Who is missing?

As I was enjoying nature this morning, I realized that I haven’t seen posts from Moonrocket or RockyMtnChic recently. Have they posted?

Can anyone do a welfare check?

What about TimeIsUp and ThisisIt? WhereTheyAt?

ETA: this is the nature I was enjoying, okay? Jeez


Nice pics. But, damn, that looks dry dry dry!


Love your pooch :smile:

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I think I’ve only posted in the football pool thread the last few weeks. End of August we took off for almost 2 weeks and camped, turned off the phones and unplugged for the most part (had to use phones for photos but didn’t use internet). Got home and kids immediately started school with one missing 3 of 5 days the first week with strep and another being on antibiotics for a staph infection from an infected bug bite or scratch (no way to tell which). It was GROSS!! Seems to be all good now. Now my in-laws are here and I’m ready to crawl in a hole. Just a few more days and I’m free again. Thanks for checking in!! This new forum layout is insane and it’s taken me quite a while to jump back into something new. My brain did not want to adjust.

Here’s a picture of our new dog (it’s a terrible picture, but the best I could get). He’s huge and hungry…. We haven’t been able to pet him yet. Maybe when he’s sleeping over winter… (haha, this is who was on my back step the day after we got back from camping).


You have had a lot going on! I hope everyone gets back to full health quickly. Hugs

Your new dog looks very cuddly. I’ve heard puppies can really chew on things and people, but they outgrow it. Patience! Speaking of pets, I adopted a stray cat last weekend. The kids named him Bitey.


:rofl: :rofl:


:rofl: :rofl:

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Aww, it hit me right in the feels that I was mentioned. Hard to teach an old dog new tricks and the new website has thrown me for a loop. Upgrading from my iPhone 5 may help with that.

Spending as much time in the woods and away from this part of the world as I can. Recently got to spend a week out in Olympic NP/NF and put in around 120 miles in 8 days. Work until 5PM EST and go explore. First hike started off with a 9 mile 5k feet uphill followed by meandering through 4 mountain passes. Glorious. It reminded me of CO, but without the high elevation. Amazing place and can’t wait to get back when I have time to backpack through the interior of the park. Heading back out to WA/OR again in a couple of weeks. This is legit vacation so lots of stuff planned - 7 different areas in 9 days. Starting with the Loowit Trail around Mt St Helens, hitting the coast, Crater Lake, Bend and South/Middle Sister, Willamette wine country, Mt Hood, and the Columbia River Gorge. We try to stay on East coast time so I’m usually leaving to explore the wilderness around 2am and then go until 9pm with whatever Mrs timeisup has planned . Long weeks, but lots of memories and identifying areas we want to spend more time at.

Seeing a lot of black bears here this year. Five in the last couple of weeks. Spooked one yesterday while they were up in a tree and they fell while climbing down. Launched from about 30-40 feet up. Heard a thud and no scurrying away. First time I’ve ever put myself in any kind of danger by going to check if it was still alive. I couldn’t see where in the gulley it had landed. Fortunately it was not there when I got to where it would have been. Definitely made me think about the danger we present to animals simply by being in the same environment as them.

Hope everyone is supplementing their time wondering what the future holds with brainless activities too!


Wow! So awesome! Thank you for posting!

I tried posting a thread when the change first happened and it ended up in the tri forum by mistake. So I was wary of posting.

Been hiking and waiting for fall vest wearing weather. Thanks for thinking of me!


Those trees! :orange_heart::orange_heart::orange_heart:

We have to get @Khai and @last_tri_in_83 and @JenSw back here!!

Cool that you can tag ghosts!


But will they hear you? And - following that - will they respond?

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