Why Are There Suddenly So Many Car Washes?


I have noticed this in the last several months, but didn’t know why.

Per Breaking Bad, the answer is money laundering.
Very low overhead.

Does one not have people to wash their cars these days?

I thought I saw this article recently. Jalopnik’s take from December also looks at the real estate angle, similar to the storage facility influx:


Does one not have people to wash their cars these days?

Why would anyone choose to have people wash their car? Much easier/cheaper to run your car through the car wash machine that is within a few miles of your house.

Does one not have people to wash their cars these days?

Why would anyone choose to have people wash their car? Much easier/cheaper to run your car through the car wash machine that is within a few miles of your house.

How is it easier? Either way one is not doing the washing.

Does one not have people to wash their cars these days?

I swear I wash my vehicle maybe twice a year.

I wash our cars in the driveway.

I buy a new car when mine gets dirty

One of my son’s friends worked at one of our newer car washes during college summer break. He explained how they recycle water and use a fair amount less than than washing it yourself in the driveway. I asked, does that assume I just leave the hose running the whole time or shutting off the water when not rinsing? He didn’t know.

What gets me is the unlimited washes memberships they sell, but of course those are not available for any vehicle used for business. Like BC, I wash my truck maybe 2-3 times a year.

I wash our cars in the driveway.


Does one not have people to wash their cars these days?

I have Jeeves wash the Bentley every Friday, rain or shine!

Seriously, I wash my own cars. I can have my wife’s car and my pickup washed and dried in less time than it would take to drive to the car wash, never mind waiting in line and the time it would take to wash.

I only wash after I have to drive in the snow and get a layer of salt on the car. Which happens maybe once a year. I would wash more, but I always park in a garage so it doesn’t really get dirty.

Does one not have people to wash their cars these days?

I swear I wash my vehicle maybe twice a year.

A few months ago on an unseasonably warm weekend I decided to do something about the layer of dirt and grime that had built up on my car (100% WFH since 2017, it’s a 2010 that rarely gets driven - currently <85k miles).
I really couldn’t remember the last time I’d washed it, but definitely pre-COVID and it wouldn’t surprise me if it was a year or two before that. Had to remove a lot of accumulated dirt/leaf debris from the hood cowl are and trunk channel areas and the brake dust and grime on the wheels was a bear to clean, but the inside was pretty much immaculate due to not being driven.
When I first got the car I think I washed it every 2 weeks!

My car washes itself when it rains.

For historical reference, the Flagship car wash in Ashburn VA that is referenced in the article currently charge $44 for their Premium wash. The unlimited premium wash is $75/mth.

Does one not have people to wash their cars these days?

I swear I wash my vehicle maybe twice a year.

God does it for me whenever he feels like it.

I haven’t seen car washes popping up but I am definitely seeing a bunch of golf simulation places popping up. Most have no employees on site.

I buy a new car when mine gets dirty

I buy a new car wash when my car makes it dirty.

I haven’t seen car washes popping up but I am definitely seeing a bunch of golf simulation places popping up. Most have no employees on site…

That makes sense because you can’t have golf course built on permafrost