Where's H2ofun been?

It’s been a while since Dave posted. Anyone know of his whereabouts and if he’s doing ok?


Why don’t you try tracking his GPS to find him.

I’m sure as we speak, he’s hammering that Yaqui up a hill with those 18inch long cranks, and has at least 3 GPS receivers hanging off of him :wink:

He’s been busy training harder than the rest of us to make up for our superior genetics.

Either his car sprung a leak or he’s worried about his 2008 USAT ranking as the fourth decimal point doesn’t match up with his own calculations.

He’s probably pleasuring himself WITH that myathlete P.O.S. while sitting in his aquacar. Meanwhile his wife is tracking him online wondering why his “dot” is in the same location, but moving back and forth slightly.

Man, you guys are ruthless… but I did get a laugh out of the comments.

He may have discovered the hypocrisy of stating what a great family man he is while spending endless hours here posting here about what a great family man he is.

“Man, you guys are ruthless… but I did get a laugh out of the comments”

That’s a good reason to never stop posting.

…acting as my spiritual and sometimes technical advisor.


Looks like Demagogue delivered the knockout blow on Dec 21.

Link?? I have been wondering the same thing but didn’t want to say anything. I figured it would be like Ghostbusters, where Ray thinks of the StayPuff Man and he shows up…

Traded PM’s with him about a month ago. He was ok, just not posting here now.

Maybe he’s shopping for a dog?

Maybe he’s at Worlds somewhere?

I was saying this to Dan about 3 weeks ago, where is Dave?? Seems he has’nt posted in quite awhile, but I think I just saw him in a post either yesterday or today, can’t remember which one…

Come on back Dave, us over 50 guys have to stick together. Can’t trust anyone under 50 anymore, as 50 is the new 30 you know…

Agreed, better to just keep posting. Tough crowd. Monty, will you let the 40 somethings party with you if we can remember what bike Mark Allen road in the 1990 Nice Triathlon…and for those wondering, every other carbon bike today descended from the one that started it all…the legendary Kestrel 4000 :slight_smile:

Come back Dave

Thom ( over 50 )


Traded PM’s with him about a month ago. He was ok, just not posting here now.

Thanks for that update. While we may not always agree, I’m glad he’s ok