Why a White, straight, married, father of 3, pro-life, pro-free market, pro-2A, Evangelical Christian living in Southern Red State Arkansas

… won’t vote for Trump.




His unapologetic public calls through ads in the papers to have the Central Park 5 executed. They were later exonerated. He never apologized.

His family business had “no vacancies for Blacks”.

His history of stiffing vendors after they did work for him.

His catch phrase “you’re fired”. I’m an employer, if I’m firing people that’s my failure in developing the employee.

As Michael Scott (The Office) said, "I don’t want to be the ‘You’re fired’-guy, I want to be the ‘You’re hired’-guy.

His unfaithfulness to every spouse. As I was told when Bill Clinton ran, character matters and if a man will cheat on his wife he will cheat on his country.

I didn’t vote for Clinton and haven’t and will not vote for Trump.

His unexplained ties to and friendship with Jeffrey Epstein. This relationship led to allegations in '08 of SA and rape of a 12yo.

His Obama birtherism. I don’t care where it started, I saw how far he pushed it.

His demagoguery of “others” for the sake of political gain. He’s gone after immigrants, those living with disabilities, the Black community, Muslims, countries run by POC. He’s a demagogue and that never leads to good things.

He was twice impeached.

I don’t care that it didn’t result in removal. All impeachments are political, not legal, proceedings and therefore aren’t really exonerations or incriminations. I watched both, listened to the testimony. Unfit.

Bump stock ban. Take guns first, then due process.

He pepper-sprayed, and rubber-bulleted protesters at a church in DC that included Christians for the sake of clearing the way for a photo-op with the Bible. Abuse of power.

He expanded tariffs that drove up construction costs which contributed to the inflation he wants to blame on Democrats.

His tax breaks benefited the wealthy and hit the middle class with the bill. I saw what happened to my middle class taxes.

He panders to whatever conspiracy or hate group demographics he needs to remain in power. He’s playing the heel.

His comments about service people being losers and suckers.

His public handling of COVID was a huge blunder. He spent more on COVID than Biden.

This also contributed to the inflation that he now lying pins only on the Democrats (the GOP controls the Congress).

His SCOTUS appointees overturned established law on abortion.

This has led to mass confusion, unnecessary death and maiming, as well as an increase in abortions.

He politicized locking kids in cages as an immigration deterrent rather than come up with solutions politically that would work to salve the border issues.

He ran the government like a crime family.

He tried to get Georgia’s Governor to “find” him enough votes to win the state, which is illegal.

He refused to concede the '20 election to the point of what happened on J6.

I’ve watched numerous documentaries on it. The bloodshed that day is on his hands. Unfit.

He’s a convicted felon who has also been found liable of rape.

He took confidential documents concerning the U.S.’ allies and stored them in the bathroom.

He tries to create questions about Harris’ ethnicity.

Most of the folks who worked in his first administration want nothing to do with him and many have endorsed Harris.

His use of my faith as a panacea for power.

We’ve already discussed every single one of those things.

I consider that progress. Which is good to see.

However, for every inch of progress, there is the back slide. In MN they are trotting out Royce White to challenge Amy Klobuchar for Senate. Now, for those not familiar, the R’s got smoked in every statewide election last time around at least in part to sending out candidates that basically ran on anti abortion, pro Trump and other really anti suburban women voter issues. Royce White makes Matt Birk and the Dr. they trotted out for Governor look like “cucks” as Royce would say (and he has never won an election ever).


So a bit of Yin and Yang…


We’ve already discussed every single one of those things.

It wouldn’t be election season (i.e. the 18 months prior to any election) if we weren’t starting a minimum of 3 new threads daily to say exactly the same things we said in the dozens of previous threads.

There is no such thing as beating a dead horse when it comes to making the internet know what you think about politics.

I consider that progress. Which is good to see.

However, for every inch of progress, there is the back slide. In MN they are trotting out Royce White to challenge Amy Klobuchar for Senate. Now, for those not familiar, the R’s got smoked in every statewide election last time around at least in part to sending out candidates that basically ran on anti abortion, pro Trump and other really anti suburban women voter issues. Royce White makes Matt Birk and the Dr. they trotted out for Governor look like “cucks” as Royce would say (and he has never won an election ever).


So a bit of Yin and Yang…

Don’t forget his strip club bill paid for by his campaign.

We’ve already discussed every single one of those things.

It wouldn’t be election season (i.e. the 18 months prior to any election) if we weren’t starting a minimum of 3 new threads daily to say exactly the same things we said in the dozens of previous threads.

There is no such thing as beating a dead horse when it comes to making the internet know what you think about politics.

It’s also the internet…the place where people go when they need their anonymous ego stroked or to have their outrage validated by others who also need to feel heard to feel better about anything and everything.


you found somebody who typed words on X

copied and pasted

and proceeded to type a bunch of words for a thread title and post it on slowtwitch



you found somebody who typed words on X

copied and pasted

and proceeded to type a bunch of words for a thread title and post it on slowtwitch


Hence the source.

I thought one or two of those things might have been too much for you, but I guess not. Rape? Meh. Stealing confidential documents? Meh. Racism? Meh. Abuse of power? Meh.

I guess you have to look at yourself in the mirror after voting for him.

I consider that progress. Which is good to see.

However, for every inch of progress, there is the back slide. In MN they are trotting out Royce White to challenge Amy Klobuchar for Senate. Now, for those not familiar, the R’s got smoked in every statewide election last time around at least in part to sending out candidates that basically ran on anti abortion, pro Trump and other really anti suburban women voter issues. Royce White makes Matt Birk and the Dr. they trotted out for Governor look like “cucks” as Royce would say (and he has never won an election ever).


So a bit of Yin and Yang…

Don’t forget his strip club bill paid for by his campaign.

He swears that was only for food and not strippers! A man’s got to eat and all. Why his MN Senate campaign is paying for events in Atlanta strip clubs, well who knows.


you found somebody who typed words on X

copied and pasted

and proceeded to type a bunch of words for a thread title and post it on slowtwitch


Hence the source.

I thought one or two of those things might have been too much for you, but I guess not. Rape? Meh. Stealing confidential documents? Meh. Racism? Meh. Abuse of power? Meh.

I guess you have to look at yourself in the mirror after voting for him.

Has Tyler voiced his opinion on trump saying that the Presidential Medal of Freedom is much better than the Medal of Honor, or is he still restricted from talking about certain subjects?

In MN they are trotting out Royce White to challenge Amy Klobuchar for Senate.

The California GOP has been trying this strategy for a long time. Lose an election. Decide the reason it was lost was because they were a RINO and not MAGA-enough. Pick a more extreme candidate. Lose an election. Rinse and repeat. They never learn.

The most baffling was when they succeeded in the first stage of recalling Governor Newsom. All they had to pick was a decent centrist replacement. I could very easily have voted for a centrist replacement. Who do they pick? An extremely MAGA radio talk show host.

In MN they are trotting out Royce White to challenge Amy Klobuchar for Senate.

The California GOP has been trying this strategy for a long time. Lose an election. Decide the reason it was lost was because they were a RINO and not MAGA-enough. Pick a more extreme candidate. Lose an election. Rinse and repeat. They never learn.

The most baffling was when they succeeded in the first stage of recalling Governor Newsom. All they had to pick was a decent centrist replacement. I could very easily have voted for a centrist replacement. Who do they pick? An extremely MAGA radio talk show host.

Glad it isn’t just MN…. The funny thing was after the election the R gov candidate whined they (the R party) made him go hard right on abortion. I call bullshit based on the complete body of work but I think he was trying to save his ass. He was a physician and a non politician and I think it dawned on him he might need to make some money from his old job since he was not going to be able to turn into a politician full time and also get rid of the complaints against him as a DR like he said he would if got elected governor.


you found somebody who typed words on X

copied and pasted

and proceeded to type a bunch of words for a thread title and post it on slowtwitch


Hence the source.

I thought one or two of those things might have been too much for you, but I guess not. Rape? Meh. Stealing confidential documents? Meh. Racism? Meh. Abuse of power? Meh.

I guess you have to look at yourself in the mirror after voting for him.

you know after he directly killed his first million in office (per you) things start to get relative.

This is really all you have isn’t it?

The joy and vibes don’t seem to be sustaining your Harris high. Has she registered her website with go-daddy yet?

but fear not I hear she’s really starting to put some detail behind her economic policies. And she’s still due for her first interview before the end of the month.



you found somebody who typed words on X

copied and pasted

and proceeded to type a bunch of words for a thread title and post it on slowtwitch


Hence the source.

I thought one or two of those things might have been too much for you, but I guess not. Rape? Meh. Stealing confidential documents? Meh. Racism? Meh. Abuse of power? Meh.

I guess you have to look at yourself in the mirror after voting for him.

you know after he directly killed his first million in office (per you) things start to get relative.

This is really all you have isn’t it?

The joy and vibes don’t seem to be sustaining your Harris high. Has she registered her website with go-daddy yet?

but fear not I hear she’s really starting to put some detail behind her economic policies. And she’s still due for her first interview before the end of the month.


All I have? These are simply facts describing the person you are going vote for president.

And yes, he did exhibit a callous disregard for the lives of Americans during the COVID pandemic, putting his own re-election ambitions ahead of American lives, and putting his false claims of election fraud as a priority over getting the COVID vaccine distributed quickly.

So to avoid facing these truths you have to pivot to criticism of Harris.

Is that all you have?



you found somebody who typed words on X

copied and pasted

and proceeded to type a bunch of words for a thread title and post it on slowtwitch


Hence the source.

I thought one or two of those things might have been too much for you, but I guess not. Rape? Meh. Stealing confidential documents? Meh. Racism? Meh. Abuse of power? Meh.

I guess you have to look at yourself in the mirror after voting for him.

you know after he directly killed his first million in office (per you) things start to get relative.

This is really all you have isn’t it?

The joy and vibes don’t seem to be sustaining your Harris high. Has she registered her website with go-daddy yet?

but fear not I hear she’s really starting to put some detail behind her economic policies. And she’s still due for her first interview before the end of the month.


All I have? These are simply facts describing the person you are going vote for president.

And yes, he did exhibit a callous disregard for the lives of Americans during the COVID pandemic, putting his own re-election ambitions ahead of American lives, and putting his false claims of election fraud as a priority over getting the COVID vaccine distributed quickly.

So to avoid facing these truths you have to pivot to criticism of Harris.

Is that all you have?


so these are all positions you are prepared to defend on a site that accusing somebody of doping wihout proof will get you banned.

I don’t have to defend against these things. They are the ramblings of a poster with TDS who is made because all the efforts they have put forth over the years have come to nothing.

you still get a rise out of your brother with all this don’t you? you jumped the shark for me about 1 million directly attirbuted deaths ago.

Sorry to divert to Harris. I know the strategy is to pretend you don’t actually have aDem candidate

Carry on with bitterly clinging to a guy on X. Maybe you can find another one and post them too. I hear rob reiner is a hoot


you found somebody who typed words on X

copied and pasted

and proceeded to type a bunch of words for a thread title and post it on slowtwitch


Hence the source.

I thought one or two of those things might have been too much for you, but I guess not. Rape? Meh. Stealing confidential documents? Meh. Racism? Meh. Abuse of power? Meh.

I guess you have to look at yourself in the mirror after voting for him.

you know after he directly killed his first million in office (per you) things start to get relative.

This is really all you have isn’t it?

The joy and vibes don’t seem to be sustaining your Harris high. Has she registered her website with go-daddy yet?

but fear not I hear she’s really starting to put some detail behind her economic policies. And she’s still due for her first interview before the end of the month.


All I have? These are simply facts describing the person you are going vote for president.

And yes, he did exhibit a callous disregard for the lives of Americans during the COVID pandemic, putting his own re-election ambitions ahead of American lives, and putting his false claims of election fraud as a priority over getting the COVID vaccine distributed quickly.

So to avoid facing these truths you have to pivot to criticism of Harris.

Is that all you have?


so these are all positions you are prepared to defend on a site that accusing somebody of doping wihout proof will get you banned.

I don’t have to defend against these things. They are the ramblings of a poster with TDS who is made because all the efforts they have put forth over the years have come to nothing.

you still get a rise out of your brother with all this don’t you? you jumped the shark for me about 1 million directly attirbuted deaths ago.

Sorry to divert to Harris. I know the strategy is to pretend you don’t actually have aDem candidate

Carry on with bitterly clinging to a guy on X. Maybe you can find another one and post them too. I hear rob reiner is a hoot

You need more facts?

He knowingly instituted a policy of separating young children from their parent to deter asylum seekers. That’s about the most heartless thing a president has ever done. But you go ahead and vote for a man who did that.

He abused his power for personal political gain when he strong-armed Ukraine to try to find dirt on Biden. And he did so by withholding congressionally approved military aid for Ukraine despite 13,000 civilians (at the time) having been killed in eastern Ukraine. That’s an egregious abuse of power. But you go ahead and vote for a man who did that.

It’s no mistake that most of the normal people who served in his administration no say he’s unfit for office. But you vote for a man like that.

Windy may lack moral fiber for staying quiet while all that was happening, but you simply lack any morals if you’ll vote for him. Best of luck when you meet your maker.