Who here is Zwifting?

Curious who else here is beta testing Zwift. So far the software has inspired me to put a 32" LED TV in my paincave and have my friend build me a dedicated P.C. for my trainer. All of this for a beta program. So obviously I like it. I don’t want to turn this thread into a beta test bug report so please respect that. Who else here is Zwifting?

Still waiting for them to open it up to people with ‘dumb’ trainers via ANT+ speed/cadence sensors and their zPower.

Me! M. Shaffer, I generally ride evenings (Pacific Time).

They have! If you have a Kurt Kinetic or Cycle ops Fluid they have released some beta test licenses. I have used it both ways.

Unfortunately I don’t have either of those trainers. I just got a normal TravelTrac Comp fluid trainer.

Thing is, I bought the trainer not that long ago. If I had known that Zwift would be opening up their program to classic trainers, I would’ve spent the extra money right away for the Kurt Kinetic or Cycleops.

I have also dedicated a pc and 30" screen to it.

The game is absolutely phenomenal and all were doing is riding around a small 5k loop.

I can only imagine the feeling of lining up in a future “race” at a certain time with a countdown on the screen knowing the pain ahead - plus of course the potential of the training modes

I am literally excited to get on the trainer. I know what hard work is and I know the value of indoor training but I’ve never said it was “fun” until now.

I’ve broken all my personal power records for 5 sec, 10 sec, 1 min, 5 min and 10 min because of some in-game sprinting and kom stuff. It’s a game changer, pun intended

I’m on.

I have to restrict myself to using it for free/fun rides because I find it too difficult to stick to a workout.

I’m on.

I have to restrict myself to using it for free/fun rides because I find it too difficult to stick to a workout.

That’s a good point. I do my trainerroad workouts in zwift by having tr on my phone. But sometimes the temptation to sprint is there when I’m in the middle of a 2x20

I can only imagine the feeling of lining up in a future “race” at a certain time with a countdown on the screen knowing the pain ahead - plus of course the potential of the training modes

I’ve never used Zwift so am wondering how this might compare to Tour de Giro. TdG has a planned races and then it counts down and you go at it with everyone there + AIs. Is Zwift like that? Better?

I’m on.

I have to restrict myself to using it for free/fun rides because I find it too difficult to stick to a workout.

I have been using 2 ANT+ sticks in my laptop and run trainer road on the bottom of my screen. If I want to do a specific workout I just make sure to follow T.R.s target power. It’s a little tricky to get both ANT sticks synced up but once you do its a breeze. In find it easy to do both at once. I personally don’t feel like I have to sprint for the green jersey or climb like an animal most of the time. So for me it’s a great way to get a 40 mile ride in without going insane with boredom or replaying ISLAGIATT for the 20th time.

I can only imagine the feeling of lining up in a future “race” at a certain time with a countdown on the screen knowing the pain ahead - plus of course the potential of the training modes

I’ve never used Zwift so am wondering how this might compare to Tour de Giro. TdG has a planned races and then it counts down and you go at it with everyone there + AIs. Is Zwift like that? Better?

It’s a lot like tour de giro. right now its in beta so you only get a 5k course you can do laps on. But much, much more is coming for sure. The graphics just blow TdG away. Plus there’s a lot more going on with sprints, and KOMS. But yes, the “gameplay” is similar, you can draft etc…

By the way I am in no way affiliated with Zwift. Just a user who enjoys what they are doing.

I’m lucky to have been accepted into the beta program as well. I generally like Zwift for many of the reasons mentioned. My only caveat being that Zwift currently does not fully support my Cycleops Powerbeam Pro (smart) trainer. Zwift picks up my ANT+ power but it does not control the resistance based on course. So, I can tool around the island in my 53-11 but need insane cadence to really get into HR/watts training/real work range. That part is disheartening but I will remain patient hoping that Zwift adds the Powerbeam to its fully supported trainer lineup.

I do not have a Joule head unit so I have no way of controlling my resistance other than through the Virtual Training software specific to Cycleops and that requires being in either a structured workout or online course. (i.e. no SIM mode like Kickr)

applied and got my invite yesterday - recovering from food poisoning so expect to start tuesday!

cannot wait!!!

Still waiting for Mac OS development to finish being made…

I can only imagine the feeling of lining up in a future “race” at a certain time with a countdown on the screen knowing the pain ahead - plus of course the potential of the training modes

I’ve never used Zwift so am wondering how this might compare to Tour de Giro. TdG has a planned races and then it counts down and you go at it with everyone there + AIs. Is Zwift like that? Better?

Right now Zwift is significantly better than TDG in graphics and basic user interface. TDG is significantly better than Zwift in every other way right now (drafting, organizing and participating in races, racing against AI’s that where you choose their watts, downloading your own .gpx files and having a map automatically generated, having both handicapped and strict power based races, etc.)

For me if I just want to ride, and maybe sprint a few times, I would choose Zwift because those graphics are really nice and immersive (especially after I updated an old graphics card). If I want to train I run TrainerRoad and Zwift at the same time and watch the 3D guy do intervals while listening to Pandora. If I want to race, whether against real people or “bots,” Tour de Giro is definitely the way to go.

I’m on. I like it for what it is- which is turning indoor trainer workouts into something less than boring torture. Graphics are pretty awesome. Potential functionality and gamification can make this thing really take off. Could see how this really could be immersive if you could partner with oculus rift or other good vr headsets.

my friend build me a dedicated P.C. for my trainer.

In all seriousness right now not worth it for your needs

There are some killer deals on off lease PCs for 80-120 bucks, that is cheaper than the win7 license itself.

if you must have an hdmi out then for another 25-50 bucks you can add that.

I’m having issues with the onboard NIC on the machine I built from spare parts, all I need is a card and i’m still tempted to just pick up one of the off lease machines I keep seeing.

In regards to zwift, haven’t used it yet, went to a few times but just keep ending up doing a TR ride. I have no ride scheduled tomorrow so if I work from home due to the snow I’ll probably finally do one for fun.

How would you know what my needs are?

You’re right a $200 p.c. with a 1gb dedicated graphics card and 8 gigs of memory, and a quad core processor… I am an idiot.

Got any other pearls of wisdom?

How would you know what my needs are?

dedicated P.C. for my trainer

All of this for a beta program.

however would one figure that out

Right so by your arrogant presumption… the program will never leave beta (yeah ok…) …

Right now I am running the application on a 64mb video card (integrated) on my laptop and the frame rate sucks…

In the grand scheme of things 200 bucks in the sport we all enjoy is a drop in bucket.

This year, first child on the way next month, I plan on spending a lot of time on the trainer (opportunistic training will be my friend) … $200 well spent IMO.

So unless you have something more productive and less speculative to say, 0 fucks will be given by me about your assessment of my needs. :slight_smile: