Which bike computer to choose?

Hello everyone!
Can anyone recommend any particular cycling computer over others, and why?
I’m a newbie in triathlon and was surprised by how much these devices cost, so I need advice.
What pros and cons of models for newbie?

There are many brands to pick from and then with brands a few key differentiators. So, it all depends on your preferences:
Do you want a big or small computer? (Big may be easier to read, but small may fit better or look better in some uses.)Is touch screen important?Are you an an ecosystem already?How important is mapping and navigation capabilities?How important is doing workouts on the road?How important is running workouts on a trainer?Are there other specialty things you want it to connect and control, like radar, power meter, lights, core body temperature, etc.?How important are training and fitness analytics?Would you prioritize screen size & resolution over other technical features?

Honestly your best option is figure out your price point and then identify those from the major brands that fall within that range. Then just go to DC Rainmaker and read/watch the reviews. That will start to educate you on the differences and those things that matter the most to you (and the things that don’t matter).

I’ve been happy with my Garmin Edge 530 for several years and it’s still on the market. Small, light, battery lasts for ever. Fairly simple interface, but like most Garmin stuff it takes a little getting used to. Works with the radar unit, which is a must for me.

Don’t be suckered into thinking you need the latest version, high price, etc. If you’re looking for basic stuff like power, cadence, time, laps, distance, etc. it’s more than good enough.I also have my heart rate monitor on mine to keep an eye on during hot races. The 530 also has maps and turn by turn directions if you like that stuff, but you need to have the route created first in garmin then sync’d to the device. You can send premade workouts to it as well.

Sometimes I think the touch screen stuff would be nice, but it’s not necessary if you’re comfortable navigating with button clicks.

I had a Garmin 1000 when it was SOTA and cost +$500. Someone took it off my bike before a swim start, and I realized it was gone in T1. Ruined my day. Lesson: in races, your bike computer is vulnerable to theft.

I now have a 520, which cost me about $200. It does all I really need, and I don’t worry about it being ripped off.

I think the improvements in bike computers over the last five years is pretty marginal.

Look up garmin comparison tables to see what features are there or not. I think the recovery estimate is useless. Also, check dcrainmaker review videos on YouTube …pretty useful

The garmin explore is good value if you dont want power, can read at night, can have loads of fields, huge easy to read maps

I used the unit through the winter, rains, snow, for years and it keeps going and the screen works good when wet

Keep in mind cadence and speed sensors , heart rate straps are sold separately

Plus need a xl mount…i like the k- edige

As said in the first response, you need to figure out why you want one before you know which to buy. Choose not to have one until you know you need one.

I’m going to +1 with the Garmin 5x0 club. 510 for many many years then went 530 4 years ago and still using that with no intent to change in near future. Right balance between size and visibility.

Only peeve I have is to turn it off takes 4 button presses. Really, how did that get through the UX checks.

I went with the Bryton 420. I didn’t want to go for the price of the garmin. The 420 integrates with the garmin varia radar, which was a must have when I was looking for a unit. Has a bunch of screens and an endless number of data points to add. It’s not color and not touch screen, but those did not appeal to me. It’s 99$ on amazon now which is quite a steal for what’s included. Just my $0.02

Thank you for your replies!
However, it’s still hard to understand because you’re asking me questions to which I don’t know how to respond. It would be more helpful if you could tell me what you like/dislike in your units.
For example, Barry S. mentioned something about Bryton.
And looks like 5x series is something which i should reserach.

There’s such a wide range of models its hard to give you a recommendation without knowing why you want one and what features you want to use.

Do you want GPS capabilities?
Do you want to be able to upload your rides to a software platform to log your training (eg; garmin connect, training peaks, strava, etc)?
Do you have a power meter or have plans to purchase a power meter in the future?
Do you want to be able to receive text messages on your computer?
Do you want to be able to use navigation? (create a route at home and upload it on your bike computer so you can follow it)

Thank you for your replies!
However, it’s still hard to understand because you’re asking me questions to which I don’t know how to respond. It would be more helpful if you could tell me what you like/dislike in your units.
For example, Barry S. mentioned something about Bryton.
And looks like 5x series is something which i should reserach.

First of all, you need to identify what problem you are trying to solve. There’s no point spending possibly hundreds of dollars on a device where you will barely utilize the features it offers.

Is the main purpose here for training? If so, then what metrics are you wanting to see (speed, distance, time, etc)? Will you also be pairing it with external sensors (heart rate monitors, power meters, core temperature etc)?

Is the main purpose for routes and navigation? If so, what detail or maps do you want? Are you interested in climbing features?

Additionally, do you prefer touch screen over buttons? Big screen or little screen? Are you already in a specific ecosystem with other devices (ie Garmin/Wahoo watches & HR sensors etc) and want to keep it in the family?

You have a bunch of different brands (Garmin, Wahoo, Hammerhead, Bryton, Lezyne, and so on) that offer several different devices each. So really, you’re going to have to do some research to figure out what is best for you.

As someone already mentioned, go checkout DCRainmaker who reviews basically every sports tech device you can imagine. Start here (although this list is slightly outdated) https://www.dcrainmaker.com/2021/11/best-cycling-gps-computers-recommendations.html