Who has done Ironman Arizona (Tempe)?

I’ve decided to do a full Ironman next year. This is something I really didn’t believe I would ever be able to do once I got into triathlon. But now having completed my first 70.3 a couple weeks ago, I think I can finish a full IM with a little more training. I just need to work on a few elements to make sure I make the cut.

But I know my weaknesses. The biggest of which is the run. I’m not a particularly fast swimmer, but I am a strong swimmer (don’t panic in a crowd or rough water) and I think I can finish the swim in 1:30-1:40 minutes. I’m OK on the bike and generally can average between 16-17mph over distance, so long as it’s not excessively hilly. But the run gets me. I’m heavier than I want to admit, I’m older than I want to admit and it’s just hard on the old bones at this point.

So going in, I want to be into T2 by 4:00pm. If I can do that, I can pretty much walk the entire route and still finish with at least some time to spare. Of course, I want to actually run (so much as I can) most of the way. But for me, hills are really my Achilles heal.

That’s why I’m asking who has done this one before. After looking, it seems Sacramento and Tempe would probably be the two that would give me the greatest chance of success. I have a conflicting date for Sacramento so I’m looking at Tempe now. I reviewed the course and the ride looks very reasonable. Based on the route posted, I absolutely believe I could maintain a >16mph pace for the ride. The run, however, does concern me. Although it looks mostly flat, there appear to be several pretty significant inclines on the route. I’m not opposed to walking up the bigger ones, but at least for show, I really want to run most of the way.

Here in a couple months, I may just take a trip down there and actually do a lap of both the bike and run course just to get a taste. In the meantime, what is the opinion of those of you who have actually done Tempe?

The run is flat. I think you need to look at the units on the axis of the elevation chart you are looking at.

The bike can be windy. Some years the bike is really fast, other years it can be a grind.

Genuinely I’d suggest getting a coach and fit more training into your schedule so the cutoffs arent a worry. You’ll have more fun that way.

Our weather here isn’t that different from Phoenix/Tempe. I know that time of year can be quite windy here so it is definitely a concern there as well. It’s just going to come down to luck of the draw. I do feel comfortable that it won’t be particularly hot nor cold that time of year, so that’s good. As for getting a coach, I’ve kind of been looking for a running coach since that’s my weakness. Not so worried about the other two. I may not be competitively fast, but I’m confident that I can make both of my targets with those two.

But thank you for the report. I do appreciate it. As I often tell people, I’m a participant, not a competitor. Just so long as I’m under 16:59, that’s all I care about.

It certainly isn’t a slow run course, but I would personally call the run rolling, not flat. There is only one decent hill, but a lot of little rollers around bridges, walkways, etc. Probably helps the monotony if you are feeling good, but by the second half of that marathon it feels like your hitting a hill every mile if your fatigued. From personal experience, I found the run course mentally and physically, to be tougher than both Lake Placid and Wisconsin.

Agree on the bike course. I was disappointed in the road quality, but wind will decide if this course is fast or slow.

If you’re worried about cutoffs(ignoring the swim), the bike is the most important. Have a decent bike, and you can walk the marathon.

Good luck!

The run is flat. I think you need to look at the units on the axis of the elevation chart you are looking at.

The bike can be windy. Some years the bike is really fast, other years it can be a grind.

Genuinely I’d suggest getting a coach and fit more training into your schedule so the cutoffs arent a worry. You’ll have more fun that way.

Done it 4x. The advice here is concise and spot on. Good luck.

Four time IMAZ veteran here. The bike course has reverted back to when I did it. If you have a head wind out, you will have an amazing time flying back in. And if you have a head wind heading back in, it can make for a long last lap. The climb out to the turn around is manageable. Having been to Boulder, Texas, and Tulsa, I don’t think the road conditions are terrible. There were stretches of Tulsa that were worse. So I guess it is all in perspective.

The run course is relatively flat until you get to Curry road, you might end up walking that. And maybe walk it the first time to save a little in the tank. The irony of it is that they always put a photographer on the top, so you feel like hell when you get to the top only to have to smile for the camera, lol! Lots of spectators on the course, however, there are areas of the run course that almost feel desolate at times.

Good luck! I know you can do it!

Would bump getting a triathlon coach, even if you feel pretty good about the other two disciplines. A triathlon coach is going to think about all 3 disciplines. If you hire a running coach, it’s important that they prescribe sessions that align with your other training. Generally, you have to run more to get better. A coach can help design a plan for you.

As far as IM AZ goes, it’s a great course for all athletes. The water can be cold, which honestly I like, but is also a protected swim. The bike course is fairly flat. It’s 3 loops of an out & back. You’re riding slightly uphill on the way out & slightly downhill on the way back. The year I did it, the wind was in your face uphill/on the way out. You didn’t quite make up the time on the way back so it was an important day to be dialed into effort. I would call the run pancake flat. It’s a 2 loop course along the canal path where you swim. There are 2 real climbs I would say – 1 earlier in the loop & 1 later. Both are super manageable & the course is otherwise flat/fast.

You got this!
As other mentioned the bike can be super windy (15-25mph winds) and on the warmer side (mid/upper 70’s) and the legs feel it in the 2nd half of the run.

My bike times have ranged from 5:30-7:30 based on the day. I personally go into the race expecting lots of wind and a flat, the course has sections with goat head thorns. Plan on driving the course when you visit, there are sections of the bike course that have zero bike lanes in town out, the route on the 87 has a wide shoulder that is safe to ride.

6x IMAZ finisher here and I can say you can run as much as you want and walk up any rolling parts of the path and Curry hill as your run strategy. If you plan to walk pack a long sleeve shirt/windbreaker in your run needs bag, temps can drop after sunset and cold fronts make the late night finishes miserable.

Happy Training!

IMAZ is the only full IM I have done. Everything that can be said about the course has been said. It is a pretty straight forward course.

My two cents, do not worry so much about the course. Rather, make sure you dial in your nutrition plan.

I have done the race in 2019 and there was nothing which was bad about it, it is a good 1st time IM

I was surprised by the following and i wish i had know

It was cold and windy in the morning and the wait for the swim was freezing, i would have taken an old hoody to wear while i waited

The water was cold, just abit of a shock

Once the sunset it gets cold again and some long sleeves in the special needs on the run is a good idea

Sacramento is a much easier course imo. I’d say that in an average year I am about an hour faster in Sacramento, so if somehow you could re-arrange the schedule, I’d opt for Sac.
The run in Tempe has 2 inclines that can be considered hills, and you can safely walk them, they’re short. There is a minor incline towards Priest Dr towards the end of the loop, but it is pretty insignificant. You will have some rollers here and there but I’d not worry about them.

Thanks all. I will consider the coach thing. Once again, my main concern is just the run. I feel pretty confident that I can be in T2 by 4:00pm, which would give me eight whole ours to finish the run (walk). But even with some issues, I should be able to finish by 5:00pm. I would still be under the gun but should have plenty of time.

If I can rearrange the schedule, I may still shoot for Sacramento instead. That course does appear to give me the single biggest opportunity for completing an IM of all the courses I’ve checked out.You got this!
As other mentioned the bike can be super windy (15-25mph winds) and on the warmer side (mid/upper 70’s) and the legs feel it in the 2nd half of the run.

My bike times have ranged from 5:30-7:30 based on the day. I personally go into the race expecting lots of wind and a flat,** the course has sections with goat head thorns**. Plan on driving the course when you visit, there are sections of the bike course that have zero bike lanes in town out, the route on the 87 has a wide shoulder that is safe to ride.

6x IMAZ finisher here and I can say you can run as much as you want and walk up any rolling parts of the path and Curry hill as your run strategy. If you plan to walk pack a long sleeve shirt/windbreaker in your run needs bag, temps can drop after sunset and cold fronts make the late night finishes miserable.

Happy Training!Ugh! I think I’m like a goathead thorn magnet! I don’t think I finished a single training ride the entire month of October in which I didn’t pick up at least one thorn and have to fix a flat on the side of the road.

A lot of people don’t realize just how cold it can get in the desert, but I’ve lived in the desert for 25 years now. I know very well how fast temps drop when the sun goes down.

Fellow Las Vegan and last year (2022) was my first half (Oceanside) and full in Arizona. All that has been said is true so I won’t repeat it. The location makes the race easy for us compared to the others but Chattanooga and Sacramento will be faster because of the down river swim.

If you can do a training ride of three loops of 159 to 160 you’ll be fine on the beeline.

I haven’t done three loops before, that’s a target this coming spring though. I have ridden 159 from the 160 to Desert Foothills and back. The round trip is almost exactly 30 miles. Three loops would be close, but still shy of a full IM distance. Of course, that loop is hardly flat, with a difference of 800+ feet highest to lowest. So figure three loops would equal a cumulative 2400 feet of elevation gain. Not insignificant.

Honestly, my biggest concern with the ride would be making the entire 112 miles without a tire issue. I’m like a flat tire magnet.

The round trip is almost exactly 30 miles. Three loops would be close, but still shy of a full IM distance. Of course, that loop is hardly flat, with a difference of 800+ feet highest to lowest. So figure three loops would equal a cumulative 2400 feet of elevation gain. Not insignificant.

You hit the nail on the head. It’s a great long training ride route that will simulate the Arizona course and give you confidence on race day.

I think you need to jump on the tubeless bandwagon as an anti magnet remedy.

Well it’s not called Valley of the PR for no reason. It can be exceptionally fast on the bike. Water can also be cold. The run is 100% concrete with a little bit of pavement, so bring a shoe that is a marshmallow. I bought Asics Metaspeed sky’s thinking I’d have a fast run. But after the 112 mile bike I ended up only running half the marathon. So if you’re in the 15 hour bracket give yourself a lot of grace with the run, wish I’d done the Bondi Xs instead.

People over on BF have been telling me to go tubeless. I haven’t yet because I haven’t had any tubeless ready wheels. I may have just remedied that with a purchase of some Reynold wheels here last week. I’ll certainly have to give it a try. I am sick and tired of punctured tubes.

Well it’s not called Valley of the PR for no reason. It can be exceptionally fast on the bike. Water can also be cold. The run is 100% concrete with a little bit of pavement, so bring a shoe that is a marshmallow. I bought Asics Metaspeed sky’s thinking I’d have a fast run. But after the 112 mile bike I ended up only running half the marathon. So if you’re in the 15 hour bracket give yourself a lot of grace with the run, wish I’d done the Bondi Xs instead.Thanks to some arthritis in both my hips and knees, I wear squishy shoes any time I’m running. At this point in my life, all my PRs have been set. Now, it’s all about finishing.

When I did Indian Wells a couple weeks back the water was 58*. Did that in a shorty suit. I would have preferred a full length, but my only full length suit is a 5mm and a little too restrictive for the swim. Took a couple minutes to really get past the temp, but once I got comfortable, I was fine in the shorty suit. Hope to resolve the suit issue in the next month or two.

Sacramento is a much easier course imo. I’d say that in an average year I am about an hour faster in Sacramento, so if somehow you could re-arrange the schedule, I’d opt for Sac.

50% of all Ironman Sacramentos have been cancelled! That weather-related uncertainty is the biggest reason I wouldn’t book it as a first IM

Sacramento is a much easier course imo. I’d say that in an average year I am about an hour faster in Sacramento, so if somehow you could re-arrange the schedule, I’d opt for Sac.

50% of all Ironman Sacramentos have been cancelled! That weather-related uncertainty is the biggest reason I wouldn’t book it as a first IMThanks for the warning. Tempe and Las Vegas are pretty similar and often influenced by the same weather patterns, so I feel confident that in most instances the weather in Tempe would roughly mirror what I have here.

Sacramento, on the other hand, I have no experience with.