Who was the MAN in the IMWWC?

Wifey and I saw a man in the race with an official bib. Finally, on Hualalie before the final right turn, she exclaimed “is that a dude!?” To which HE replied “yes, I’m a dude!” What is the story? He was a NOT a PC guide.

the first rule of slowtwitch investigation is always get the bib number

Epic fail NOT to get the bib. We were so shocked, we dropped the ball. I’m sure other STers saw him.

Epic fail NOT to get the bib. We were so shocked, we dropped the ball. I’m sure other STers saw him.

What time of day? Can go back and watch the finishline cam…

Oh that’s good! Between 7:45-8:15pm HST

Could they have been competing as transgender, either in female or open category (not sure if they had an open category in Kona?)

In a larger press release sent out on February 6, Ironman announced the creation of a new Open participatory division, with the hopes of “ a welcoming and inclusive field for able-bodied athletes that cannot or do not wish to race in a competitive age or gender group.” The press release went on to say that athletes can self-select this category with no approval required.

Ironman officially aligned with World Triathlon’s policy on transgender athletes. As such, World Triathlon, the sport’s international governing body will dictate Ironman’s eligibility requirements that, “transitioning Male to Female athletes to maintain less than a 2.5 nMol/L testosterone level for two sequential years prior to receiving approval to compete as a Female. Further, transitioning Male to Female athletes may not have competed as a Male in an official competition of triathlon or its related multisport or an allied sport of swimming, cycling, athletics (including all track and field events) and cross-country skiing for a minimum four-years preceding approval to compete as a Female.” Further adding that transitioning athletes can participate in the newly formed Open category for four years while awaiting approval.

Were they with another athlete? I did see (randomly) a male guide with a (vision impaired?) athlete crossing the line on the finish line cam. It was something like 14+hrs

There’s no IMWC slots in the Open category.

Guides this year received bib numbers - Saw a picture of a guy with bib 113 (looked it up and he was a PC guide)

Guides this year received bib numbers - Saw a picture of a guy with bib 113 (looked it up and he was a PC guide)

Wifey and I saw a man in the race with an official bib. Finally, on Hualalie before the final right turn, she exclaimed “is that a dude!?” To which HE replied “yes, I’m a dude!” What is the story? He was a NOT a PC guide.

There wasnt a great way to tell the difference unless you looked super close - Posted from a guide on facebook - They received Five blue cards for drafting since the officials couldnt even tell
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Wifey and I saw a man in the race with an official bib. Finally, on Hualalie before the final right turn, she exclaimed “is that a dude!?” To which HE replied “yes, I’m a dude!” What is the story? He was a NOT a PC guide.

Was it a 2023 bib?

He could’ve either used his own bib from a previous year and jumped onto the course just to be a dick, or he may have copied a 2023 bib from someone for the same reason (just to be a dick)

Guides this year received bib numbers - Saw a picture of a guy with bib 113 (looked it up and he was a PC guide)

With about 2 minutes worth of effort in the IM tracker and google, it was obvious he was the guide for the 18 year old young woman with ASD who finished the race.

Don’t guides either ride a tandem (in the case of athletes with vision impairment), or generally wear a neon vest that says “Guide” (for others)?

Don’t guides either ride a tandem, or generally follow a guide wearing a neon vest that says “Guide”?

Only for visually impaired athletes. He was guiding an athlete with ASD.

Yes typically - But apparently they didnt do that this year. They had real bib numbers (1 higher than their athlete) with tiny “Guide” on the bottom. Also riding in tandem depends on the type of PC athlete (example Chris Nikic doesnt ride and tandem, but blind athletes would) - If they are not in tandem the guide most remain behind the athlete (hence drafting violations lol)

Looking at the PC category there was 3 male guides out there - Seems more likely the OP didnt see the tiny “guide” text than someone sneaking into an all womens race

There wasnt a great way to tell the difference unless you looked super close - Posted from a guide on facebook - They received Five blue cards for drafting since the officials couldnt even tell. Thanks for this, but not them. This dude was solo. I’m going through video, getting closer…


There wasnt a great way to tell the difference unless you looked super close - Posted from a guide on facebook - They received Five blue cards for drafting since the officials couldnt even tell. Thanks for this, but not them. This dude was solo. I’m going through video, getting closer…

Did you find the mystery man?

Still poring through video. Getting closer…. I’m on a mission.