Which (If any) Super Aerobar Systems are a Value Buy? What are the options?

Still tweaking my triathlon bike (and planning on doing more over the Winter). Have a control bike and on the newer one keep changing positions to compare… (a strange hobby indeed…)

Aside from the ‘generic’ Aerobars, I have invested in D2Z and plan on doing the same with the Profile 43 ASC…

I would like to also invest in some of these full arm rest type of aerobars… What are my options? They all seem to start at or close to ending with three zeros (,000)… Are there any out there that are more economical and yet also ‘versatile’ to be implemented into a ‘Profile Design’ type of setup???

If there is a previous thread on this, would love to look at that too.

Thanks for the help…

Try this thread https://forum.slowtwitch.com/forum/Slowtwitch_Forums_C1/Triathlon_Forum_F1/Concise_list_of_the_“super_extensions”_super_topic_P7636153/?search_string=extensions%20super#p7636153

I too wanted to invest in the latest craze of more mantis and full arm rest but didn’t want the exorbitant price tag so reached out to a guy I knew of in New Zealand who does some crazy stuff with bikes and carbon to see if he would be interested. I had already worked out the angle I wanted the extensions to come off the basebar, so sent him the extensions with a bridging plate they use if you raise the extensions on the Pro Missile bars so he could get the bolt mount spacing. He took some round tubes and bonded them with a plate in between for mounting bottle cages and extensions with full arm rests, all for about USD$650 (I’m assuming you’re in the US?) conversion from AUD. I have been running these for several years now and have everything dialled in so have no need to look for anything else.

Just throwing it out there to do some investigation and think outside the box…

I sent these extensions over to him.

A very bright Aussie Dimond - Slowtwitch.com

This is what he made and my current set up.





That’s very interesting.

Thank you.

They all seem to start at or close to ending with three zeros (,000)… Are there any out there that are more economical and yet also ‘versatile’ to be implemented into a ‘Profile Design’ type of setup???

Just wait a bit

Sit tight - next generation of super bikes will come with super aero bar