When will Trump drop out and who will replace him

With the MSM drumbeat for Biden, where are the calls for Trump to drop out. Trump is an adjudicated rapist, owes the state of New York over 450 million dollars for business fraud. Convicted of 34 felonies. Still has to stand trial for stealing classified documents. Not to mention trying to overthrow the government. Him or his family cannot run a charity in New York because they stole money from Veterans and children with cancer. Confuses Nicky Haley with Nancy Pelosi. Confuses Biden and Hillary with Obama. Worries about getting electrocuted or eaten by sharks. Praises Hannibal Lecter. Sides with Putin against NATO. The list goes on and on. Why are we allowing the Republicans to force this criminal on us? It’s time for Trump to drop out of the race for the good of the country.

With the MSM drumbeat for Biden, where are the calls for Trump to drop out. Trump is an adjudicated rapist, owes the state of New York over 450 million dollars for business fraud. Convicted of 34 felonies. Still has to stand trial for stealing classified documents. Not to mention trying to overthrow the government. Him or his family cannot run a charity in New York because they stole money from Veterans and children with cancer. Confuses Nicky Haley with Nancy Pelosi. Confuses Biden and Hillary with Obama. Worries about getting electrocuted or eaten by sharks. Praises Hannibal Lecter. Sides with Putin against NATO. The list goes on and on. Why are we allowing the Republicans to force this criminal on us? It’s time for Trump to drop out of the race for the good of the country.

Amen brother… or sister. Don’t want to offend anyone.

I just like his policies. He won’t tell me what they are, but I’m sure that I like them.

I and others have contrasted the difference between the Dems handling of Biden and Reps handling of trump and there is a huge difference.

As a lifelong Republican, it disgusts me that I ever supported the party of cowards and traitors.

The calls for the clearly incompetent Trump to exit the race are growing.

New York Times editorial board calls Donald Trump ‘unfit to lead’ (usatoday.com)

“Mr. Trump has shown a character unworthy of the responsibilities of the presidency. He has demonstrated an utter lack of respect for the Constitution, the rule of law and the American people,”

***“Instead of a cogent vision for the country’s future, Mr. Trump is animated by a thirst for political power: to use the levers of government to advance his interests, satisfy his impulses and exact retribution against those who he thinks have wronged him,” ***

His simple minded followers just love him more.

With the MSM drumbeat for Biden, where are the calls for Trump to drop out. Trump is an adjudicated rapist, owes the state of New York over 450 million dollars for business fraud. Convicted of 34 felonies. Still has to stand trial for stealing classified documents. Not to mention trying to overthrow the government. Him or his family cannot run a charity in New York because they stole money from Veterans and children with cancer. Confuses Nicky Haley with Nancy Pelosi. Confuses Biden and Hillary with Obama. Worries about getting electrocuted or eaten by sharks. Praises Hannibal Lecter. Sides with Putin against NATO. The list goes on and on. Why are we allowing the Republicans to force this criminal on us? It’s time for Trump to drop out of the race for the good of the country.

The republicans just dont care. The republicans paint the picture of “The dems are allowing trump to win because they are running biden, if trump wins again this is your fault.”

I also remember a pretty right wing poster here years ago saying something along the lines of “Republicans dont really care/vote about how well the economy is doing because it is always doing well when they elect their guy. So republicans are able to now vote based on their social positions. On the other had democrats are always inheriting a horrible economy.”

Right wingers like trump, knowing that social policies are a democrat president are going to be hampered because they have to fix the economy. They also know the economy is doing ok, so they know their social issues are going to be implemented.

If you are fiscally liberal and socially conservative all of this makes some sense. People are calling for biden to drop out because they dont care about biden, they care about beating trump. They should pull Biden and run a ticket of something like Warner, Duckworth.

With the MSM drumbeat for Biden, where are the calls for Trump to drop out. Trump is an adjudicated rapist, owes the state of New York over 450 million dollars for business fraud. Convicted of 34 felonies. Still has to stand trial for stealing classified documents. Not to mention trying to overthrow the government. Him or his family cannot run a charity in New York because they stole money from Veterans and children with cancer. Confuses Nicky Haley with Nancy Pelosi. Confuses Biden and Hillary with Obama. Worries about getting electrocuted or eaten by sharks. Praises Hannibal Lecter. Sides with Putin against NATO. The list goes on and on. Why are we allowing the Republicans to force this criminal on us? It’s time for Trump to drop out of the race for the good of the country.


I spoke with my MAGA neighbor at the pool two days ago. She’s battling breast cancer which has also moved to her liver. She told me about a breathing class she attended to learn how to breathe more fully. She’s not into evidence-based, big-pharma care. My neighbor told me the breathing class instructor cured her own cancer by breathing because oxygen cures cancer.

Trump should not be a candidate for president of the US. He has no honor. He has no character. He is a quack and grifter. He’s selling harmful “cures.”

Trump should not be a candidate for president of the US. He has no honor. He has no character. He is a quack and grifter. He’s selling harmful “cures.” //

And yet here he is on the precipice of winning a 2nd term if the Dems dont get their shit together…You mostly seem to be a person who looks at solutions to problems, what do you suggest knowing that the genie is out of the bottle with Biden and his issues, and it aint going back in???

Trump should not be a candidate for president of the US. He has no honor. He has no character. He is a quack and grifter. He’s selling harmful “cures.” //

And yet here he is on the precipice of winning a 2nd term if the Dems dont get their shit together…You mostly seem to be a person who looks at solutions to problems, what do you suggest knowing that the genie is out of the bottle with Biden and his issues, and it aint going back in???

Did you know there is an entire Biden-related parallel thread to this one?

Trump should not be a candidate for president of the US. He has no honor. He has no character. He is a quack and grifter. He’s selling harmful “cures.” //

And yet here he is on the precipice of winning a 2nd term if the Dems dont get their shit together…You mostly seem to be a person who looks at solutions to problems, what do you suggest knowing that the genie is out of the bottle with Biden and his issues, and it aint going back in???

The GOP needs to nominate a reasonable candidate so we aren’t forced to vote for Biden.

I for one am just sick of Tyler and Matt defending him by claiming J6 and his verbal gaffes are deep fakes.

Trump should not be a candidate for president of the US. He has no honor. He has no character. He is a quack and grifter. He’s selling harmful “cures.” //

And yet here he is on the precipice of winning a 2nd term if the Dems dont get their shit together…You mostly seem to be a person who looks at solutions to problems, what do you suggest knowing that the genie is out of the bottle with Biden and his issues, and it aint going back in???

this is a great question Monty.

Unfortunately your audience is jpo and captain so you will get no traction with such a practical and straight forward question about actually focusing on the solution to the problem.

you have to actually start by admitting you have a problem and why. Posters like this don’t have the fortitude to look themselves in the mirror and ask that question of themselves.

And more to your point, the longer your party fiddles while Rome burns the more permanent and down ticket damage is being done. Which I don’t wish on the party or the country.

but jpo wants the other party to solve his problem for him by putting up a candidate he can vote for. don’t hold your breath.

and of course captain just wants to gas bag without an actual dog in this (or any) fight.

Trump should not be a candidate for president of the US. He has no honor. He has no character. He is a quack and grifter. He’s selling harmful “cures.” //

And yet here he is on the precipice of winning a 2nd term if the Dems dont get their shit together…You mostly seem to be a person who looks at solutions to problems, what do you suggest knowing that the genie is out of the bottle with Biden and his issues, and it aint going back in???

Trump is here.

I can’t control other people; I can only control myself.

My solution is to remind everyone that they can take personal action to achieve their goals. Be smart and calculating about what action you take. Is a freak-out a good idea? Maybe once in a while, but it’s not a long-term strategy.

There is little I can say to my MAGA neighbor to change her mind on anything. She likes talking to me because I gave her useful information once which encouraged her in her fight against cancer. Remember that cancer survival rates are gathered from the weakest and the most robust cancer patients, alike. Within your 75% survival, there are people who were more frail than you prior to cancer. There are people who cannot access healthcare. The 75% general survival rate averages the weak person’s 50% survival with your 80%. Remember that simplified, general information is not perfectly predictive. So take comfort in your competitive advantages and natural blessings.

We simplify information into poll numbers and short lists of topics because a segment of the population has limited ability to evaluate information. Do not lose your sense of agency or motivation because of the numbers. Think about complex ideas and stay committed and motivated. Do not sink back into fear because poll numbers and predictions are not optimal. Particularly since Dems are more educated than MAGA, I think we have hidden, uncounted advantages.

Trump should not be a candidate for president of the US. He has no honor. He has no character. He is a quack and grifter. He’s selling harmful “cures.” //

And yet here he is on the precipice of winning a 2nd term if the Dems dont get their shit together…You mostly seem to be a person who looks at solutions to problems, what do you suggest knowing that the genie is out of the bottle with Biden and his issues, and it aint going back in???

this is a great question Monty.

Unfortunately your audience is jpo and captain so you will get no traction with such a practical and straight forward question about actually focusing on the solution to the problem.

you have to actually start by admitting you have a problem and why. Posters like this don’t have the fortitude to look themselves in the mirror and ask that question of themselves.

And more to your point, the longer your party fiddles while Rome burns the more permanent and down ticket damage is being done. Which I don’t wish on the party or the country.

but jpo wants the other party to solve his problem for him by putting up a candidate he can vote for. don’t hold your breath.

and of course captain just wants to gas bag without an actual dog in this (or any) fight.

Someone else is going to have to explain it to you. For now, I leave you with this.


I rest my case.

you can’t get people to stop focusing on Trump and start focusing on what they are going to do about their own side of the street.

This has been created on purpose over a number of years. You aren’t going to turn this ship on a dime. It’s appeals to ones human nature and comfort zone

The answer to “what’s the solution” is going to be “but but Trump”.

Some of us have been pointing out for this entire term that you’ve painted yourself into a corner. Those of us who have see and have experienced the problem you are starting to dig into.

Good luck, it’s going to be frustrating getting any of them to focus on solving the problem. All while being terrified that Democracy is going to “end”.

I’m off to lunch to focus on moving middle of roaders and indys permanently to the right

Motivation & action are exactly what I’m talking about.

Pro-democracy people have a crisis of confidence right now. Acknowledged. Given the anti-Trump movement ‘s (both Dems’ and RINOs’s ) ability & general interest to understand logic and science and evidence, I have confidence that they will see that Biden is the best hope for democracy. Obama ran on hope. Hope is motivation. Right now the hope of pro-democracy voters is under attack.

Pro-democracy people, fight like hell to win this election: Make a plan to vote. Work at a poll. Donate time or $5 to a good candidate. Hope is a currency you can pass around. Laugh and smile and have fun while you fight for democracy. We have the advantage of intelligence, numbers, history. We can win.

LA Times Editorial Board: “Trump is the only man in the presidential race manifestly unworthy of holding a position of power, and has no business ever returning to the White House. If the GOP had any decency left, its members would be discussing whether to dump Trump for a candidate who isn’t out to bulldoze democratic institutions in favor of autocracy.”

Editorial: One candidate is patently unfit for the White House: Trump - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)

LA Times Editorial Board: “Trump is the only man in the presidential race manifestly unworthy of holding a position of power, and has no business ever returning to the White House. If the GOP had any decency left, its members would be discussing whether to dump Trump for a candidate who isn’t out to bulldoze democratic institutions in favor of autocracy.”

Editorial: One candidate is patently unfit for the White House: Trump - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)

can they both drop out, I’d be 100% behind that

LA Times Editorial Board: “Trump is the only man in the presidential race manifestly unworthy of holding a position of power, and has no business ever returning to the White House. If the GOP had any decency left, its members would be discussing whether to dump Trump for a candidate who isn’t out to bulldoze democratic institutions in favor of autocracy.”

Editorial: One candidate is patently unfit for the White House: Trump - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)

can they both drop out, I’d be 100% behind that

I think that Biden’s prime motivation for entering the race in 2020 and staying in it now is to keep trump out of the White House. If trump weren’t the nominee, I think that Biden would be happy to retire and live the rest of his days at home. I have no facts to back that up, so I could be wrong.

LA Times Editorial Board: “Trump is the only man in the presidential race manifestly unworthy of holding a position of power, and has no business ever returning to the White House. If the GOP had any decency left, its members would be discussing whether to dump Trump for a candidate who isn’t out to bulldoze democratic institutions in favor of autocracy.”

Editorial: One candidate is patently unfit for the White House: Trump - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)

can they both drop out, I’d be 100% behind that

I think that Biden’s prime motivation for entering the race in 2020 and staying in it now is to keep trump out of the White House. If trump weren’t the nominee, I think that Biden would be happy to retire and live the rest of his days at home. I have no facts to back that up, so I could be wrong.

His 50 years in office

2 previous runs

And general narcissism says you’re wrong

But you’ve fallen for his and his parties bullshit on so many other things here this is one of the least harmful