Who hacked tridorks account?

His Olympic thread seems out if character.

Must be drunk…and his math is shite…24+mph is not too shabby for a 26.6 mile course.

If he is stirring such shit, he must have a sanitation problem at home.

if you know him you’ll know he is just complaining about the race allowing drafting…heh

To be fair to my fellow sheep shagger - there were 12-14 girls in that group that did their best to make the race a foregone conclusion. I can see why he thinks it was boring, but I don’t think it was the format of drafting per se that caused it.

What…? He’s had the same speech since the 90’s. He’s been around for a LONG time…


Yeah but this rant reeks of cheap malt liquor.

Yeah but this rant reeks of cheap malt liquor.

That’s not really news either.