Where do you buy your cycling clothing?

Where do you get your clothing online?

There is no one place that I use. I still get stuff piecemeal, because I’ve got two conflicting requirements. First, I’ve learned that only the top-quality stuff is worth getting. Second, I’m cheap and refuse to pay full retail. So, I go from place to place snapping up whatever deals I come across. I’ve got items here from DeSoto (bought during sales) Craft (a buddy gets it cheap through his work) and Sugoi (recent sale at my LBS.)

I’ve also had pretty good luck ordering clothing from Hammer Nutrition. While it’s not the very best, the prices are fairly reasonable, as long as you don’t mind their logo all over everything.

I bought a jersey from an ebay cycle jersey seller, world cycles I think. The quality was fair, but the price very reasonable ($35). Since then, I got a free jersey with my new bike purchase and although I’m unsure off the manufacturer, the quality is top notch. From here on, I’m abandoning the cheap stuff and will be on the look out for high-end biking apparel.

Wherever there’s a deal. PerformanceBike.com, TriSports.com, DeSotoSports.com to name three.

I have looked at www.performancebike.com but am finding it really hard to actual buy something from them.

Any other online shops that have a good selection and good prices?

check out probikekit.com - seems to always be free shipping to the states. I tend to buy outdated team stuff cheap.

If you like team kit then probikekit.com

You should realise that you are not allowed to wear unmatching kit (ie discovery shorts do NOT go with Saeco tops)

FOr nice stuff that doesnt make you look like a fashion victim (from the cycling perspective in which lycra is acceptable) go to bicyclinghub.com

For non-team stuff, I really like Exte-Ondo. It’s great quality. I get it from the UK from http://www.prendas.co.uk/list.asp?typ=mfc&ID=11


ST! I got two used team bibs (my first bibs!) for ten bucks each and a matching jersey for 15. Best 35 bucks I’ve ever spent on cycling. A true cycling pad and bib shorts are awesome!
