Who swims with the suit fully zipped under their wetsuit? I tried out my new suit the other day under my wetsuit. My shoulders seemed constricted, though I haven’t swum in my wetsuit much so it is kind of hard to tell. Then I tried it rolled down, seemed better. Later while running, I noticed with the suit zipped down my shoulders were much less restricted. So I’m thinking of possibly swimming with the zipper down. I don’t get in many open water swims so it’s tough to do much experimenting.
I have the two piece for this reason and swim with it zipped no problem. I think the two piece helps vs the one piece.
I have swum as fast a 57 in it fully zipped under a wetsuit.
Thanks, that makes sense.
My shoulders seemed constricted…
that’s because the sleeved tri suit is designed to make you faster on the bike, 95% of which results from properly designed, cut, and stitched shoulder panels which need to be TIGHT on your shoulders.
When you swim with a sleeved suit on you’re just wearing it for sun protection purposes… you don’t really want to go fast.
When I used it last year I tried to swim in it during a warm up. Felt tight and wasn’t worth the mental stress since it was pretty easy to put on while running to t1. Now using a wattie kit and same thing. For me it’s not worth it since I can get it on while heading to t1. So even if it really wasn’t too tight I’d rather not even have to worry about it during the swim.
I race in one and swim with it zipped up under the wetsuit with no issues. I found it took way too long to get it up when it was wet when I tried the rolled down method.
I do usually zip it down on the run as I feel less constricted in the chest that way
I wear mine rolled down. It’s pretty easy to pull up even when wet, usually do that after leaving the change tent running to bike. I didn’t want to stretch it.
That said, I read (can’t remember which manufacturer but it was one of the designers) that the fabric on these suits is designed to be Ridden with the correct fit, not ‘the tighter the better’. Some cyclists were sizing down believing they were upping the aero when in fact they were doing the opposite. Being too tight stretches the fabric and changes the intended surface. How much that effects it I’m not sure. Obviously it doesn’t want to be baggy or wrinkled though.
I hate swimming with my LG Course M2 Tri Jersey on under my wetsuit. At a couple of races I just took the time penalty in T1 to put the top on while wet. I put Bodyglide on the inside of the arms of the tri top and it still took maybe 20-25 seconds to put on. Its takes twice as long without Bodyglide.
Eric or anybody else, I have a LG Course M2 Tri Jersey (top) in small that fits pretty darn tight. When I took it out of the package it was like “yeah right, I’m suppose to fit in that”. The bugger stretches a lot and is reasonably comfortable. I am wanting to purchase a LG Course M2 Tri Skin (one piece) and was wondering if they tend to fit the same, or bigger/smaller than the M2 Tri Jersey. If they run any smaller than the Tri Jersey I’m going to size up. Per the LG website, I am in the middle/upper of the small size range. Another question, is the mesh on the M2 Tri Skin very transparent?
Thanks for the replies everyone. I plan to roll it down for the swim and “wrestle” with it on my way to T1.