
Sorry for the spam-type post, but I am now officially a “user” and no longer a “novice”! (though I still posess but a shadow of Mr Demerly’s postular prowess) http://www.phxn8tv.com/clap.gif

Hey Gerard, 50 is the magic number you’re looking for. (I really thought it would be 100)

How do you get to super-ninja status?

Let’s just not confuse substance with quantity. Tom, if you didn’t own a bike shop I would be slightly concerned. There are support groups for your type. It’s the new addition next to the gambling wing of the Betty Ford clinic. I hope you have time to watch my Buckeyes tonight!

I need a support group anyway.

But in all honesty would be greatly concerned if I found myself ahead of you in any tri-related exercise. Maybe I can drive faster than you to a race, but probably not.

0 => New User
5 => Novice
50 => User
500 => Enthusiast
1000 => Veteran.

My bet is that Tom hits “Enthusiast” befor next Friday (<24hrs). Hell, if it’s a slow weekend he might get there by Monday!