Who are we losing from ITU this Olympic cycle

Holland has said this is her last year not sure if she is moving up or retiring.
Coldwell can see her staying at T100 and 70.3 out of NGB control
Zaferes I think she said she will try a season of T100
Luis has said he will move up
GTB I can see her at T100/70.3 outside of Leeds with Luis
Le Corre is moving up
Blum is going
Spivey T100?
McElroy ?
Geens ?
Copeland ?
Klamer and Murray have said it is their last season
Derron is moving up
Jorgensen maybe 1 more season at most
Duffy is moving up
Rappaport ?

Going to be lots of space on GBs elite team, with the following all moving off:
Jonny Brownlee
Vicky Holland
Jess learmonth

Sophie Coldwell,pretty good bet she’s gone to long distance

GTB , probably to long distance with her boyfriend

Damual Dickenson, going long

That’s 5 from 8 of the highest level gone.
Good news for people like Max Stapley and Hamish Reilly, who will probably now get funding

Adding more conjecture to conjecture:

van Riel

i think maya kingma would be a gun at middle distance. maybe she’s had enough of the dutch federation and is ready for a new start.

Moving up, or moving down o the minors? At least blue and knibb can try moving up to big league in cycling…

Going to be lots of space on GBs elite team, with the following all moving off:
Jonny Brownlee
Vicky Holland
Jess learmonth

Sophie Coldwell,pretty good bet she’s gone to long distance

GTB , probably to long distance with her boyfriend

Damual Dickenson, going long

That’s 5 from 8 of the highest level gone.
Good news for people like Max Stapley and Hamish Reilly, who will probably now get funding

Max Stapley wasn’t eligible for funding as he wasn’t eligible for Olympic selection but I think when they make the announcements at the end of the year he is guaranteed funding.

Going to be lots of space on GBs elite team, with the following all moving off:
Jonny Brownlee
Vicky Holland
Jess learmonth

Sophie Coldwell,pretty good bet she’s gone to long distance

GTB , probably to long distance with her boyfriend

Damual Dickenson, going long

That’s 5 from 8 of the highest level gone.
Good news for people like Max Stapley and Hamish Reilly, who will probably now get funding

Max Stapley wasn’t eligible for funding as he wasn’t eligible for Olympic selection but I think when they make the announcements at the end of the year he is guaranteed funding.

Where are most of these people going? Retiring? Long course?

Holland is the only one retiring AFAIK. The rest are staying in the sport. Btw saying that GTB will go long course because she’s with Luis is very speculative even for the standards of this thread (and somewhat patriarchal).

Holland has said this is her last year not sure if she is moving up or retiring.
Coldwell can see her staying at T100 and 70.3 out of NGB control
Zaferes I think she said she will try a season of T100
Luis has said he will move up
GTB I can see her at T100/70.3 outside of Leeds with Luis
Le Corre is moving up
Blum is going
Spivey T100?
McElroy ?
Geens ?
Copeland ?
Klamer and Murray have said it is their last season
Derron is moving up
Jorgensen maybe 1 more season at most
Duffy is moving up
Rappaport ?

Copeland going up very unlikely
Birtwhistle for sure
Would think Mcshane might decide go back to her long course roots.
Mislawchuck made a post asking will i go around again?

Holland is the only one retiring AFAIK. The rest are staying in the sport. Btw saying that GTB will go long course because she’s with Luis is very speculative even for the standards of this thread (and somewhat patriarchal).

Which is why I asked the question. However, it is an informed question and I cannot see GTB training in Leeds next year.

The full Olympic cycle of 4 years gives athletes a lot more choice in the 1st of the 4 years. The last 2 are “Olympic window” and NGBs tend to be a lot more accommodating in that 1st year. The draw of big prize money in T100 will be a big factor for some.

Holland is the only one retiring AFAIK. The rest are staying in the sport. Btw saying that GTB will go long course because she’s with Luis is very speculative even for the standards of this thread (and somewhat patriarchal).I cannot see GTB training in Leeds next year.

The full Olympic cycle of 4 years gives athletes a lot more choice in the 1st of the 4 years. The last 2 are “Olympic window” and NGBs tend to be a lot more accommodating in that 1st year. The draw of big prize money in T100 will be a big factor for some.
Last things first: there are very few current SC athletes who will race T100 tour next year: the PTO would need to see proven draft-illegal capability: who will show this by December? Few have Taupo starts.
Van Riel,
maybe KB (but only if Kona goes OK, the cycling wheeze is an assured cul-de-sac if it’s even a ‘thing’),
not Iden,
Knibb (is already hybrid),
Spivey if transition to TT bike goes well and she gets results (I suspect she won’t),
Duffy (I really can’t see it, she managed to bounce back superbly for Paris but too many incipient injuries to sustain a middle distance year),
Derron (does she want to?),
Wilde (but he can’t do T100 and SC (can he?))

The ten best in T100 will get contracts for 2025. Another 6 will get them based on PTO rankings (and no SC athlete new to MD (ie who has not yet raced MD) will be in top 25 by December, other than ).
Taking a competitive professional career PoV, I expect GTB to go to MD. She can look ahead and think: ‘I could stay SC and might make LA but a less than evens chance.’ But really depends whether she wants to do the longer distances in training and racing.

Will Derron go long after her surprise silver medal (she’s 28)? I expect so but I could see her aiming to flick back for a bite at LA28. Of all the individual results, hers seems the aberration. She has a start at Taupo.
I wonder about Potter (aged 33) who will I assume stop short course before LA.

Um, wildcards, shortcourse athletes are likely to be given wildcard chances.

Duffy, Vanriel and Spivey already have contracts for the rest of the season, if they do ok, they could make the top 10 and get contracts again for 2025. This would then leave the door open for some others to possibly be given “hotshot” contracts as these were for 2024. Wild has mentioned t100 racing after Paris which makes me assume he has been told he will be given wildcard start. After seeing Blumm not perform as everyone predicted in his comeback to shortcourse Wild may decide to stick mainly to shortcourse if he wants to try for the medal set.

Just won Ironman Gdynia in a course record 3:38:36, looked a little bit wound up crossing the line!

Adding more conjecture to conjecture:

van Riel

Van Riel for sure. I think Knibb will race long but train short - I’m guessing she does LA.

Why would Potter stop SC , right now she has only just “hit her stride”
Come LA she will be the same age as Duffy.
Thinking she will continue SC and SuperTri , where she can make good money. At least for now, and see how it goes

Summer Rappaport just posted a picture of herself on a TT bike!

Women: Knibb will move into cycling. Zaferes, 1 year middle distance and retiring. Spivey, no idea.
GTB will stay, same as Potter. Derron will combine short course and 70.3. Duffy retiring in 2025 or 2026. The french womem will stay.
Men: Bergere mixing. Le Corre and Luis moving up. Yee and Hauser staying. Wilde mixing.
The future is for Lombardi, Mansson, Vilaca, Batista…

Spivey and Duffy are contracted to now race the rest of the T100 races. As is Vanriel and Knibb. I believe Spivey will be saying goodbye to short from here on in unless she sucks, Duffy also. Vanriel has already stated that Paris was his last, and Knibb is young enough to go another round if she chooses. Let’s not forget that there is super tri for extra $$ for those wanting to be around for LA.