Which candidate do you think could win at a shooting contest?

With all of the rhetoric about guns- I feel like Harris could beat both Trump and Vance in a shooting contest. She seems steady, focused and cutthroat.

Who do you think would win in target shooting between the three?

What brand and model firearm would they be using?

Are the candidates aiming or shooting from the hip?

Are they reacting to moving targets?

Each candidate has their relative advantages depending on the rules.

With all of the rhetoric about guns- I feel like Harris could beat both Trump and Vance in a shooting contest. She seems steady, focused and cutthroat.

Who do you think would win in target shooting between the three?

All things being equal, I’m taking Vance and I’m giving good odds. Being a Marine should count for something I’d think.

Plus, being raised hillbilly this seems to be the obvious choice.

With all of the rhetoric about guns- I feel like Harris could beat both Trump and Vance in a shooting contest. She seems steady, focused and cutthroat.

Who do you think would win in target shooting between the three?

Jesus, you guys are really going all in for Harris. It’s almost manic… and cunninglistic, to be honest (okay… that was a JOKE, so lighten up, Francis).

You do know, right, that JD Vance is a former Marine?

Marine Corporal (means he was a Non-Commissioned Officer, or an NCO… with a “Blood Stripe” earned and not just given to him) Hamel (he didn’t adopt his grandparents’ surname until 2014) wasn’t an 03 Bang Bang (0311) Infantryman, but in the Marine Corps (which I was privileged to serve as an FMF (and Recon) qualified Hospital Corpsman during the enlisted portion of my Navy career), every Marine is a rifleman. Say what you want about the so-called “naval infantry” or Devil Dogs, but people that go into the Marine Corps are definitely capable of being natural born killers whenever the need arises.

(I was also Inspector-Instructor of the 4th Medical Battalion as an officer, and was a company commander and operations officer in another USMC medical battalion, and I’ve led plenty of Marines (and been well taught by them, too).

I say this with admiration: Most Marines are definitely HARD, even if they’re not 0311s or in the combat arms MOSs. I’d put up a collection of Marine diary clerks (they work in admin) against a straightleg Chinese or Russian infantry unit, in fact. Because Devil Dogs tend to believe in WAR, and they practice at getting good at it. One of my diary chiefs, in fact, had come to us from the “drill field” in San Diego (that means he was a Drill Instructor) and the guy was a PT MONSTER, could out outshoot and outfight all of us, and didn’t take an shee-ite as a Staff NCO (E6). He went on to become a warrant officer, and it was supremely well deserved.

Now, I concede that, as a younger person, Harris would likely beat Trump in a “shooting contest,” whatever the hell that is. Did you mean on the range and with a 9mm military service pistol at 25 meters, or with the issue carbine (the Corps is moving from the M4 to the new M27 infantry automatic rifle), starting at 100 meters and out to 250 or 300 meters (BZOd, of course)? Or even at some indoor 25-yard civilian gun range and with rental semiauto pistols? Heck, both of them might even manage not to flinch the first time the Boomstick goes POW!

Stipulation, though: I highly doubt either Trump or Harris – she being a liberal Californian – has ever spent much time training with either the pistol or the rifle, so maybe a half day could be carved out for a course of instruction in how to use the durn things?

Vance wouldn’t have that problem, though. He came out of Parris Island qualified on the rifle – as every Marine must – and under the tutelage of his Drill Instructors (“Hats”), and he no doubt spent plenty of time slinging the M9 service pistol and the M4 carbine when he was out in the field in Iraq working as a combat correspondent (he never saw any fighting, he said, but that doesn’t matter… because Marines, no matter their MOS, are expected, and receive training in how, to know how to fight).

With all of the rhetoric about guns- I feel like Harris could beat both Trump and Vance in a shooting contest. She seems steady, focused and cutthroat.

Who do you think would win in target shooting between the three?

All things being equal, I’m taking Vance and I’m giving good odds. Being a Marine should count for something I’d think.

Plus, being raised hillbilly this seems to be the obvious choice.

It’s got to be Vance.

We could go black powder pistols at 20 paces. No one would hit shit.

With all of the rhetoric about guns- I feel like Harris could beat both Trump and Vance in a shooting contest. She seems steady, focused and cutthroat.

Who do you think would win in target shooting between the three?

All things being equal, I’m taking Vance and I’m giving good odds. Being a Marine should count for something I’d think.

Plus, being raised hillbilly this seems to be the obvious choice.

It’s got to be Vance.

We could go black powder pistols at 20 paces. No one would hit shit.

Man, I hate admitting when you’re right, but… you’re right.

A brace of black powder shootin’ irons at 20 paces? That’d be a laugh riot watching all three. Shit, it’d be even funnier watching me try to manage it. I don’t know how you guys do it.

With all of the rhetoric about guns- I feel like Harris could beat both Trump and Vance in a shooting contest. She seems steady, focused and cutthroat.

Who do you think would win in target shooting between the three?

Jesus, you guys are really going on in for Harris. It’s almost manic.

You do know, right, that JD Vance is a former Marine? He wasn’t an 03 Bang Bang (0311) Infantryman, but in the Marine Corps (which I was privileged to serve as a Hospital Corpsman during the enlisted portion of my Navy career), every Marine is a rifleman (I was also Inspector-Instructor of the 4th Medical Battalion as an officer, and was a company commander in another USMC medical battalion. Most Marines are definitely HARD, even if they’re not 0311s or in the combat arms MOSs.

I concede that, as a younger person, Harris would likely beat Trump in a “shooting contest,” whatever the hell that is. Did you mean on the range and with a 9mm military service pistol at 25 meters, or with the issue carbine (the Corp is moving from the M4 to the new M27 infantry automatic rifle) at starting at 100 meters and out to 250 or 300 meters (BZOd, of course)? Or even at some civilian gun range and with rental semiauto pistols? Heck, both of them might even manage not to flinch the first time the Boomstick goes POW!

Stipulation, though: I highly doubt either Trump or Harris has ever spent much time training with either the pistol or the rifle, so maybe a half day could be carved out for a course of instruction in how to use the durn things?

Vance wouldn’t have that problem, though. He came out of Parris Island qualified on the rifle – as every Marine must – and under the tutelage of his Drill Instructors (“Hats”), and he no doubt spent plenty of time slinging the M9 service pistol and the M4 carbine when he was out in the field in Iraq working as a combat correspondent (he never saw any fighting, he said, but that doesn’t matter… because Marines, no matter their MOS, are expected, and receive training in how to do it, to know how to fight)

I thought you left???

I just think women are better at target shooting than men.


My brother went to Parris Island and I can beat him no problem with a pistol at the range or sporting clays.

But really it’s just supposed to be a fun convo.

I’ll give JD the win in a cage match contest. And Trump in anything you can throw money at to win.

Not sure who would win a hot dog eating contest.

I thought you left???

I just think women are better at target shooting than men.


My brother went to Parris Island and I can beat him no problem with a pistol at the range or sporting clays.

But really it’s just supposed to be a fun convo.

I’ll give JD the win in a cage match contest. And Trump in anything you can throw money at to win.

Not sure who would win a hot dog eating contest.

“So the answer seems to be that no, women aren’t naturally better shooters than men … we’re just better listeners”

Anecdotally, I’ve never gotten that impression from women. Who, perhaps unsurprisingly, have probably never gotten that impression from men either.

With all of the rhetoric about guns- I feel like Harris could beat both Trump and Vance in a shooting contest. She seems steady, focused and cutthroat.

Who do you think would win in target shooting between the three?

Neither Trump nor Harris would know how to load a weapon, or turn off safety . . . but given the right target I’d go Harris in a hatchet throwing contest. A woman pissed is hard to beat.

JD should still have some shooting skills he was a Marine, would Harris be wearing heals?

JD should still have some shooting skills he was a Marine, would Harris be wearing heals?

Would JD? The second shot could be tough if he got eyeliner all over the scope.

JD should still have some shooting skills he was a Marine, would Harris be wearing heals?

+1 point for the correct take on the first half, -2 points the needless comment on the second half.

I thought you left???

I just think women are better at target shooting than men.


My brother went to Parris Island and I can beat him no problem with a pistol at the range or sporting clays.

But really it’s just supposed to be a fun convo.

I’ll give JD the win in a cage match contest. And Trump in anything you can throw money at to win.

Not sure who would win a hot dog eating contest.

Oh no you didn’t! LMAO

JD should still have some shooting skills he was a Marine, would Harris be wearing heals?

Okay, my question has been answered! I was wondering if the Mean Girl clique here had run off everybody with at least an ounce of common sense. But here you are, sir!

JD should still have some shooting skills he was a Marine, would Harris be wearing heals?

Would JD? The second shot could be tough if he got eyeliner all over the scope.

This is the kind of give-and-take I appreciate and savor.

With all of the rhetoric about guns- I feel like Harris could beat both Trump and Vance in a shooting contest. She seems steady, focused and cutthroat.

Who do you think would win in target shooting between the three?

Jesus, you guys are really going on in for Harris. It’s almost manic.

You do know, right, that JD Vance is a former Marine? He wasn’t an 03 Bang Bang (0311) Infantryman, but in the Marine Corps (which I was privileged to serve as a Hospital Corpsman during the enlisted portion of my Navy career), every Marine is a rifleman (I was also Inspector-Instructor of the 4th Medical Battalion as an officer, and was a company commander in another USMC medical battalion. Most Marines are definitely HARD, even if they’re not 0311s or in the combat arms MOSs.

I concede that, as a younger person, Harris would likely beat Trump in a “shooting contest,” whatever the hell that is. Did you mean on the range and with a 9mm military service pistol at 25 meters, or with the issue carbine (the Corp is moving from the M4 to the new M27 infantry automatic rifle) at starting at 100 meters and out to 250 or 300 meters (BZOd, of course)? Or even at some civilian gun range and with rental semiauto pistols? Heck, both of them might even manage not to flinch the first time the Boomstick goes POW!

Stipulation, though: I highly doubt either Trump or Harris has ever spent much time training with either the pistol or the rifle, so maybe a half day could be carved out for a course of instruction in how to use the durn things?

Vance wouldn’t have that problem, though. He came out of Parris Island qualified on the rifle – as every Marine must – and under the tutelage of his Drill Instructors (“Hats”), and he no doubt spent plenty of time slinging the M9 service pistol and the M4 carbine when he was out in the field in Iraq working as a combat correspondent (he never saw any fighting, he said, but that doesn’t matter… because Marines, no matter their MOS, are expected, and receive training in how to do it, to know how to fight)

I thought you left???

I just think women are better at target shooting than men.


My brother went to Parris Island and I can beat him no problem with a pistol at the range or sporting clays.

But really it’s just supposed to be a fun convo.

I’ll give JD the win in a cage match contest. And Trump in anything you can throw money at to win.

Not sure who would win a hot dog eating contest.

Could you beat him when the lead starts flying and the people start dying? Because that’s where even former Marines excel. That means, they’d generally keep their cool and shoot, move and communicate. I don’t know a lot of civilians, at least at the level of experience of a Kamala Harris or a Donald Trump, who’d function quite as effectively. They’d “go black,” IOW (meaning, on Cooper’s spectrum from the color green – through yellow, orange, red and then black – they’d curl up and suck their thumbs and otherwise wait for the bad guys to just do their worst.

I’m with you on the hot dog thing, though. The Donald would definitely win that one, judging by the chunky monkey girth he slings. Though Kamala might actually possess heretofore unknown (by the general public, at least) Joey Chestnut-level talent when it comes to swallowing them down. Bada-bing. Rimshot!

Eh, I don’t know about the whole “women are better shooters than men” thing, though, because most of my experience with shooters has been of the “shoot, move, communicate” variety, and during my career we didn’t have women shooters out there doing that sort of stuff (and they don’t belong out there today, but that’s just me and my Neanderthal-type gray matter speaking).

Do you think they would be using forced reset triggers?

Do you think they would be using forced reset triggers?

You get disqualified from the hotdog contest when you puke.

Do you think they would be using forced reset triggers?

I honestly hadn’t heard of FRTs until recently, when Rare Breed tried to market them back in 2022, I think (though ATF moved in and slapped them down, IIRC).

Personally, I have no idea how it feels to use one, but I do know what a binary trigger is like because I’ve got one on my Century Arms AP5-P. And yes, it has a brace, and no… it’s not an SBR, because that firearm is a figment of ATF’s imagination. But…HK Slap, baby! It’s a real thing!

Eh, being serious, my guess is that if any of those three had to contest with firearms equipped with FRTs at least two of them would almost immediately flag each other, at minimum, and then drop their pieces like they were on fire while the third one would do the Marine Corps thing and start looking for the selective fire switch, drop his mag, try to clear his weapon, and then slap the butt down onto the bench lol!

Now; I know that the binary allows for a faster rate of fire (you have to manually select binary fire from single-shot semi-auto), but it’s nowhere close to what full auto – especially at the SMG and MG levels – gives you. Which is why binary triggers are legal.

Now, if the courts, or Congress, could get cracking and eliminate that stupid ATF rule on suppressors, that’d be cool. A $200 tax stamp and a waiting period on them is just dumb, and my local gun store will give me a $200 LEO/Military discount on one for my AP5-P. :wink: