a nationwide election? Talk about immaterial. Isn’t Biden almost certain to get every electoral vote in Illinois?

I agree. Lose soccer moms --lose election and that currently the soccer moms have issues. I’m guessing though that you did not follow up with the key question. Could they in good conscience pull the lever for the other guy? I’m further guessing that they admit to that being a very tough call. I will further guess that the moms in the swing states are also savvy enough to know withholding their vote could result in electing the worser guy and even the almighty is not going to solve some of those issues they feel now.

Do you ask people who they vote for? That’s uncouth. I stridently avoid talking politics money or religion.

Like I said I don’t know if they would vote for Trump but they may not put forth great effort to get to the polls. I could be wrong but it also could be a canary in the coal mine.

Do you think those items are going to outweigh the Republican record on abortion and women’s issues generally? Or outweigh personal views on Donald Trump and the MAGA movement? I think those are hard to overcome.

I thought I addressed the abortion issue. At a certain point it doesn’t matter since they have birth control, have /want more kids can go out of state etc.

It’s hard to say…abortion doesn’t come up at soccer games or the playground but the above do.

I don’t think it could cause a vote for Trump per se but perhaps a lack of motivation to “need” to vote. Biden will still win Illinois but if similar thought processes are happening in suburbia in swing states…

No. You dismissed it because you know it is a loser. Rich people who can travel for abortion don’t talk about whether or not they have abortions in polite company. Them not talking about it to some guy creeping on the playground is not shocking.

This is a giant rotting albatross hanging on the neck of every Republican not in a safe election.

If measles are a big issue, it would seem like people would blame this on people not getting vaccinated, not blaming immigrants.

Given how many right wing people became anit-vax recently (used to be a left wing point), it would seem like that would actually be the issue. If you have the measles vaccine you cant get it right?

I chose that phrasing instead of Trump winning for a specific reason.





I base this off of listening to moms around the area.

Immigration… Measels outbreaks here in the Immigration center have spread to the general population. Vaccine is somewhere between 90% and 100% effective and they’re getting worried their kids will get it. Immigrants begging in out area. They’ve spread from the city and now stand on corners and in grocery store parking lots with their signs. They don’t like that one bit.

Crime…it’s up. It scares them. Neither states attorney candidate (Democrat primary is all that matters) is a get tough on crime type. Election is after summer which could be F-ing brutal. Toss in the potential for riots at the convention.

Transgender… they don’t mind it in theory until their six year old daughter sees some junk flopping around in the ladies locker room.

Inflation…Shit be more expensive. People I know that are usually extremely price insensitive are now asking comments on how expensive things are.

Analysis: Women more often then men vote Democrat. Abortion isn’t that big of an issue to them for a variety of reasons and the above is more tangible offseting that rebuttal (also Illinois has abortion carte blanche and if it was a strict referendum on it they would vote for abortions) .

Whether Biden is responsible for the above is immaterial because it wasn’t like this before him.

Lose the soccer moms lose the election IMO.

Immigration is a bigger issue here because Texas has been dumping them here. Chicago is Chicago crime wise but it’s worse now. Yes I live in a liberal bubble relative to the rest of America which is why this could be bad for Biden.

The thorazine crowd in here will lose their shit but we all also know they have problems processing simple concepts.

Mingling with the limousine liberal set, are we? Did you ask anyone to pass the brie and Grey Poupon?

Crime…it’s up.

Well, no, it isn’t. I appreciate that the right-wing talking heads say it is, or that it feels like it is, or that it sure seems to be, but that doesn’t make it true.

The challenge for Biden’s campaign is to have people understand that, in spite of a some ugly videos of people doing smash-and-grab robberies at the Apple store.


Great nationwide statistic…immaterial for two reasons…Nationwide doesn’t matter only local and perception counts more in this case comrade

That’s great. Try to claim that in some way you are right, when you made a statement of fact (“Crime is up”) that is actually dead wrong.

Adding “comrade” at the end doesn’t make you any less wrong.

wild that all the soccer moms have your exact same views.

I’m not sure these soccer moms share windy’s views. He seems to suggest the women are morons. He expresses disdain throughout the OP.

The OP says these soccer moms are more likely than men to vote Democrat. That means their **husbands are more likely to vote Republican. **

We have a list of the illogical reasons soccer moms might vote against Biden.

What are the reasons the soccer dads would vote against Biden? Are there any good reasons to vote against Biden in this election? Presumably the soccer dads would have them, given their likelihood to vote R.