Who supports Trump may surprise you

I was working a car race today. My station mate is a Mexican American in his late 50s.

Not sure what prompted him, but he felt the need to tell me we need to build the wall and Trump is the only one who can do it.

I wasn’t in the mood to discuss politics with him this morning. I was not terribly shocked as I know a number of Mexican Americans with the same viewpoint.

You would assume immigrants or children of immigrants would sway Democrat. Rather, they are very conservative and see Trump as the best choice.

I find the dichotomy interesting.

well, as an immigrant - me, my immigrant ex-wife and our two children of immigrants will cancel out the votes of 4 conservatives in PA, wherever they come from. Were not all “very conservative”.

well, as an immigrant - me, my immigrant ex-wife and our two children of immigrants will cancel out the votes of 4 conservatives in PA, wherever they come from. Were not all “very conservative”.


The fact that he thinks that building a wall in the desert is the only solution, and that Trump is the only one who can build it, confirms his ignorance and that propaganda works.

Trump had four years to build a wall and failed, largely due to opposition within his own party. Building a wall will not address the fake asylum seekers. The immigration bill, that Trump killed, would have address it far better than a wall.

I don’t think that is surprising at all.

I was working a car race today. My station mate is a Mexican American in his late 50s.

Not sure what prompted him, but he felt the need to tell me we need to build the wall and Trump is the only one who can do it.

I wasn’t in the mood to discuss politics with him this morning. I was not terribly shocked as I know a number of Mexican Americans with the same viewpoint.

You would assume immigrants or children of immigrants would sway Democrat. Rather, they are very conservative and see Trump as the best choice.

I find the dichotomy interesting.


The fact that he thinks that building a wall in the desert is the only solution, and that Trump is the only one who can build it, confirms his ignorance and that propaganda works.

Trump had four years to build a wall and failed, largely due to opposition within his own party. Building a wall will not address the fake asylum seekers. The immigration bill, that Trump killed, would have address it far better than a wall.

That anyone other than rich people who he will make richer votes for Trump proves that propaganda works.

I was working a car race today. My station mate is a Mexican American in his late 50s.

Not sure what prompted him, but he felt the need to tell me we need to build the wall and Trump is the only one who can do it.

I wasn’t in the mood to discuss politics with him this morning. I was not terribly shocked as I know a number of Mexican Americans with the same viewpoint.

You would assume immigrants or children of immigrants would sway Democrat. Rather, they are very conservative and see Trump as the best choice.

I find the dichotomy interesting.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they do “sway” democract, meaning they are more likely to vote Democrat, but not surprising to meet people who don’t. It’s not like they are a monolithic bloke.

Not that surprising to me, based on conversations I’ve had.

From what I’ve heard and read, there’s a sense of unfairness. Legal immigrants played the long waiting game of years, green cards, then citizenship. And even long time formerly illegal immigrants (that have amnesty now or still undocumented) have mentioned their early struggle of no services available to them when they came over, and may still be struggling to make it. Both camps of folks have a sense that new arrivals have it “easier” under Biden/Democrats, and there’s some animosity about that. A bit of I’m here, close the door, attitude.

Propaganda, perception, selfishness, … whatever. It’s there.

Not that surprising to me, based on conversations I’ve had.

From what I’ve heard and read, there’s a sense of unfairness. Legal immigrants played the long waiting game of years, green cards, then citizenship. And even long time formerly illegal immigrants (that have amnesty now or still undocumented) have mentioned their early struggle of no services available to them when they came over, and may still be struggling to make it. Both camps of folks have a sense that new arrivals have it “easier” under Biden/Democrats, and there’s some animosity about that. A bit of I’m here, close the door, attitude.

Propaganda, perception, selfishness, … whatever. It’s there.

The “open borders” lie has been promoted aggressively, many people bought the lie. Reasonable people know it is false and it was Trump, not Biden, not the Democrats, that killed the best immigration bill in decades.

Historically the GOP has been welcoming home for immigrants. The old GOP was pro-immigration, most immigrants were socially Conservative and many were entrepreneurs. In recent years many Republicans have embraced fear and grievance. They think demonizing immigrants has a better political return.

Not that surprising to me, based on conversations I’ve had.

From what I’ve heard and read, there’s a sense of unfairness. Legal immigrants played the long waiting game of years, green cards, then citizenship. And even long time formerly illegal immigrants (that have amnesty now or still undocumented) have mentioned their early struggle of no services available to them when they came over, and may still be struggling to make it. Both camps of folks have a sense that new arrivals have it “easier” under Biden/Democrats, and there’s some animosity about that. **A bit of I’m here, close the door, attitude. **

Propaganda, perception, selfishness, … whatever. It’s there.

It no longer surprises me either. “A bit of I’m here, close the door, attitude.” nails it.

My comment skews to the Hispanic population.

I think the “I’m here, close the doors” and the propaganda comments are spot on.

As for just chastising and calling them ignorant, that reinforces their beliefs.

My comment skews to the Hispanic population.

I think the “I’m here, close the doors” and the propaganda comments are spot on.

As for just chastising and calling them ignorant, that reinforces their beliefs.

What word would you use to describe someone who believes the “Open Borders” lie and thinks that only Trump can fix it? I am open to using another term but I think that is the best description for the folks who have brought into propaganda that is easily debunked with a tiny bit of research.

My comment skews to the Hispanic population.

I think the “I’m here, close the doors” and the propaganda comments are spot on.

As for just chastising and calling them ignorant, that reinforces their beliefs.

Many people who were raised Catholic or who believe in the alpha male/ machismo idea have an acceptance ingrained in them for disempowering women. Those people support trump.

I was thinking recently about how an unwanted pregnancy is viewed as an unfortunate burden that the woman must endure. Like the condition is an act of God— and doctors shouldn’t terminate it to preserve her mental health or physical health. Setting aside the idea that it is a condition that might kill her, there are lots of Christians and Catholics and other religions who think it is a condition she must endure even though it might cause her lifelong physical or mental problems.

If humans can interfere with nature in every other respect, why not here? We rip up the earth and destroy plants and animals for agricultural reasons to feed us and promote our health and lives. We use our God-given brains to develop ideas to better our lives— we mine the earth to get copper for electrical wires. We engage in so much destruction to promote health— why cannot women control their own bodies? The answer is men— I think men in certain circles (religions or cultures) want to control women.

I think the common denominator among Trump supporters is that they want to control and have dominion over women. That’s why Trump’s rape isn’t a problem. If women are second class citizens, every man (no matter how poor or low-status) is immediately elevated over half the population.

ETA: Why do women buy into sexist religions? Why would an immigrant support Trump? Treating people poorly is normalized by racists, anti-immigrants, and misogynists.

Self-hate is probably a subject to explore.

My comment skews to the Hispanic population.

I think the “I’m here, close the doors” and the propaganda comments are spot on.

As for just chastising and calling them ignorant, that reinforces their beliefs.

What word would you use to describe someone who believes the “Open Borders” lie and thinks that only Trump can fix it? I am open to using another term but I think that is the best description for the folks who have brought into propaganda that is easily debunked with a tiny bit of research.

Who wants more legal immigration: Republicans or Dems?

Who wants more illegal immigration: Republicans or Democrats?

Who is harsher on illegal immigrants: Republicans or Dems?

While very few Democrats support fully open borders, one party is much harsher on less inviting for both legal and illegal immigrants.

A bit of I’m here, close the door, attitude.

Propaganda, perception, selfishness, … whatever. It’s there.



Who is harsher on illegal immigrants: Republicans or Dems?

While very few Democrats support fully open borders, one party is much harsher on less inviting for both legal and illegal immigrants.

Obama deported more people than Trump, more than Bush, more than Reagan. More than any President in history.
PolitiFact: Obama deported more people than Trump did (statesman.com)

Trump released more migrants than Biden
New Data Show Migrants Were More Likely to Be Released by Trump Than Biden | Cato at Liberty Blog

The idea that “Democrats want more illegals” is complete nonsense. As for treatment, historically Republicans were more welcoming as immigrants kept labor costs low and Democratic backed Unions saw immigrants as a threat. In recent years there has been a shift as a large portion of the GOP embraced the demonization of immigrants.

That’s only one metric. There are 11 sanctuary states and over 30 sanctuary cities. Some states have even enacted laws making it illegal for law enforcement to collaborate with ICE regarding illegals who commit crimes and are released.

Take a moment to check how many of those states are led by Dems.

The stick is border patrol trying to manage the inflow. The carrot is states like CA offering free healthcare, drivers licenses and other services to those who run the border successfully and refusing to work with ICE.

My comment skews to the Hispanic population.

I think the “I’m here, close the doors” and the propaganda comments are spot on.

As for just chastising and calling them ignorant, that reinforces their beliefs.

What word would you use to describe someone who believes the “Open Borders” lie and thinks that only Trump can fix it? I am open to using another term but I think that is the best description for the folks who have brought into propaganda that is easily debunked with a tiny bit of research.
A lot of times in this forum, “ignorant” is used as an insult.

If just using ignorance in it’s definition, sure, that applies.

Trump has done a good job of selling himself as being against government control.
I think a lot if people buy into that and therefore look at him as sticking it to the man.

How do you overcome a strong bias and get people to change their view?

That’s only one metric. There are 11 sanctuary states and over 30 sanctuary cities. Some states have even enacted laws making it illegal for law enforcement to collaborate with ICE regarding illegals who commit crimes and are released.

Take a moment to check how many of those states are led by Dems.

The stick is border patrol trying to manage the inflow. The carrot is states like CA offering free healthcare, drivers licenses and other services to those who run the border successfully and refusing to work with ICE.

You appear to be confused as to what a “sanctuary” city is. These are cities that chose not to waste taxpayer funds chasing misdemeanor immigration cases. The sanctuary movement was started by faith-based groups looking to give refugees fleeing Communism and violence. It was made up of mostly Conservative Christian groups.

When Rudy was Mayor he vocally support sanctuary cities.
Rudy Giuliani fought federal government to defend undocumented immigrants as NYC mayor | CNN Politics

It is not just Democratic states that give health care, Republican-controlled Utah covers children regardless of immigration status
Undocumented children now qualify for state-funded benefits in Utah - Axios Salt Lake City

At least 24 states and Washington, D.C. give coverage to pregnant immigrant women
Table-3-Medicaid-and-CHIP-Eligibility-and-Enrollment-Policies-as-of-January-2022.pdf (kff.org)

The recent surge in fake asylum seekers has nothing to do with decades old sanctuary policies and a lot to do with cartel linked human traffickers taking advantage of America’s vague and antiquated asylum laws. There was a chance to update these laws but the GOP killed it because they think chaos at the border helps them politically.